Forever Platinum
lool swtor real men bout to play the goat mmo TREE OF SAVIOR LETS GO

lool swtor real men bout to play the goat mmo TREE OF SAVIOR LETS GO
tree of savior looks like ragnarok online
I still think lc aghs is good but you must have the right support, like io, kotl, chen, pitlord (lol?)
Blink in, ulti but time it so that you are immediately tele'd back to your base, basically the new fountain hook
I still think lc aghs is good but you must have the right support, like io, kotl, chen, pitlord (lol?)
Blink in, ulti but time it so that you are immediately tele'd back to your base, basically the new fountain hook
I still think lc aghs is good but you must have the right support, like io, kotl, chen, pitlord (lol?)
Blink in, ulti but time it so that you are immediately tele'd back to your base, basically the new fountain hook
liquidpedia says DC 2-0ed fnatic?...not sure if typo or what ...
Secret are so good at turning what seems to be shit situation into a victory.
Honestly, this is the worst iteration of the Malaysian super star team I've seen.
Load into an unranked game, theres a duo stack on my team with one guy who's solo mmr is 4.6k
What mmr was the other guy so that they'd get matched with us lol
To get matched with you?Load into an unranked game, theres a duo stack on my team with one guy who's solo mmr is 4.6k
What mmr was the other guy so that they'd get matched with us lol
Hate these games in Normal bracket. I go mid with ES versus a dual Tiny+Io, gank bottom, gank top once I reach level 6, and in the end...
In the end, there is this chance that the carry cannot find places to farm or get caught off just before we have to defend high-ground.
This is like the 5th game in a few days, in which some kind of throw happens somehow. Dota is such a waste of time when this ends the game. So salty.
I end up with a stupidly low winrate because I cannot be everywhere on the map to save everyone.
Ohai I'm fucking around With my SO. She wants to play carry wisp lol party mmr fuckyoujLoad into an unranked game, theres a duo stack on my team with one guy who's solo mmr is 4.6k
What mmr was the other guy so that they'd get matched with us lol
void is a pretty bad hero right now
Load into an unranked game, theres a duo stack on my team with one guy who's solo mmr is 4.6k
What mmr was the other guy so that they'd get matched with us lol
During that first game against LGD the Ember Spirit remnant was not inside the rosh pit, I was sat behind the guys watching them play. On the replay and from the casters POV it was inside the pit.
That's a game losing bug right there. Nice.
Checks email fuckyouj bizzardAnyone get into Overwatch beta?
Anyone get into Overwatch beta?
Anyone get into Overwatch beta?
Anyone get into Overwatch beta?
I've been getting a lot of 5k's and even 6k's from time to time. Luckily they are the ones playing cores and not their friends.
Butigivesthemsomuch$$$never got into a closed beta of blizzard without help of someone else. Not expecting it to happen this time lol.
Anyone get into Overwatch beta?
Why would I want to get into the beta of blizzard's latest piece of shit?
So I can fell the tf2 shaped hole in my heart