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Dota 2 |OT12| A Safe Place For Your Sociopathic Behaviors.


pure damage itself goes through bkb, but most (like 75%) pure damage spells don't.

ones that do are the exception; invoker's EMP doesn't go through it, same with purification and timber chain and blood rite and pretty much all of the single target ones with the exception of impetus/doom/meat hook/one or two more maybe.

it is an oddity

invoker sucks, buff weaver 2k15

Every single spell says whether it pierces Spell Immunity. If it says "No", it doesn't damage through BKB, even if it's pure. If it says Yes, than it does as long as it's pure.

All BKB does now is give you 100% magic resistance and the state of Spell Immunity, which affects the "Pierces Spell Immunity" on every single spell in the game.

They changed it to be this way to make it less confusing, because before you had shit like "Pudge hook pulls through BKB, but doesn't damage, even though it's pure damage." or "Primal Roar goes through BKB, but the damage does not."
I thought hook DOES damage through bkb

I don't play her unless I random so idek

but yeah most pure damage stuff doesn't go through bkb, that's a good thing

buff weaver and silencer 2k15


I have just had a stupid game, because I think I have spotted a bug in Reborn: if a hero with shadow blade activated is turned into a Stone Remnant, then he becomes invisible even though Earth Spirit has true sight.

There are numerous cases in this game in which I have a Gem and an Agha, I would blink on NP or DP (with Shadow Blade activated), spot them with the Gem, Enchant them, and then they would be truly invisible, with no way to push them to my teammates.
pure damage generally goes through bkb. If every pure damage spell went through bkb or didn't it would make some heroes suck. Thats why theres exception, because balance requires it.

Pure damage and bkb-piercing aren't correlated, only 10/31 pure damage spells pierce spell immunity*: http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Pure_damage#Pure.

Bkb-piercing spells are bkb-piercing for a reason, but what spells end up being pure damage feels kinda arbitrary, outside of timbersaw because that's his thing. I wonder what would happen if all current pure damage but non bkb-piercing spells were changed to regular magic damage spells (and had their damage buffed to arrive at the same effective damage). This way, all pure spells pierce bkb, and all magical spells do not. Dota would make a little more sense. It would be a small buff to characters with high magic resist but nothing freezyfrog can't fix.

*sonic wave, aghs laguna blade, meat hook, sunstrike, impetus, doom (did the damage always go through bkb?), midnight pulse, psi blades, wave of terror and spirit bear death recoil damage.

JC Sera

think of the mess if blademail went through bkb ugh the joy! the fumes! the drama!

do it icefraud

nerf Elder Titan 2k15
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF BM BKB PIERCE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

its one of my favourite items


guess i'm castin another game procarbine vs. freakinchair




I find the problem with WR's model is that you can't upgrade her pants or her shoes.

There was that one set that gave her some sick boot cuffs but they were actually attached to the cape item.

Lina also has some similar restrictions but the dress being moddable gives you a lot of freedom.

Honest I'm not a fan with the way some heroes are broken down.

legion commander's breakdown is so odd
from the waist down, u cant do cosmetics, so she has a habit of looking really strange because of how plain her lower half is

i wonder why some heroes have the breakdowns that they do. you can change nearly everything on kunkka, for example. valve is weird


I've been thinking about this lately, and tried it a few pub games and so far have been impressed with the results.


I had still been trying to roll with the traditional Tinker skill build even since the nerf: 1-2-4-1 by 8. Since the march nerf, this isn't really enough to make you have an impact on the game. The meta has changed more where mids are more farming and scaling to lategame, you still can't just be a liability for 10-15 minutes.

I've been trying 4-4-0-1 by 9. I have had a ton more success with this build, and usually gotten BoTs before 10 minutes with no problems. This build allows you to participate much more in fights, and hell even blow up most of the mids that are popular right now. The common concern with this build in the past was that if you felt behind, you needed March to jungle or ancients to catch up. You can catch up by rotating to fights and finding lanes to farm when you can if you somehow fall behind, but right now with this build, it's much harder to fall behind anyway. If you do you can still catch up. Even if you need to take one value point in March, you can still march stacks of jungle camps with one point in March.

Beyond that, I think Aghs centric builds are the thing. With a 0.75 second rearm, 4 missiles and refracting laser are huge right now. March is not anywhere near as good as it used to be. Standing in a lot of them hurts, but not quite as much as it did when it was mixed damage. After BoTs and Soul Ring, I like to go Blink -> Aghs -> BoTs 2 > Bloodstone > Shiva's > Whatever else you might need. BoTs 2 also really helps when you have Aghs.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
legion commander's breakdown is so odd
from the waist down, u cant do cosmetics, so she has a habit of looking really strange because of how plain her lower half is

i wonder why some heroes have the breakdowns that they do. you can change nearly everything on kunkka, for example. valve is weird

Her base armor is crap, ugly as sin.

That helmet. The plate.

Good thing I have Arcana.

Yeah Kunkka's breakdown is really good.


i think this is the closest i'm ever going to get boys:


as far as i can scroll down until i have to click 'more games', i never have more than 4 losses showing at once

younger me would be proud
and then grossed out how much im playing

JC Sera

I heard you guys wanted diretide... thats not SCREW YOU!


they made new assets
the map itself is really cool

i think ur being a tad disingenuous here
about a free unlimited game mode
for a free game

JC Sera

I personally say this as someone who hates harem anime yet holds a place in my heart for kampfer

noone can escape the shit taste


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Fallout 3 and New Vegas were both rad as shit, but for some reason I haven't gone back and played either of them again. I got the itch pretty hard to and even double dipped to get both of them on PC during the last summer sale but as soon as I heard FO4 was coming this year I didn't want to spoil my appetite.
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