hitbox is the main sponsor of the team.
If this is a problem that's seriously affecting your life, seek professional help. I all but completely fucked up my life due to this exact same thing and am now seeing a counsellor, wish I'd seen one sooner.thx inkls
but its like u put off on problems until they just like you know take you over and every day u just wanna not look at them. but then like shit, its really happening and ur staring at it, and the only solution isnt one that u'd ever think would happen to you u know.
But I guess thats part of life eh
Im sure everything will be fixed in like 2 months' time
Team YP to start streaming exclusively on youporn now I guess. I understand why Hitbox would want to have a popular streamer on its service. What I don't get is why it's always Notail selling out to this shit. He was such a popular streamer on Twitch. To see him with a thousand viewers on shitbox is a tragedy.
thx inkls
but its like u put off on problems until they just like you know take you over and every day u just wanna not look at them. but then like shit, its really happening and ur staring at it, and the only solution isnt one that u'd ever think would happen to you u know.
But I guess thats part of life eh
Im sure everything will be fixed in like 2 months' time
but its like u put off on problems until they just like you know take you over and every day u just wanna not look at them. but then like shit, its really happening and ur staring at it, and the only solution isnt one that u'd ever think would happen to you u know.
If this is a problem that's seriously affecting your life, seek professional help. I all but completely fucked up my life due to this exact same thing and am now seeing a counsellor, wish I'd seen one sooner.
:/Ovewatch is $60.
cya blizzardcyka
dota solves nothing.
the best hero to master on your road to personal growth is ELDER TITAN
his entire design and skillset is an allegory for overcoming adversity.
Loda dismantling Vega as tiny.
Loda dismantling Vega as tiny.
Mariachi band performing on set
DreamLeague comes up with the most bizarre/insane stuff. The meetings must be so strange but interesting at the same time :lol
im not sure how seriously it'll affect it, im (over) confident that i can at least wade through it, but it is a hamper for sure. Condolences to you, and I hope you get through safely too.
thx everyone whos responded, ur all beautiful people.
im sure once i get home some dota will solve everything![]()
Ovewatch is $60.
cya blizzardcyka
This only makes me apprehensive because I think they'll try to find some way to throw micro transactions on top of a full price tag.
Ovewatch is $60.
cya blizzardcyka
Ovewatch is $60.
cya blizzardcyka
Chubby = lazy caster?/r/Dota2
Hero Bundle + Beta Access + Skins + Bonuses I guess.
Gamestop pre-order listings are always 100% accurate
can't wait for all the cool games coming out on dec. 31st
heroes themselves better not be paywalled. that would be a fucking travesty. skins and sprays and color swaps and shit, sure. heroes? fuck yourself bliz. i hope it's not the case. they are all pretty necessary in order to play/compete properly
Chubby = lazy caster?