The dota2 sub is becoming super trashy. Nothing but bad memes and bitching.
Trashier. It's amount of bad memes and bitching is going up.Becoming?
Me_irlLocal man makes daily anti-Reddit post while continuing to regularly visit the website.
You should try not shitpostingsome of my posts are starting to get deleted on reddit
i think reddit is shit AND i don't use reddit
better than you :3
false, you watch anime, hue.
dota is the anime of video games, nyerherhreh
what hero is the anti-social teenager who's bland but somehow attractive to women?
Terrorblade has a hotbod tho.
what hero is the anti-social teenager who's bland but somehow attractive to women?
I'd go with Tide because of tentacles...
huh so there is porn on versuta's channel on twitch....
nah, thats creepy villain. He's not similar to an anti-social teen and tentacles makes tide attractive to women?
nah, thats creepy villain. He's not similar to an anti-social teen and tentacles makes tide attractive to women?
Does that mean his channel's gonna get banned?
9 more hero's left on my all challenge. I am at Wisp I already want to give up, any general tips?
I think it is the only hero where I have no idea what I should be doing most of the time.
9 more hero's left on my all challenge. I am at Wisp I already want to give up, any general tips?
I think it is the only hero where I have no idea what I should be doing most of the time.
9 more hero's left on my all challenge. I am at Wisp I already want to give up, any general tips?
I think it is the only hero where I have no idea what I should be doing most of the time.
Thanks for the tips! Next time I play I shall try to convince someone to play Tiny or CK. I found it very hard to come across gold so I guess in between healing/mana up the carry I should stack and pull camps.
I was sat there just passive mostly tethered was boring as all hell.
oh, i read the first line of that post and thought you meant that all the unreleased stuff is coming out this week >:[
The offlane problem occurs in 4k MMR too.If you're on radiant side try and convince your team to let you and your carry go mid. You will dominate any 2v1 matchup and you can stack the two camps just below the mid-lane for crazy farm.
Make sure you have a player capable of offlaning solo tho. It blows my mind how often I get people that go offlane by themselves and say things like "I was in a 1v2 lane, how am I feeding, I'm ONLY 0-5. It should have been worse" 2k players just have no clue what's expected of an offlane hero. They go there and try to lane on the opponent's side of the river like they're in an aggressive tri.
Ugh. Rant. Wisp is fun. I should play him more often.
I think we should see some of it this week. If Valve wasn't going to deliver something for Diretide, they would have announced it already.
I bet people will bitch that it has minimal amounts of free hats.
Also, I'm out of the Hospital, yay. They took my big Kidney Stone that I couldn't pass, and turned it into hundreds of tiny ones.
The offlane problem occurs in 4k MMR too.
I think we should see some of it this week. If Valve wasn't going to deliver something for Diretide, they would have announced it already.
I bet people will bitch that it has minimal amounts of free hats.
Also, I'm out of the Hospital, yay. They took my big Kidney Stone that I couldn't pass, and turned it into hundreds of tiny ones.
I think we should see some of it this week. If Valve wasn't going to deliver something for Diretide, they would have announced it already.
I bet people will bitch that it has minimal amounts of free hats.
Also, I'm out of the Hospital, yay. They took my big Kidney Stone that I couldn't pass, and turned it into hundreds of tiny ones.
Matt recommend r/truedota2 and I also read r/learndota2
Also Production issues aside, this lan is fucken sweet. I hope with the free tickets going out later and the weekend, the place fills up.
I think we should see some of it this week. If Valve wasn't going to deliver something for Diretide, they would have announced it already.
I bet people will bitch that it has minimal amounts of free hats.
Also, I'm out of the Hospital, yay. They took my big Kidney Stone that I couldn't pass, and turned it into hundreds of tiny ones.