Trying to get into DotA. I now understand why this game is so hard to learn. The bot AI is complete garbage. :l I would rather just be shit playing with other people than put up with trying to play support with bots.
What's stopping you? I played 3 bot games before I realized it wasn't going to help me that much and never went back(unless I want to practice a hero I've never played before).Trying to get into DotA. I now understand why this game is so hard to learn. The bot AI is complete garbage. :l I would rather just be shit playing with other people than put up with trying to play support with bots.
Trying to get into DotA. I now understand why this game is so hard to learn. The bot AI is complete garbage. :l I would rather just be shit playing with other people than put up with trying to play support with bots.
Trying to get into DotA. I now understand why this game is so hard to learn. The bot AI is complete garbage. :l I would rather just be shit playing with other people than put up with trying to play support with bots.
Bots won't help you 100% learn this game. If you wanna get into the game you should look up tutorials on the internet about dota itself
this is a pretty good universal guide
It's not that I thought bots would help me learn the game completely, but I should be able to get a decent feel for each of the heroes without too much pressure and still be able to have fun doing it. But, yeah, definitely moving to real games.
coop vs bots is the best way to begin with this game. i played that only for about 100 hours to see the heroes skills, items, etc.
It's not that I thought bots would help me learn the game completely, but I should be able to get a decent feel for each of the heroes without too much pressure and still be able to have fun doing it. But, yeah, definitely moving to real games.
If you play on US West you're welcome to join my group of friends. We have some fairly new players so taking on an another noobie would be great.Trying to get into DotA. I now understand why this game is so hard to learn. The bot AI is complete garbage. :l I would rather just be shit playing with other people than put up with trying to play support with bots.
I saw this shit about that 1k team vs 5 random 5ks and it seems 5k players are put on like the pedestal, even now after mmr inflation, leshrac spammers, troll spammers etc... so if you guys got any questions about dota but aren't hero/item/build specific i'll answer them for the next while cuz i got nothing to do. I'll give an example or something to get started:
5k players make many big mistakes and small mistakes, sometimes we recognize a mistake as we are making it, other times we don't. We fail to punish mistakes but we also capitalize on mistakes. We get our couriers killed, we go 0-10 and have bad games, we theorycraft terrible builds and lose 8/10 games with it before we finally admit its terrible. We don't cs perfectly in lane, we block camps sometimes, we don't get every stack attempt off, we misuse runes, we accidently cancel tps. 1.09's courier useage is fucking atrocious and he clicks the buttons (saw it on his stream), but at least he hotkeys to his hero, I just double click the portrait. But what makes us better than 4ks or 3ks is kind of hard to explain, we can generalize "we farm better, we dont get caught as much" etc... Think of going to lane mid and you face a guy, mmr not important, and you destroy him and you think "man this guy is fuckin terrible" and you see every mistake he makes. That's what it's like when we play 3k players, 4k players, other 5k players sometimes.
So if you got questions about what it's like for people to come up with this bizarre pedestal that being 5k is like the end-all be-all of dota, lemme know and i'll answer them best I can, because really what happens is you end up in a 4.7k average game and make 1 mistake and 9 other players go "are you really 5k?"
I saw 1.09 miss a last hit once, no lie.
? that's a lie, everytime i've laned against 1.09 he has perfect cs mid and perfect denies and has killed me 3 times by the 7th minute
As a support I ganked mid at 3:00, 6:00 but I have shit gold and shit levels. Since one of the ganks failed.
What should my next objective be.
~3.1k MMR
what's the most prominent and/or glaring mistake(s) a team playing from behind makes in your pubs
Are you really 5.9k?
I saw this shit about that 1k team vs 5 random 5ks and it seems 5k players are put on like the pedestal, even now after mmr inflation, leshrac spammers, troll spammers etc... so if you guys got any questions about dota but aren't hero/item/build specific i'll answer them for the next while cuz i got nothing to do. I'll give an example or something to get started:
alright, good stuff
If you're playing a ganking style hero, how do you know when you need to sit back and farm instead of going for pickoffs?
A carry clearly needs a key item like BKB vs Zeus or MKB vs PA. But they shrug it off and make other bullshit items like double moonshards or refresher.
Now what?
Also in MMR match you notice one player has terrible MMR compared to the rest. Is it viable to just keep killing that player off
Was alchemist, even before this big buff, I was top 20 alch on dotabuff since those top 100 ratings came out. Maybe TB but i haven't played him since his change. If I had to say my best hero probably alchemist, the hero I have the most fun with is slark.What is your favorite hero
I saw this shit about that 1k team vs 5 random 5ks and it seems 5k players are put on like the pedestal, even now after mmr inflation, leshrac spammers, troll spammers etc... so if you guys got any questions about dota but aren't hero/item/build specific i'll answer them for the next while cuz i got nothing to do. I'll give an example or something to get started:
5k players make many big mistakes and small mistakes, sometimes we recognize a mistake as we are making it, other times we don't. We fail to punish mistakes but we also capitalize on mistakes. We get our couriers killed, we go 0-10 and have bad games, we theorycraft terrible builds and lose 8/10 games with it before we finally admit its terrible. We don't cs perfectly in lane, we block camps sometimes, we don't get every stack attempt off, we misuse runes, we accidently cancel tps. 1.09's courier useage is fucking atrocious and he clicks the buttons (saw it on his stream), but at least he hotkeys to his hero, I just double click the portrait. But what makes us better than 4ks or 3ks is kind of hard to explain, we can generalize "we farm better, we dont get caught as much" etc... Think of going to lane mid and you face a guy, mmr not important, and you destroy him and you think "man this guy is fuckin terrible" and you see every mistake he makes. That's what it's like when we play 3k players, 4k players, other 5k players sometimes.
So if you got questions about what it's like for people to come up with this bizarre pedestal that being 5k is like the end-all be-all of dota, lemme know and i'll answer them best I can, because really what happens is you end up in a 4.7k average game and make 1 mistake and 9 other players go "are you really 5k?"
also, saying "GG afk mid end please" after 1 bad fight then feeding couriers or not leaving fountain and blaming every1 in a game where 1 good fight turns it around. That's pretty common too
honestly, I don't always know. Depends how important the next level is or the next item is. Am i going to sit in lane to farm 400gold to finish my treads on a spirit breaker? No probably not. If i'm 1 creep from level 2, 3, 5 am I going to wait to gank for that level? Most likely yes unless I am needed for a defensive tp/counter-gank.
I have been that guy on a team up 10-1 in kills at 10 minutes be 2-0-6 on spirit breaker yet be level 4. It happens. I guess what I mean is that just because somebody is 5k they are not infallible and know everything like people make us out to be.
What do I do when I pick a core and then the other 4 players on my team all pick super greedy cores too? Do I resign myself to playing roaming support Spectre or do I do the salt parade mid/top and fight for CS against my teammates?
But honest question, how do you determine good smoke usage? I find that it's really rare at unranked 3k and I only use it for rosh attempts. I honestly have no idea what to do with smokes.
Don't think 5k players are perfect, but its a good source of knowledge. Like what you said about laning vs a lower mmr player. Its harder to notice when you do small mistakes that don't get you killed instantly unless someone better than you points it out.
yeah i was hoping for more questions about why I think 5k players are different from any other mmr more than specific what to do in X situation or Y, because honestly I don't always know. Or differences I can spot between different MMR's
last night I played with a roaming support ck it worked well tbh
btw is it still more efficient for certain junglers to sacrifice to neutrals at a certain point or no
Alright then, how would you describe each bracket in terms of playstyle,greed, common mistakes,etc
Like for example when I was 2k, It was basically no one picks support until 2.6k+
Bloodseeker every match
(the 2k players don't buy detection is a myth however, they buy tons of dust or the mid/carry buys a 10 min gem if they really need detection).
as you move up the MMR levels what's the biggest improvement, situational awareness or mechanical skill?
did you think to yourself, 'okay i want to improve at dota 2', or did it just happen
also how long have you been playing and at what mmr did you calibrate
when you're playing are you consciously thinking about everything, 'oh it's been 30 seconds since i last checked their items i should do that again', or is it more a mixture of reflexively doing things and tacit knowledge?
do you ever analyse your mistakes (watch your replays etc.) or is it mostly trial and error?
i guess i mostly feel like if i can't see why something happened the way it did at the time, then rewatching my replay isn't going to help me, even if it shows me how frequently i make certain mistakes
interesting replies anyway, i had kinda suspected that the major differentiator was situational awareness over pure mechanical ability
although it does make me think i'll be 2k trash forever![]()
well i don't like to boast but i have gained nearly 120 mmr since i calibrated![]()
i guess i mostly feel like if i can't see why something happened the way it did at the time, then rewatching my replay isn't going to help me, even if it shows me how frequently i make certain mistakes
interesting replies anyway, i had kinda suspected that the major differentiator was situational awareness over pure mechanical ability
although it does make me think i'll be 2k trash forever![]()