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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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Cool thanks guys. I'll do a few games of AP and then start doing RD, SD, and AR. I hate feeling like the weak link so that's why I stuck with limited for awhile.

I didn't realize you could swap hero's with teammates.


I just got totally spanked in a game but didn't even care because I was laughing my ass off. We had a sniper on our team who was absolutely terrible, was 2-14 by the end of the game, but he was furiously and frantically yelling into the mic the whole time speaking spanish trying to tell us where to go. His melt down was legendary. Funniest part is he lost his mid lane against a melee hero

It kind of reminded me of "THATS A FUCKING 50 DKP MINUS!" in a way, only with a Spirit Breaker and a Phantom Assassin fucking us up and not the whelps on the left side.
I don't know what it is about Russians but everytime I see one, they are always terrible players. Without fail.

I don't know about that, but they're never not assholes, and I don't think they ever pick up a support item that helps anyone but themselves.

I'm becoming a racist because of this game.


Just had my first Centaur loss. Died two times early due to solo vs. trilane, and Huskar just roamed pretty much the entire laning phase and ate up my team. Alchemist was also there. RIP PERFECT RECORD.




I don't know about that, but they're never not assholes, and I don't think they ever pick up a support item that helps anyone but themselves.

I'm becoming a racist because of this game.

It's like every asshole from Russia all banded together and decided to play Dota 2. Whenever I see one in a match I can usual determine the winning team based on which one they aren't on. Sigh.

Lucky thing is, most of them are in LPQ. Problem is my buddy has dodgy internet and often makes us join that hellhole.


Jakiro steals last hits: Farm better pls Luna. No courier upgrade, nothing. What have I done to deserve this?

I was Meepo laning with an Omniknight, and a KotL was hiding in the trees blasting us. Omni's health is fine, I'm getting low, and stay back, but KotL is trying to blast me again. I ask for heal, he heals himself. I die, and he says "WHY U FEED?"


Artyk Bear and Troll base breaking at 12 minutes. OP OP
edit: gg

The worst teammate I've had has to have been a NP, who played that hero for the first time that game.
He never spawned his treelings for farming
Got killed by a neutral early on while farming
Gets angry at venomancer for not helping him farm in the laning phase (WHAT?)
Got a desolator before sb
Kept farming during all of the teamfights, only using his ult now and again
When I asked him why he didn't help out, he responded: ''I'm farming sb so I can push idiot''....
Meanwhile he keeps pinging the entire map like a crazy person, designating that we have to defend a tower or gank while he keeps farming. He was also berating Riki for feeding (which, to be fair, he was) and laughing when a teammate died.

Being bad is one thing, being an insufferable asshole while being bad is just....

no ags - I'll take him
The worst teammate I've had has to have been a NP, who played that hero for the first time that game.
He never spawned his treelings for farming
Got killed by a neutral early on while farming
Gets angry at venomancer for not helping him farm in the laning phase (WHAT?)
Got a desolator before sb
Kept farming during all of the teamfights, only using his ult now and again
When I asked him why he didn't help out, he responded: ''I'm farming sb so I can push idiot''....
Meanwhile he keeps pinging the entire map like a crazy person, designating that we have to defend a tower or gank while he keeps farming. He was also berating Riki for feeding (which, to be fair, he was) and laughing when a teammate died.

Being bad is one thing, being an insufferable asshole while being bad is just....


How do you guys build Timbersaw?

Just had a game where I thought our carry would do well but they didn't, I ended up 20-6 but we still lost.

Felt like my item comp wasn't the best and maybe if I had less utility items we would have done better.


What's up with all gyros buying scepter?

Global nuke killsteal. Farm from base.

How do you guys build Timbersaw?

Just had a game where I thought our carry would do well but they didn't, I ended up 20-6 but we still lost.

Felt like my item comp wasn't the best and maybe if I had less utility items we would have done better.

Depends, on the game, but my fave is euls and rod of atos

Dagon at least there is some killing going on. The rush ags first into midas is afk cliff jungling for 30 minutes


Been playing limited heros since I'm still new to the game/suck. Last game last night randomed Zeus, so asked to go mid, grabbed my bottle, and then had a sniper come mid telling me to scram. And the whole team backed him up.

So I'm still fairly new at this - is that expected behavior? Once I saw a sniper picked, should I have planned to lane and not grabbed bottle?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Been playing limited heros since I'm still new to the game/suck. Last game last night randomed Zeus, so asked to go mid, grabbed my bottle, and then had a sniper come mid telling me to scram. And the whole team backed him up.

So I'm still fairly new at this - is that expected behavior? Once I saw a sniper picked, should I have planned to lane and not grabbed bottle?

Eh...technically Zeus is more of a hard mid then Sniper. Your ult is more important to get fast, you're a better nuke ganker, and Sniper does better then you would in lane.

But as a new player, yeah, every Sniper is going to insist on mid :/


Been playing limited heros since I'm still new to the game/suck. Last game last night randomed Zeus, so asked to go mid, grabbed my bottle, and then had a sniper come mid telling me to scram. And the whole team backed him up.

So I'm still fairly new at this - is that expected behavior? Once I saw a sniper picked, should I have planned to lane and not grabbed bottle?

Zeus is typically the better mid. He benefits from the runes and early levels more than Sniper.

Also, it is usually better to get the bottle after you are in lane, provided you can farm one quickly.


Been playing limited heros since I'm still new to the game/suck. Last game last night randomed Zeus, so asked to go mid, grabbed my bottle, and then had a sniper come mid telling me to scram. And the whole team backed him up.

So I'm still fairly new at this - is that expected behavior? Once I saw a sniper picked, should I have planned to lane and not grabbed bottle?

Trench mid hierarchy



Zeus is typically the better mid. He benefits from the runes and early levels more than Sniper.

Also, it is usually better to get the bottle after you are in lane, provided you can farm one quickly.
Had random gold, so was able to afford it immediately. Figured I'd grab it off the bat to bottle first rune.

Interesting that even among experienced players there's some disagreement, with two here saying I should have mid and shira saying sniper should bases on the hierarchy provided.
viper is better than all those heroes mid, trench or not. only one that's debatable is huskar

he's really easy to play with too. if there is one hero you can pick and stomp mid it's viper

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Had random gold, so was able to afford it immediately. Figured I'd grab it off the bat to bottle first rune.

Interesting that even among experienced players there's some disagreement, with two here saying I should have mid and shira saying sniper should bases on the hierarchy provided.

shira is kind of joking. The "trench" is the name for the supposedly existent level of MatchMaking where everyone but you is terrible.


Been playing limited heros since I'm still new to the game/suck. Last game last night randomed Zeus, so asked to go mid, grabbed my bottle, and then had a sniper come mid telling me to scram. And the whole team backed him up.

So I'm still fairly new at this - is that expected behavior? Once I saw a sniper picked, should I have planned to lane and not grabbed bottle?

Well it depends a lot on the team. Sniper will most likely get free farm on mid, so he will be online as a carry earlier. If your team is not up for some early-mid ganks (most new players arent) then Zeus mid is not the best option. Sniper is not a good mid anyways but I can't think why he would have problems in a limited heroes match.

Edit: Also, people in the mm wont trust eachother so is likely they believed you wouldnt go around trying to gank with your early game advantage. So asuming you wouldnt, there is a spot open for a a hero that can get the most from mid, sniper with his high range can be safe most of the time on that lane and get farm for later in the game.

shira is kind of joking. The "trench" is the name for the supposedly existent level of MatchMaking where everyone but you is terrible.

I believe on the trench. Is that mm level where everyone is bad, but you only notice when you start getting okay at the game. The MM wont send you to better matches because your match history says you still belong there, so at that point you have to work a lot to get to play with people that have this new understanding of the game.

I still remember a point where I was called a noob for not running away after puck threw the ult. When it happened to a ally, he ran and died because of the chain plus nuke damage. When it happened to me, I was getting flamed on all chat "why arent you runing!". I survived by just waiting out the ult, moving around to dodge the orb and walking away.


Edit: Also, people in the mm wont trust eachother so is likely they believed you wouldnt go around trying to gank with your early game advantage.

Yeah, I'm bad at ganking. Walking away from lane is hard for me. I know it is wrong when playing some heros, but leaving waves unmanned and giving free farm just feels irresponsible when I'm not confident I'll come back with a kill.

That's something I need practice with. Need a new headset/mic since mine aren't working. Improved communications would probably make the ganking easier.


Corporate Apologist
Ok, Going to cast the Stay Free Vs Team Gilas MLG game. This one is a best of 3, though I may switch to a different set of teams after the match.


Edit: And the players DCed and are going to remake. Maybe I can find anther game.

Edit 2: Ok, going to do 4++ vs Pretty Boy Swag

Edit 3: That game is over and it is time to eat. Its set to dirrected for Lucid VS. Avanti's Angels if you want to watch.
I am at the point after 1400 games that I feel this game needs more transparent matchmaking practices. I see no reason at my level why I should solo que and end up with a dazzle that jungles in key team fights and someone who last drafts brood mother for all the wrong reasons then afk loses us the game. They are playing against any logic and that is well below the level of play I am at. So frustrating.
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