Lúcio has such an awesome concept
I hope we see a music based hero in Dota one day
pls i missed it
Oh I missed it.
how do you break flameguard
how does wr harass you with pms
how does ember not walk up and burn you down, if you windrun he just shackles
embers completely fine vs wr mid
theres kill potential at 6 with focus fire, but at that point the ember should be wary of such a thing and not be in a poor position where he can die to focus fire (running to contest a rune without remnant, etc.)
the fact of the matter is with bottle crowing and poormans, ember can outlane wr with flameguard and proper movement. If he can't kill her outright he keeps the lane in his presence.
yeah but WR is leggy
if only ember had magic damage...
I wrote about Dota again featuring quotes from Bounch!
Ultimate gank squad - Lifestealer eats KOTL, infests Wisp. Wisp relocates CK, Lifestealer bursts out of Wisp, KOTL bursts out of Lifestealer, KOTL recalls last hero.
TI6 winning strat here boys.
She out-trades you with her attacks, plus you have to walk around the creep wave to try to get a chain on her, and maybe you'll get it if you're lucky enough. It always feels like a very difficult matchup right out the gate. The only idea I can think of is to bring a PMS out the gate, but that will slow down your bottle.
Ultimate gank squad - Lifestealer eats KOTL, infests Wisp. Wisp relocates CK, Lifestealer bursts out of Wisp, KOTL bursts out of Lifestealer, KOTL recalls last hero.
TI6 winning strat here boys.
Good to know. I just always have trouble dealing with her level 1-2 generally and can't out CS her, I'm desperately trying to get CS, but I guess I just need to bring a full PMS at the start instead of a Stout Shield.She has low base damage that can be almost nullified by PMS
She attacks slow as hell
She has 1 nuke with a relatively long cd that won't kill your shield unless it is level 1
So just start with PMS and tangos and ferry a salve with the rune money. When you hit 3 or 4 pop shield and just go high ground and force her out. If she stays, which she shouldn't if she was smart, just bind her to the ranged creep. You've officially won your lane.
And the idea that you must win your lane by getting kills with ember is wrong, all you need to do is get 6 and bottle. After that is a matter of going between neutral camps to farm
Since i'm banned from posting to reddit and I need to cover my bases I have to say safe.
Beesa, playing the carry
banned from reddit
just make a new account![]()
most likely got ur ipwell im banned from /r/dota2, but i also got my first reddit account shadowbanned so because of that any new account I make my posts don't show up unless they are mod approved first as some sort of shadow ban evasion deterrent or something I'm not really sure how that stuff all works.
most likely got ur ip
well im banned from /r/dota2, but i also got my first reddit account shadowbanned so because of that any new account I make my posts don't show up unless they are mod approved first as some sort of shadow ban evasion deterrent or something I'm not really sure how that stuff all works.
What the fuck did you do. You don't "just" get shadow banned.well im banned from /r/dota2, but i also got my first reddit account shadowbanned so because of that any new account I make my posts don't show up unless they are mod approved first as some sort of shadow ban evasion deterrent or something I'm not really sure how that stuff all works.
What the fuck did you do. You don't "just" get shadow banned.
i accrued like negative 3000 karma on some thread in /r/funny
i also posted really sexist stuff on twox, relationships, and other female dominated subs
and my ban on /r/dota2 was for some "doxxing" incident only 7 months left though![]()
If it were any other website I'd be inclined to call you a shithead, but you keep up the good fight, brother.
Was playing a game and caught the shopkeepers are having a bargain on TP scrolls, when did they reduce the cost from 100 to 75, I noticed just now, was it from the update today?
6.85 buffsWas playing a game and caught the shopkeepers are having a bargain on TP scrolls, when did they reduce the cost from 100 to 75, I noticed just now, was it from the update today?
So I just started playing the mid position recently, Where exactly should I be putting my camera?
BTS #productionvalue
So I just started playing the mid position recently, Where exactly should I be putting my camera?
6.85 buffs