WR is fine, you all suck
She needs so much farm to become scary
I agree that Shackle needs tweaking. Ive seen some seriously BS shackles in my time.
WR is fine, you all suck
This. There have been plenty of times where I've seen shackles where the only reasonable response is "WTF" but apart from that...This
She needs so much farm to become scary
I agree that Shackle needs tweaking. Ive seen some seriously BS shackles in my time.
WR is fine, you all suck
WR is too much personally. farming aghs aint hard.
everyone has become lightofheaven here.
As some of you know already, I've had a painful end to a 9 year long relationship recently and it has been slowly taking its toll on me. I am feeling more and more depressed. As such, I've decided to go back to Morocco to spend some time with family & friends over there. I also landed a job over there so I'm staying there for a while, as long as necessary for my wounds to heal.
I love Canada, I graduated here and I'm proud of my time here. I'm going to come back soon I hope, but it's time for a change of pace. 26 year old and back to live with my parents for a while after leaving at 16, it's going to feel weird!
This means I will probably not be able to play with you guys for a while (until I get internet set up) and I doubt I will be able to play on us east/west so I wanted to thank everyone for the time spent playing this game on those servers with me, it was truly great!
I've met a lot of cool peeps here, a lot I would definitely call friends. I hope to meet some of you at some majors, or ti one day. My focus right now will be on trying to get better, I've had this huge emptiness in me since my break up and it just keeps on growing.
I leave on the 18th. I will obviously keep following dota and the community here and maybe, just maybe, you'll see me soon on eu servers. Inflated MMR here I come!
there has to be some reward for the clear fail potential shackle has. compare with most guaranteed damage target stuns.
Dreams RIPthere has to be some reward for the clear fail potential shackle has. compare with most guaranteed damage target stuns.
word. I've seen enough failshackles in my day to say she's just fine. well...maybe with a small nerf to the range of the shackle latch. I think I've seen some 600-700 range latches lately. Or maybe keep the range but narrow the cone a little. Otherwise, WR is love.
What did he do?Dreams RIP
Dis thread am graveyard
What did he do?
As some of you know already, I've had a painful end to a 9 year long relationship recently and it has been slowly taking its toll on me. I am feeling more and more depressed. As such, I've decided to go back to Morocco to spend some time with family & friends over there. I also landed a job over there so I'm staying there for a while, as long as necessary for my wounds to heal.
I love Canada, I graduated here and I'm proud of my time here. I'm going to come back soon I hope, but it's time for a change of pace. 26 year old and back to live with my parents for a while after leaving at 16, it's going to feel weird!
This means I will probably not be able to play with you guys for a while (until I get internet set up) and I doubt I will be able to play on us east/west so I wanted to thank everyone for the time spent playing this game on those servers with me, it was truly great!
I've met a lot of cool peeps here, a lot I would definitely call friends. I hope to meet some of you at some majors, or ti one day. My focus right now will be on trying to get better, I've had this huge emptiness in me since my break up and it just keeps on growing.
I leave on the 18th. I will obviously keep following dota and the community here and maybe, just maybe, you'll see me soon on eu servers. Inflated MMR here I come!
LOL finals looks like a joke.
[IM G]http://i.imgur.com/N9ktQGq.jpg?1[/IMG]
dat roll lolLOL finals looks like a joke.
I think the reason given was that it lessens the viewers immersion. They're likely using the usual headphones over earphones or something.Are there no booths? Or are those noise cancelling forcefield headlights?
She needs so much farm to become scary
I agree that Shackle needs tweaking. Ive seen some seriously BS shackles in my time.
The Storm comparison just makes no sense, the heroes do wildly different things. In what world is it not okay to do big damage after farming 6.4k gold? Even after that she's still extremely weak to magic burst, has no mobility options unless she uses her Windrun offensively which leaves her wide open to get destroyed AND her damage is all single target that she can only focus on one hero every 15 seconds.All she needs to do major damage is aghs + crystalys (6320 gold).
Remember last patch when storm needed to build a 4.9k gold item to go online which gave no damage?
Aghs has a super easy buildup and only needing aghs and one damage item to start destroying people is not what I'd call needing alot of farm.
Its not like she's powerless before she gets those. Powershot is a good farming tool and good damage. Windrun makes it so easy to escape or manfight.
Even if she has a 49% overall according to dotabuff. They also say she has a 57% wr when she has aghs, her first major item. Thats alot of farm.
Then you consider stuff for her winrate like support wr who go force staff/mek.
then you look at her stats gain, 2.5 str, 2.6 int. But wait she only has a 1.4 agi gain so her attack speed sucks, oh wait...
Why did he get banned?
Speaking reason without tact in off-topic.What did he do?
The Storm comparison just makes no sense, the heroes do wildly different things. In what world is it not okay to do big damage after farming 6.4k gold? Even after that she's still extremely weak to magic burst, has no mobility options unless she uses her Windrun offensively which leaves her wide open to get destroyed AND her damage is all single target that she can only focus on one hero every 15 seconds.
Yeah she has a higher winrate when she gets her first big item but no shit, you could say that about every hero. Also her mid winrate is still sub 50% so that support argument is a no-go.
Stadium is full, doesn't look like a joke to me.
Dam sonSpeaking reason without tact in off-topic.
Bowl 100% full, that's what matters. Ti stage was cool to see in person just sucked that the stadium wasn't even 90% as full as it was for the finals at all times![]()
Lotta empty seats on the upper tier.
And TI5's stage was infucking sane. I mean interactive stage is so fucking next level
I wonder how full the eel major will be. tickets for the last day are not sold out yet
Lotta empty seats on the upper tier.
And TI5's stage was infucking sane. I mean interactive stage is so fucking next level
30% off now and free 100 level compendium
35 Euros = 50 CDN monies
oh ffs.... i bought it full price this morning
Should have shown the gif/webm for Call Down or Winter's Curse. Those were the coolest ones.
All she needs to do major damage is aghs + crystalys (6320 gold).
Remember last patch when storm needed to build a 4.9k gold item to go online which gave no damage?
Aghs has a super easy buildup and only needing aghs and one damage item to start destroying people is not what I'd call needing alot of farm.
Its not like she's powerless before she gets those. Powershot is a good farming tool and good damage. Windrun makes it so easy to escape or manfight.
Even if she has a 49% overall according to dotabuff. They also say she has a 57% wr when she has aghs, her first major item. Thats alot of farm.
Then you consider stuff for her winrate like support wr who go force staff/mek.
then you look at her stats gain, 2.5 str, 2.6 int. But wait she only has a 1.4 agi gain so her attack speed sucks, oh wait...
She was the exact same last patch and she has unremarkable winrates in pubs as well as pro games. If anything, she's finally not shit since two patches.
Called mid, some guy picks OD, so I pick a support instead, and he said OH BUT IM NOT GOING MID IM OFFLANE OD.
then he proceeds to get a 30 minutes shadowblade.
is there someone "famous" using that build or something?
I think it's not the first time I see it.
this was a ranked match btw
Icefrog its time... buff the Puck