A bit late, but I hope you get better soon Drkirby
The benefits of being too bad to be drafted
WTF Toriel told me to wait in the first room. I waited for a fucking hour and nothing happened
When a game tells you to do something you don't want to do, you're supposed to disobey.
WTF Toriel told me to wait in the first room. I waited for a fucking hour and nothing happened
Though to be fair, it amazes me that there are players out there who didn't disobey midway through Portal, they just figured being immolated was a good ending for them. That kind of self-made ending is kind of amazing, if not at all intended.
Lmao. Bioshock was rightthat reminds me of some of the players who didn't like the stanley parable and just did exactly what the narrator told them.
Played 2 mins of Undertale
play more cause its great!
fuck those other gamesI keep forgetting and being distracted by other games.
3rd best game of the yearppl still shilling under
^thisStuff happens if you wait in the room.
What has happened to this thread
My friends are really bad at Dota and I'm finding it harder and harder to have fun whilst playing with them. Do I need to get over myself or should I just accept it's a lost cause?
just pick a fun hero like pudge and accept the losses
? Dota is only fun when you are winning, losing is cannot and will not ever be fun.
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but the process of losing is really not fun. It takes a while and is just kinda frustrating after investing a a good chunk of time.? Dota is only fun when you are winning, losing is cannot and will not ever be fun.
2nd best game of the year
pick a fun hero is the best adviceMy friends are really bad at Dota and I'm finding it harder and harder to have fun whilst playing with them. Do I need to get over myself or should I just accept it's a lost cause?
I keep forgetting and being distracted by other games.
i didn't know someone could be so utterly disappointing
yes kade i'm talking to you
you know what you have to do
Haikyuu is a poor man's Ping Pong.
"Y'all said Kohan Ahriman's Gift was good but it sucked."
Kohan is a better game than you will ever know how to appreciate, you low life pleb.
Y'all said Kohan Ahriman's Gift was good but it sucked.
Its not for everyoneThis Undertale is really underwhelming
Glad I only tried the demo![]()
1 hour till NYC
i will fite u u piceofshitHaikyuu is a poor man's Ping Pong.
This Undertale is really underwhelming
Glad I only tried the demo![]()
1 hour till NYC
KotLGuy said:Heads up. Strong chance we will not be starting on time. Furiously getting everything setup!
LD + Lumi
CDEC vs Mineski
OD + Merlini