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Dota 2 |OT12| A Safe Place For Your Sociopathic Behaviors.


thats my favorite part

I'm sure the issue with reading higher level theory crafters up to the pro level is that it takes certain amount of skill/awareness/mechanics to pull off the farm or timings required to make a build work but low skill players take it as gospel and then fail at it. So they come up with their own terrible ideas, then circle-jerk them around a bit so the ideas all seem great to each other, then win 50% of their games doing it, if its an OP hero 55% just based on the heroes strengths, then consider their build a success and you end up with 300 hylian essay's on guardian greaves broodmothers.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
For what it's worth I would definitely read 5k wall o' texts if you tryhards would get off your ass and write something decent.


I'm sure the issue with reading higher level theory crafters up to the pro level is that it takes certain amount of skill/awareness/mechanics to pull off the farm or timings required to make a build work but low skill players take it as gospel and then fail at it. So they come up with their own terrible ideas, then circle-jerk them around a bit so the ideas all seem great to each other, then win 50% of their games doing it, if its an OP hero 55% just based on the heroes strengths, then consider their build a success and you end up with 300 hylian essay's on guardian greaves broodmothers.

It's not hard to imagine different item builds work better at diff skill levels. Ex: using SB on more heroes at lower skill brackets since people don't know how to properly ward and deal with it, whereas you'd buy blink at higher levels.
For what it's worth I would definitely read 5k wall o' texts if you tryhards would get off your ass and write something decent.



Doom instapick everygame , hero so fun ehehehehe

Also i'm not 5k anymore i random every other game BrokeBack

I must say that supporting 6k and 7k players was much more fun than playing with 4ks shitters which basically have 0 flow in their game and randomly do things for reason i can't fathom. 6-7k games were way harder from a mechanical standpoint but mentally they flowed so nicely. Hero tp out-> insta 5 man blink from your team on the other 4. Hero down-> objective. Push-> go back before their core respawn. No one on the map? -> go hide or regroup or bait if you feel confident in a fight etc... I didn't end those games with sheep blink refresher on WW but at least i won them instead of losing games with 30k hero damage on position 5 support because my cores farm black maps with no bb 50 minutes in BrokeBAck


Low Tier
When was the last time you learned something from a 3k player

i learned how to bloodrage the enemy gyrocopter

legitimately though i haven't played with 3ks in so long in matchmaking, and during inhouses for the most part i ignore whatever it is they're doing, so probably not in a long time


Doom instapick everygame , hero so fun ehehehehe

Also i'm not 5k anymore i random every other game BrokeBack

I must say that supporting 6k and 7k players was much more fun than playing with 4ks shitters which basically have 0 flow in their game and randomly do things for reason i can't fathom. 6-7k games were way harder from a mechanical standpoint but mentally they flowed so nicely. Hero tp out-> insta 5 man blink from your team on the other 4. Hero down-> objective. Push-> go back before their core respawn. No one on the map? -> go hide or regroup or bait if you feel confident in a fight etc... I didn't end those games with sheep blink refresher on WW but at least i won them instead of losing games with 30k hero damage on position 5 support because my cores farm black maps with no bb 50 minutes in BrokeBAck

this is the truth


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You see this problem in other games too where the pros just can't be arsed to write anything substantial about the game they're supposedly good at. MTG has multiple sites with regular columns by legit players every week; it's a business in and of itself. Dota? League? Nothing. So average players have no choice but to latch onto personalities like Purge and Slahser who can sound knowledgeable and make funny videos. 5ks will complain those guys are frauds but it's not like they're outputting anything themselves.


Since the last patch, has anyone been having issues with menus in Reborn locking up and taking 5-15 seconds to load?


Low Tier
how the fuck do I play shadowfiend

the first approach to playing sf is mindset honestly. Since the hero is very dependant on your mindset (as you have to be able to read your raze ranges at all times and your hero is very easily gankable and killable), the first step is to automatically assume you're better than everyone else.

Now in terms of actually playing the hero, the first step is making sure you get the bounty rune. SF thrives on levels during the early game, and getting level 3 asap is very important for stabilizing your lane, as before 3 you're very easily stompable. Some sf players decide to lvl raze at lvl 1, to ensure you win bounty exchanges, as well as letting you get easy cs mid so you get your bottle faster. I recommend this build when facing off against a hero that can easily bully you early levels and who you can't contest cs with early, such as qop or lina. However, if im against something like a TA, alchemist, or w/e it's better to skill necromastery so you can start building your lead asap. However, this is only advised if you can guarantee you'll get at least one last hit the first creep wave, because otherwise you'll hit 2 and there's really no point.

In your early game your priority is farming. SF is a very defensive laner in the current meta, as most other mids can slay the shit out of you, with the exception of alchemist. If its alchemist you press forward outside of acid cloud, but otherwise you exchange farm and try to get raze hits to edge out your opponent. (75 mana for a powerful aoe nuke that's spammable is kind of silly honestly)

Be sure to watch your jungle stacks if you have the opportunity. Radiant SF is much stronger in this regard as you can easily stack the medium (praying for satyrs or wolves) and easily farm them down. Don't be afraid to bottle crow either, anyone whos yelling at you for bottle crowing as the mid can get the mute tbqh.

In terms of how you approach the hero for builds, there's 2 current build that are very popular for pubbing. The first is your caster euls SF, where the build is euls->blink->bkb->refresher->shivas/octarine. Very fun to play, but only recommended vs certain lineups. Basically the build instagibs heros, and requiem does so much aoe dmg if you get 1/2 off in a teamfight you can pretty much win any engagement.

The 2nd build is the right clicker mode, where you go wand->aquila->treads->hotd->sny->skadi->whatever. Basically hotd and sny makes you a right click monster and at that point you can fight anyone 1v1. Solo rosh with smoke and creep once you got hotd and yasha. Much less explosive, but probably a safer build.

Of course item builds vary greatly, and different situations will require you to break out of these two builds, but that's up to player input and decision. But these 2 are very good and strong builds.

Late game your highest priority imo is your ultimate. A lot of people see requiem and see wow big dmg, but the equally important aspect of his ultimate imo is the dmg reduction and slow.

Always make sure you're farming, whether it be lanes or jungle, as SF needs to be ahead in networth.

Also press taunt everytime u get.

Ok my queue popped
You see this problem in other games too where the pros just can't be arsed to write anything substantial about the game they're good at. In MTG you have multiple sites with regular columns by legit players every week; it's a business in and of itself. Dota? League? Nothing. So newer players latch onto personalities like Purge and Slahser who can sound knowledgeable and make funny videos. 5ks will complain those guys are frauds but it's not like they're outputting anything themselves.
Fully agree, every pro stream becomes infinitely more interesting to me when they start theorycrafting or talk about hero builds, sadly most of them just like to fuck around(which is fine).

Apparently it's way more fun to just talk ship about ex teammates or other pros instead of actually talking/writing about a hero or an item or anything else in the game. I'm sure that most pros are busy with other shit but you can't tell me none of them ever have the time for this on top of none of them wanting to.

I think the most interesting video a pro made was Bulldog's video in which he analyzes TI3 grand finals. There was so much shit going on in that last game that I never knew about and never would have known if not for that video.


You see this problem in other games too where the pros just can't be arsed to write anything substantial about the game they're supposedly good at. MTG has multiple sites with regular columns by legit players every week; it's a business in and of itself. Dota? League? Nothing. So average players have no choice but to latch onto personalities like Purge and Slahser who can sound knowledgeable and make funny videos. 5ks will complain those guys are frauds but it's not like they're outputting anything themselves.
Yeah, it's a frustratingly common mentality you see in Dota.

However I think Purge and Slasher are great at teaching the game to people, whether you think they are good players or not. They certainly aren't bad players, and thinking that there is some "you must be this MNR to hold an opinion on the game" requirement is silly and elitist.

Of course the better players will have the better builds, game sense, etc. That doesn't make everything below that invalid. It goes back to the discussion that was being had here the other day how pro players are either really good or really bad to most people, with no in between at all.


You see this problem in other games too where the pros just can't be arsed to write anything substantial about the game they're supposedly good at. MTG has multiple sites with regular columns by legit players every week; it's a business in and of itself. Dota? League? Nothing. So average players have no choice but to latch onto personalities like Purge and Slahser who can sound knowledgeable and make funny videos. 5ks will complain those guys are frauds but it's not like they're outputting anything themselves.

the problem is 99.999% of dota is situational, whats good in one situation isn't good in another situation even with the same 10 heroes in play etc... Pros can write their thought processes and stuff but it barely even translates, and sometimes they are wrong and have to recognize it to not make a similar mistake in the future. I mean being a good mid isn't just about mechanics it's about playing a matchup of heroes so many times that nothing surprises you anymore. It's hard to write a column or something for dota that isn't based around cookie-cutter builds/circumstances because there are so many changing variables within and between games. They can say general pointers, don't farm the map when the otehr team is missing etc, but nuances are very hard to convey.

Plus people seem to take things coming from a pro as gospel even though they are wrong about builds/matchups plenty of times. Dota is about situational thinking and reacting which is really hard to put into words that others can follow. You can't really follow in dota you have to learn yourself through playing and innovating. When you look at pros who have been considered the best they all innovated the way the game was played. You can't really improve just from reading about dota without playing the game.


Being good at the game doesn't necessarily mean you're an effective communicator in transferring that knowledge to somebody else.

Someone like Purge isn't put on the pedestal because he's the be-all and end-all of Dota knowledge, but because he's good at communicating his level of play to the viewer/reader in the most accessible format possible.

The problem is the scene, community, whatever the hell you want to call it, sorely lacks people who can teach/communicate the game at its highest level to the players below.


Being good at the game doesn't necessarily mean you're an effective communicator in transferring that knowledge to somebody else.

Someone like Purge isn't put on the pedestal because he's the be-all and end-all of Dota knowledge, but because he's good at communicating his level of play to the viewer/reader in the most accessible format possible.

purges level of play is low but he explains himself well and gives insight into why he does something which is very relatable for the people his target audience, which is not the 5k/6k+ crowd. There's nothing wrong with lower level players trying to learn and improve from watching purge. The problem im getting at lies where players think pro builds, even if they were only seen situationally, are the be-all end-all and can never be questioned. Then they cicle-jerk them around in their 3k pubs. I mean shitty builds work in 5k and 6k average mmr games as well.


Being good at the game doesn't necessarily mean you're an effective communicator in transferring that knowledge to somebody else.

Someone like Purge isn't put on the pedestal because he's the be-all and end-all of Dota knowledge, but because he's good at communicating his level of play to the viewer/reader in the most accessible format possible.

The problem is the scene, community, whatever the hell you want to call it, sorely lacks people who can teach/communicate the game at its highest level to the players below.
Agree, you see this all the time in lower level, community sport coaches


3kmmr nerd question
When to see star wars
1. Opening night
2. Day after
3. Cheap Tuesday
4. Wait for full analysis of meta rating scores


But all those shitty cosplayer nerds just sleep outside the theatre till it reopens and it will smell like bantha doodoo and cheetos
I would expect that for the first week or so.

Perks of having allergies I suppose, when my sense of smell isn't great.
What do I do now that life is strange is over
3kmmr nerd question
When to see star wars
1. Opening night
2. Day after
3. Cheap Tuesday
4. Wait for full analysis of meta rating scores

Seeing a big release opening night is always the worst. Last time I did that someone smoked a big cigar right and front of me and took a flash picture during the climax of the film
Lol nobody on dotogaf am spoiler. We have fake news linkers but no spoilerino

Is this the only place you go to? Pretty much every place you go to or think about going to will be covered in spoilers. I think the best advice is going super early in the morning.
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