whats a bleacher?
200k echo![]()
jokes on u m8
WTF? IHL3 playoffs
Both these games will be stomps....
mineski winning against cdec? what the fuck
My friends are really bad at Dota and I'm finding it harder and harder to have fun whilst playing with them. Do I need to get over myself or should I just accept it's a lost cause?
whats a bleacher?
No, just capitalizes on the fact people are badSo in 6.85 I have a 73% winrate with Spectre. Is she actually good?![]()
Y'all said Kohan Ahriman's Gift was good but it sucked.
So in 6.85 I have a 73% winrate with Spectre. Is she actually good?![]()
No, just capitalizes on the fact people are bad
Er... why?Yes, she actually is. She contributes more to fights than most people think even before Radiance/significant items. Every time I see a Spectre maxing Dagger or Desolate first I cry a little on the inside though.
Er... why?
Desolate is the only skill that makes sense to max first. Dispersion doesn't scale particularly well; a single point gives almost 50% of the value of the skill. Maxing dagger first is pointless because there's simply not enough mana to use it for anything other than daggering into trees to escape. Desolate makes those early clean-up kills easier to get, and speeds up farming.
The BVIP seats look like they are too close to the stage.
What does the B stand for? Best?
Late night deep thoughswtf am I reading.
god damn life is strange. hits me right deep in the feels.
it makes me want to be a better person and a better friend to my old mates I've known from way back.
god damn life is strange. hits me right deep in the feels.
it makes me want to be a better person and a better friend to my old mates I've known from way back.
Have you tried killing their entire team with your ultimate every time it is off cooldown pre-25 minutes??It is so hard to win with Earth Spirit in pubs. I am trainining with the hero in Ranked mode (so that I am in Normal Skill Bracket instead of Very High Skill Bracket), and there have been two big problems so far: 1) most of the time, people do not let me mid or solo offlane, and the hero falls off due to not reaching level 6 fast enough, and 2) fights are usually uncoordinated so someone gets picked off at the secret shop just before we are supposed to defend high-ground and everyone go there to die 1 by 1, so I cannot save anyone and the game ends with an unsatisfying throw.
Have you tried killing their entire team with your ultimate every time it is off cooldown pre-25 minutes??
Also you sit 1200 range behind the person going to secret shop so this doesn't happen
Don't place any stones except 1 - 2 extra in lane to recharge, get your levels, then gank with people using slow into disable. You usually only need +1. Also you basically get to control every rune spawn.
I'd buy Urn -> Mobility / Veil as well then into something like Shivas. When Veil and your ulti damage start falling off then Aghs becomes more useful, so I feel like you should exploit your power window more.
I've seen retarded shit like shadowblade into SnY work too on him since you can chase forever with boulderslow
When initiating for a major teamfight, it is best to use two Stone Remnants for the initial combo: place two Stone Remnants in your immediate vicinity, then cast Boulder Smash followed by Rolling Boulder. The knocked Stone Remnant will pass through and stun multiple enemies and come to a stop 2000 range away, while you quickly roll in and collide with the nearest enemy. Cast Magnetize at this point and then Geomagnetic Grip on the first Stone Remnant, bringing it close enough to spread the Magnetize debuff and silence all affected enemies. You then have up to 8 seconds to cast Rolling Boulder again using that Stone Remnant to apply a slow, and your remaining 4 Stone Remnants to refresh Magnetize's duration.
Maybe use alt+D to put the rock quicky?By utilizing the delay on Rolling Boulder, it is possible to decrease the delay in executing a Remnant-augmented roll. Casting Rolling Boulder in the desired direction and then placing the Stone Remnant in Earth Spirit's path during the delay (remember that you can double-tap Stone Remnant), rather than placing the Remnant and then casting Rolling Boulder, can shave off time in the roll and allow Earth Spirit to execute the spell more quickly.
Regarding the throw, I was sitting high-ground and pinged them a few times, but I was out of position to save them when they were out of position themselves.
Regarding ganks with +1, this is what I did when I was solo, and it worked really well. Left offlane to gank mid with an invisibility rune, or left mid to gank offlane. The hero is amazing for that.
Regarding the itemization, I have found Force Staff ultra-core to be able to save myself from a Riki or to save allies in teamfights.
I have tried blink but it did not work out, I feel like Blink is mostly good with aghs to pick one ennemy off and throw it around the map.
Urn and Veil are pretty good, yeah.
Thanks for the tips. I will try them!
Now that I think about it, I max Pull first, then Push and finally Roll. I have however noticed that the best ES max Push first. Any idea why? Maybe just the 6.84 changes?
Also, I have noticed the best ES use this change to instantly push rocks and stun, which I have not, because I don't know what to do since I am using quickcast:
Maybe use alt+D to put the rock quicky?
Another thing is that I target the ground when I Push, but it seems one can target units. Is it to push the unit (which I sometimes do), or does it also work to push a rock at the unit (to stun)?