diretide and pit lord tomorrow
you heard it here first
I actually think its more likely we get Zet before Pitlord.
diretide and pit lord tomorrow
you heard it here first
I actually think its more likely we get Zet before Pitlord.
Orb walking is animation canceling with a side effect of orb effects do not pull agro. You orb walk so you can attack and move which cancels out the backswing animation and get closer to your moving target.
Did you turn vsync off? I know that causes problems for some people.So I've been wanting to get back into Dota 2 again but I'm getting a really shity framerate. I have Titan X SLI and 5820k @4.4ghz. What could possible be the issue here?
You can also do that without casting any orbs though.
So I dont agree that animation canceling is the primary effect that should be talked about when talking about orb walking.
You can also do that without casting any orbs though.
So I dont agree that animation canceling is the primary effect that should be talked about when talking about orb walking.
So I've been wanting to get back into Dota 2 again but I'm getting a really shity framerate. I have Titan X SLI and 5820k @4.4ghz. What could possible be the issue here?
i do it all the time in league
i do it all the time in league
stahpI want a hot ryu set on one of the heroes
Like enchantress
diretide and pit lord tomorrow
you heard it here first
When was the last time we even got a fucking hero?? Wyvern? That shit was almost a year ago wtf. Where's the outrage?
When was the last time we even got a fucking hero?? Wyvern? That shit was almost a year ago wtf. Where's the outrage?
I keep getting placed in very high skill games now
does this mean im good at dota?
I keep getting placed in very high skill games now
does this mean im good at dota?
Did you turn vsync off? I know that causes problems for some people.
Do you have V-Sync disabled? If so, enable the frame counter. If it says you're getting more than 60 FPS but looks like it's running at way less than that, enable V-Sync. I had an issue with my GTX 970 where it said I was getting 100+ FPS but it looked like 20-30. Enabling V-Sync fixed that.
How reliable is the skill bracket thing in dotabuff anyways? I had a bunch of games jumping between normal/high/very high for a while and it didn't really feel connected to how good the players in the game were. Is it something derived by an outside formula or is it an inherent part of valve's matchmaking algorithm?
Yeah, it's off. I have a XB270HU so it's never on in games but I tried it. Nothing. Feels terrible to play.
Anyone want to play overwatch with me
am i the only person on gaf in the beta
It's balanced but not actually very funnew client is quite nice.
talking over 6.85 with a friend since it's new to me and he thinks this is the most balanced patch of dota yet. thoughts?
It's balanced but not actually very fun
Bring back troll/sniper. At least everyone could play those heroes.
6.83 was trash, just roll back to 6.84
How's ass did you have to finger to get in?
How reliable is the skill bracket thing in dotabuff anyways? I had a bunch of games jumping between normal/high/very high for a while and it didn't really feel connected to how good the players in the game were. Is it something derived by an outside formula or is it an inherent part of valve's matchmaking algorithm?
has to do with mmr. I think normal is up to 3.3k, then 3.3k-3.7k is high and 3.7k+ is very high, keep in mind this is the average mmr of the game so you can be 3.8k in a high skill because the average is 3.6k
you can also be 2k rmm mmr but your hidden unranked mmr may be up to 3.5k and you are in high skill games in unranked
Pit Lord?diretide and pit lord tomorrow
you heard it here first