EG vs Fnatic, VP vs Newbee
VG vs Unknown, Vega vs OG
Secret vs NewbeeY, LGD vs Clown9
Ehome vs Alliance, CDEC vs Mineski
LOL Group C, can't wait for Ritsu vs EE
EG vs Fnatic, VP vs Newbee
VG vs Unknown, Vega vs OG
Secret vs NewbeeY, LGD vs Clown9
Ehome vs Alliance, CDEC vs Mineski
I wonder if CTY will say Kiss my ass lodaRIP NewbeeY.
group D should be a fun watch.
LOL Group C, can't wait for Ritsu vs EE
I think it's because NewbeeY was supposed to be IG. I don't know if they changed the brackets after IG got swapped out.How does Secret always get the easiest group lol
I want alliance to win cause im a god damn fool.
I'm sure most posters here root for Alliance as they are all memers and wanna-be disciples of Admiral Memedog.
Oh Shugga is backI'm sure most posters here root for Alliance as they are all memers and wanna-be disciples of Admiral Memedog.
funny thing to say coming from someone with a nick like yours and that also goes by austism_2000
100% this. I can't fathom how anyone who loved Morrowind would feel otherwise. This game was not only disappointing by AAA standards - it was a terrible RPG outright. Not a slightly above average RPG, not a mediocre one, just straight up bad. 9 years later, I consider it the biggest gaming disappointment ever. I created a thread lately stating precisely that and most of the users who claimed Oblivion wasn't bad didn't play Morrowind beforehand and never got in touch with Bethesda prior to Oblivion. Good for them and I'm not bitter they enjoyed a game I didn't, but as for me, that renders their opinion useless.I'm not usually one for hyperbole but Oblivion was straight garbage. There was nothing (to me) about that game that was redeeming in the slightest. Although, I guess one could mention it's ability to render large-ish vistas fairly well, but then again Far Cry managed to do the same thing a few years beforehand without bringing high end computers to their knees. Bethesda are usually great at world building but Oblivion was just atrocious. No atmospheric little villages or silt striders near Seyda Neen. I know it was a different area of the world, but they could've tried to make Tamriel a little more interesting than 'stone_castle_4a' and 'deciduous_forest_west'. Never mind how non-existent the effects of your choices were on the game world.
Yeah but my meme predates Admiral Memedogs rise to memedom so I'm safe.
How is it possible to play every day for so long and still be this bad:
Her stream does make me feel a lot better about my skills though!
She's like 3.2k or something. A lot of people cap there. Hell, she's higher than any of my buddies who I passionately love to play with but who sometimes are too heavy to carry even if I go 11-0-13.
Ugh, losing to a Vanguard Viper? Painful.
I have so many questions... why max ray on pheonix? why not max eidolons? wtf was centaur thinking? bfury wk? so many mysteries...
Is it even an RPG anymore? NV was an RPG, a good one too.Hey all,
Fallout 4 is not a good RPG.
Fallout 3 was so plop.
Sure, but I'd say NV had more RPG elements than 3 and 4, and it's exactly what made me not want to buy Fallout 4 after I saw it at E3, a severe lack of the RPG elements that made NV good.RPG is a pretty loose term
basically any game where your character has stats is an RPG, it has nothing to do with playing a role, or a being a game even
RPG is a pretty loose term
basically any game where your character has stats is an RPG, it has nothing to do with playing a role, or a being a game even
What other RPGs do you consider "great"?
everynoe knows the only great RPGS are Deus Ex, Vampire the Masquerade and Dark Souls
Sure, but I'd say NV had more RPG elements than 3 and 4, and it's exactly what made me not want to buy Fallout 4 after I saw it at E3, a severe lack of the RPG elements that made NV good.
Don't make this personalnerf windranger
Good postMario and Luigi/Paper Mario still the best RPGs about.