Why is Cloud in Smash Brother now. Where is Snake?
All this pandering to FFVII fans smfh
Why is Cloud in Smash Brother now. Where is Snake?
Why is Cloud in Smash Brother now. Where is Snake?
Is Neogaf seriously dying down for Cloud in smash? jesus christ.
Is Neogaf seriously dying down for Cloud in smash? jesus christ.
Is Neogaf seriously dying down for Cloud in smash? jesus christ.
Cloud on Smash has me legit shook
Smash continues to be da best.
Sad for no MHX or Pokemon Z tho.
The bugs are actually half of the appeal nowadaysYeah, no Pokemon Z was a disappointment, but I think that might be saved for some Pokemon Company event.
It's weird they caved on the R/B/Y thing. Those games are poorly aged and buggy as all hell, and every subsequent generation after them is better. The games are barely worth playing, and people honestly need to take off the nostalgia goggles about them.
The bugs are actually half of the appeal nowadays
and the original sprites
its interesting to see where the designs started and where they went
RBY still has the best mechanic in pokemon: Speed = crit rate
RBY also doesn't have too much extra bullshit the newer games layered on again and again. No tag team battles, no berries, ect.
I'll be grabbing Blue for sure when it's out.
When I say bugs, I'm not necessarily referring to stuff like Missingno, or making whatever Pokemon you want to appear (including Mew). On top of that, these things will let you trade online. I seriously doubt those bugs will even still be in.
The bugs I was talking about were stuff like Focus Energy actually LOWERING your critical hit ratio. There's a ton of bugs like that out there.
Even if they do fix all the bugs, these games are so outdated it's not even funny. I seriously doubt they will rework the "Special" stat into Sp. Atk and Sp. Def like the subsequent gens because that would take way too much work, and at that point you might as well just play FR/LG. Breeding doesn't exist, IVs don't go to 31, types are unbalanced as all hell. The list goes on and on. Fire Red and Leaf Green are the real way to play the originals, the originals are nothing more than just the buggy first foray into the series. Great at the time because it was all we had, but now we know better.
They're not going to be fixing bugs lmao. It's running in an emulator and essentially "emulating" a link cable via wifi.
There was a later version of the games put out back in the day that had save-corrupting stuff like Missigno fixed, wasn't there? I would assume it will be that version of the game.
If they really left that kind of stuff in, then this release is already stupid from the get-go and just Nintendo wanting to make a quick buck off of desperate nostalgia.
Y'all nostalgia-ing way to hard for pokemon rby
Yes they were great games at the time and they may still be but every single other game in the series is better in any other imaginable, objective way.
It would be way better if they did that with FR LG rather than the originals
fuck man the new diablo patch looks so goddam good, giff now pls
Way too late to save anything for that platform.Cloud on Smash has me legit shook
Smash 4 continues to be da best.
Sad for no MHX or Pokemon Z tho.
No Monster Hunter X or SMT4F announcement at the Direct.
F U Nintendo.
No Monster Hunter X or SMT4F announcement at the Direct.
F U Nintendo.
I'm sure those are coming.
Where the fuck is Rhythm Heaven.
if they sensor the new fire emblem games
I'm gonna lose my mind
Don't they heavily imply incest with some S-Ranks? Thats def not gonna fly.
And the entire Fire Emblem-Amie is gonna be removed i bet.
If they remove the incest and face betting, nothing of value would be lost.if they sensor the new fire emblem games
I'm gonna lose my mind
If they remove the incest and face betting, nothing of value would be lost.
I'm sure the games are good, but I really can't stand modern FE artwork. The FE:A redrawings for the DLC characters were the absolute worst.
i wish that new ursa set wasnt locked behind a FUKING paywall thanks valve
i wish that new ursa set wasnt locked behind a FUKING paywall thanks valve
i wish that new ursa set wasnt locked behind a FUKING paywall thanks valve