We're not doing this
Diretide isn't worth giving a crap about, I'd be thoroughly disappointed if Valve spent any time on it.
I liked Diretide the one year I got to play it, and think that these events are generally a good thing for the game.
We're not doing this
Diretide isn't worth giving a crap about, I'd be thoroughly disappointed if Valve spent any time on it.
I liked Diretide the one year I got to play it, and think that these events are generally a good thing for the game.
We're not doing this
Diretide isn't worth giving a crap about, I'd be thoroughly disappointed if Valve spent any time on it.
If your Silencer is aggroing with Glaives (probably has it on auto cast) that's a very basic problem.
Orb Walking is a little more than that however. It implies the cancelling of backswings to shorten times between attacks while using the extra time to move. You don't need an Orb ability to Orb Walk although it's the case where technique first popped up. This is more of a medium level skill.
If your Silencer is aggroing with Glaives (probably has it on auto cast) that's a very basic problem.
Orb Walking is a little more than that however. It implies the cancelling of backswings to shorten times between attacks while using the extra time to move. You don't need an Orb ability to Orb Walk although it's the case where technique first popped up. This is more of a medium level skill.
It technically is the same thing, just easier to do because you don't aggro the creep wave. You still do the same attack animation, and still cancel the back swing.Thats animation canceling though. Even though its often used alongside orbwalking its not orbwalking
It technically is the same thing, just easier to do because you don't aggro the creep wave. You still do the same attack animation, and still cancel the back swing..
orb walking is a term that hasnt been exclusive to orb/uam usage for at least 10 years...
Yes, but some people use it to mean either:
1) EXCLUSIVELY using orbs to avoid aggroing creeps/towers
2) EXCLUSIVELY animation canceling
3) BOTH using orbs to avoid aggro AND animation canceling (although not necessarily at the same time)
So it's a dumb shit term that needs to be set in stone once and for all. Or else! Ideally it should only be option 1, since that's what the actual name implies it means, and we already have animation canceling.
You have your own specific way to use the term, other people have their own specific ways to use the term.
I think it's a valuable phrase if we can all decide what it's actually supposed to mean. But as you can see from this thread, that's already not the case. So it just ends up confusing people!
I don't know what to tell you other than 1) is literally what was taught to me when I first was learning the game (which I guess was a few years ago at this point!).
Other people who aren't me have also believed this at one point or another, or else it would not have been taught to me as such.
I have, of course, since heard it used in multiple different ways, most notably in the one you just described.
why would it be called 'orb walking' if it was referring to avoiding aggro?
Somehow I got placed into a very high skill game and played a hero that I never played before
it went as well as expected
Not bad, you got a kill! Plus you actually won!
I'm so tired of windranger
I'm so tired of windranger
Shut up
That's how I learned it, whether it's "correct" or not.orb walking is using an attack modifier skill like Ice arrow, searing arrow not to draw creep aggro when you harass
Is diretide out yet?
Are people seriously expecting Diretide this year? They should know from years past not to expect that and are delusional if they do.
Based on what exactly? The thing in the past was that they didn't have efficient custom game tools. That's no longer an excuse. Unless of course you just mean "don't expect any content from the Dota 2 team" in which case I fully agree.
What does having custom game tools have to do with Valve creating a gamemode with their internal tools? After "Give DireTide" we learned not to expect that to be a yearly thing.
Are people seriously expecting Diretide this year? They should know from years past not to expect that and are delusional if they do.
I've never heard of orb walking as anything other than using attack modifiers to avoid creep aggro, but I guess it's possible people were referring to animation canceling and I simply misinterpreted
Anyone that refers it to anything other than using attack modifiers to avoid creep aggro is using the wrong term. Referring to animation cancelling as "orb walking" is incorrect. Plain and simple.