Honestly your thoughts on NEL just sound like it was suck ass as a low 5k player. I imagine you could get a lot out of it, but damn if it doesn't sound like an exasperating experience.
I know it sounds that way, but it was so much better than the alternative. Being low 5k in a 4k game with all 4k teammates, peruvians, etc... At least NEL limited that, especially since tehre was an SEL too for south america players, but the peruvians in NEL were all pretty good, guys like Kotaro, some good europeans too Zai, Pieliedie played some games. You got an opportunity to play with really good players, pro players, and shit like that in a pretty firendly/joking environment. If you were low 5k with a shit attitude who talked a lot of shit, then it probably sucked.
also remember at this time when NEL was in full force a lot of the high 5k/6k player pool was spending their time playing nel rather than rmm. so if there was 2 nel games going on with guys in spectate slots you can guess maybe ~25 players 5k+ were taken out of the matchmaking pool at that time leaving you with a higher chance for a 4k game. If that makes sense. Kind of like when FPL is in full swing lots of those 6k players are not pubbing and your odds of hitting a pro in rmm are lower.