And "why does stinkls keep ksing?"
He also said he wasn't a racist as he had Polish friends.
"Damn I sound really xenophobic right now. Let me follow that up with good ol classic racism"
I'm still screaming at the fact that he went from 2 8 with the solo killing invoker build to 18 0 with the invoked build that can ks from anywhere on the map.And "why does stinkls keep ksing?"
I'm still screaming at the fact that he went from 2 8 with the solo killing invoker build to 18 0 with the invoked build that can ks from anywhere on the map.
Whatever man at least he's not afraid to say what's on his mind the world is so PC now ugh
I actually have no idea who thorin is
oh i'm sorry mister "randoms oracle and follows inkls around to secure kills"
Me neither lolI actually have no idea who thorin is
i mean thorin isn't really wrong saying it should be based on talent not gender, or that if you didn't have the drive to be a role model you wouldn't make it or whatever as a woman.
I think of thorking when I see thorin.
Both are racist and toxic, it's easy to get them mixed up.
It should be based on talent not gender like Soe, she has talent![]()
i mean thorin isn't really wrong saying it should be based on talent not gender, or that if you didn't have the drive to be a role model you wouldn't make it or whatever as a woman.
not just talent but effort/contribution
like for a lazy example, sheever vs slacks filling a interviewef or host/hostess role
sheever has way better rapport with the players and shit like that ofc she'd be an obvious choice over him, not because shes a woman but just because she'd be a better fit
Actually, he is very wrong about it. When a white dude gets a job, his qualifications are rarely debated. When someone else does, you better bet they are. Every study I have seen has shown that diversity makes workplaces better. If Valve is interested in growing their audience, they need to grow their talent pool.
Actually, he is very wrong about it. When a white dude gets a job, his qualifications are rarely debated. When someone else does, you better bet they are. Every study I have seen has shown that diversity makes workplaces better. If Valve is interested in growing their audience, they need to grow their talent pool.
Valve are not responsible for the talent that is hired, ESL are running the event.
so by inviting underqualified people, they can grow their audience and create a better workplace? the onus isn't on valve to give handouts to people for being a minority or female. It seems valve is content to leave casting/stats and that jazz up to a grass roots development level, and then cherry picking ones they want representing them at their events. I'm sure if you looked at Valve as an employer they meet diversity standards ethnically, racially, and in gender.
so by inviting underqualified people, they can grow their audience and create a better workplace? the onus isn't on valve to give handouts to people for being a minority or female. It seems valve is content to leave casting/stats and that jazz up to a grass roots development level, and then cherry picking ones they want representing them at their events. I'm sure if you looked at Valve as an employer they meet diversity standards ethnically, racially, and in gender.
The crux of the thing is what does "qualified" mean. Because that term has been a dog whistle for discrimination since Jim Crow. You choose the person that will best help the group get better. Hiring a woman is no more a handout than hiring a man.
That's exactly how affirmative action works if you look at it from a straight white dude's perspective. Thinking how diversity initiatives give underrepresented people a unique unfair advantage (reverse-racism, etc) is just being blind to institutional advantages non-minorities constantly benefit from.
And are there any female casters deserving of being invited over any of the invited casters? The easiest one to point out attending the event that is "Replaceable" would be ODPixel since he's the newest, but he also has a large fanbase. There just isn't a high enough quality female caster to breakthrough the grassroots level YET that deserves an invite over anyone who was invited. Nobody makes a big fuss that there hasn't been a black person invited to cast... Same argument.
I think that hiring should be done based on qualifications and not race or gender.
Not just casters remember.
Also the bolded is a pretty odd argument. Just because you can get away with a lack of diversity in one area, doesn't magically exonerate you in another. How does that make sense?
Anyway, this is a Dota topic so I am done with you. Anybody who wants to can read our posts and make up their own minds. You can have the last word on this.
Before Sheever started showing up at Valve events, people argued that she had no talent. At Ti4 people said she sucked and the only reason she was there was because she was a woman. And now, partially because Valve gave her a chance to grow, she is accepted by the community.
I have no problems with increased spending in school systems and public welfare benefits to minorities in low-income/troubled areas. I think that hiring should be done based on qualifications and not race or gender. For college applications this is a different story where you can feasibly argue that achieving a 3.3 GPA in an inner-city school requires the same amount of work/dedication if not more than a 3.8 in a fancy private school based on the social pressures placed upon an inner-city student who wants to achieve in a tough area school.
And she earned that right to go. Who since then has put in the amount of effort/work to earn that right? Maybe at TI6 we will see Llama, who knows, but right now for this major it is safe to say a female has not earned it apart from Sheever. It would be a bad precedent to set for Valve events if they were bringing in a "token" female or "token" minority. All casters get the same shot through grassroots and self-promoting and digging for casting scraps to work their way up. People may insult a female caster for being female and not a male caster for being male, but there's a million other things they have found to insult male casters for for example: Ball sniffing. Coming up as a caster is a meatgrinder that tests your patience and your thick skin as much as your talent.
Just to be clear, I don't necessarily "blame" ESL for not having women on their panel, since we don't know the details of how they put the panel together.
Assholes like Thorin parroting gamergate talking points do need to recognized as toxic, though.
There are loads of studies that prove pretty substantial amounts of bias in the hiring process, and lots of general institutional and social obstacles exist which further narrows the pool of minority applicants before they get to applying for jobs. It's most obvious in the tech industry (lower numbers of women studying STEM subjects, even fewer get hired even though they have the same qualifications, minorities are less likely to be promoted to management positions after getting hired, etc). It's inaccurate to narrow it down to the educational system, or try to base it on quantifiable qualifications, since that's relevant in very few industries (especially esports).
Sheever didn't deserve to get the invite back then, certainly not more then other male casters, she got it because she was female, but because she got prefferational treatment back in the day, she has improved and has become a legitimate personality in the scene
That said, there is no one that I know off right now that is female and is at least trying as hard as Sheever was back then to get into the field
I'm not saying it exonerates them, I'm saying nobody has argued for racial issues in casting the way there is a discussion about genders in casting, at least from what I have read. However I think that as this discussion is about fairness, it would only be fair to further delve into and examine as to why there are no or few minority casters.
All casters have the same chance to post their commentary vids on youtube. Not all casters get the chance to cast events that could give them the spotlight they need to show their potential, not all of them get the support of the community. And with the number of preconceptions of women as being unable to play or understand the game at the same level, and of not being as funny or entertaining as men, it shouldn't be hard to see how women don't have the opportunities in the scene men have in terms of all aspects of dota, including casting.All casters get the same shot through grassroots and self-promoting and digging for casting scraps to work their way up.
but there's a million other things they have found to insult male casters
i think the worst part about all this is how many times i see auteezy's stupid avatar
This is dodging the point. Yes, that discussion also needs to happen. That doesn't make this one any less important.
All casters have the same chance to post their commentary vids on youtube. Not all casters get the chance to cast events that could give them the spotlight they need to show their potential, not all of them get the support of the community. And with the number of preconceptions of women as being unable to play or understand the game at the same level, and of not being as funny or entertaining as men, it shouldn't be hard to see how women don't have the opportunities in the scene men have in terms of all aspects of dota, including casting.
The question we should ask isn't "where are the good female casters?" it's "Why do we have so few?"
None of which are as dismissive and knee-cap a person's potential for growth in a scene as much as "you don't deserve this because of your gender."
Best of both worldswait, so its 40 but you dont get all the characters?
it's not up to Valve or the Tournament organizer to give a handout.