how about nooverwatch should be less cutesey/cartoony/league-esque and be like mortal kombat level gory. That would be dope

how about nooverwatch should be less cutesey/cartoony/league-esque and be like mortal kombat level gory. That would be dope
how about no
kade please
Got my Clock win for the All Hero Challenge
I fucking hate using Clock
Lucina and Tataru were not fully waifu.
Potatoes can't be waifus
Poor waifu material, but they count. Potatoes are adorable but can't be waifus.what about cat girls
Potatoes can't be waifus
Potatoes can't be waifus
aren't waifus just pillows with anime girls on them
Yes but they love you like a real 3d women can't
Sorry cs inhouse gaf that last match was literally the last game my main SSD will ever see. RIP Samsung 840 2012-2015
u can't say something like that without explaining, it's the rules
Got my Clock win for the All Hero Challenge
I fucking hate using Clock
One of my favorite offlane heroes. Especially if you lane against a melee carry. Harass with the mana drain from cogs, catch a weak support with your lvl 2 battery assault, and then start fighting from lvl 6 to the end of the game.
Love playing him against all the WR's our there these days, he is probably her biggest counter hero imo.
Since most Windrunners go for carry items and not euls or force staff, they never have the items that will save them when a CW hooks them.
I am quoting myself because this just happened vs Naga and Furion and I got an earlyish Blade Mail/Aghs/Gem.The amount of people that don't realise Aghs NS wins games through vision alone is astonishing.
I am quoting myself because this just happened vs Naga and Furion and I got an earlyish Blade Mail/Aghs/Gem.
As it turns out when you run around the map dewarding and bumrushing Furion to death Naga can't get out of her base safely to do her nonsense.
I think it was Haly. I just took note of it. Thanks.i haven't played NS in like 2 years but i'm glad i was able to offer some help to somebody when they asked for a build, if that was you I can't remember
how about no
Anyone here a meepo player or know of a good resource for Meepo Knowledge? Thinking of learning him from the ground up.
well i got flamed mercilessly for being 3.4k, got my midlane challenged by a last pick razor, who then booted our safelaner out of safelane flaming me the whole game for my mmr while all 3 other players told him hes retarded. Somehow his name was Positive Attitude ROFL...
I think blademail is always a pretty decent item with a run at them hero cuz you know you are going to be focused, at least it lets you stop from getting isntagibbed by a laguna or something, gives you a few seconds reprieve to go ham, and do some aoe damage. I wouldn't recommend it on SB though, but night stalker, clock, blood seeker, axe ofc, even necro it's not bad on, wk, and even blademail blink sven is pretty dope.
I hope you told them you're 5k on your other account.
normalfish ddos'ed me and i couldnt play csgo
you ruined my night
Anyone here a meepo player or know of a good resource for Meepo knowledge? Thinking of learning him from the ground up.