So why don't you play a bunch of WR games and show us? Your winrate on her is pretty low for a broken hero.

So why don't you play a bunch of WR games and show us? Your winrate on her is pretty low for a broken hero.
That happened to me once except I was an invis Nyx, enemy had no detection.
I mean the instant AoE silence is pretty gudAt my scrub levels no on can play ES. I for one welcome our new always banned overlord.
Record this on video and send it to Valve so they know it's legit.
Also post it here.
So why don't you play a bunch of WR games and show us? Your winrate on her is pretty low for a broken hero.
shackle needs something, besides that i don't think she needs changing
It was like 3 years ago.
Man, WR has been OP for ages. At least like three years, so far!
Pls valve need more ogres in dota.....
Not what I said at all.
We have a whole neutral camp of 'em, what more do you want?
Not what I said at all.
Back then (this was post TI2-era when this happened I think? I don't remember), Windrunner was relevant in TI2, then nerfed. During TI2 Shackleshot and powershot were above all her other spells. Back then people didn't even level Focus Fire. Now her other spells, especially Focus Fire, are actually brought up to be good. Shackleshot is now ridiculous with the rest of her kit. Like I said, the problem with it is the latch range. Just shorten the latch range and she's fine.
How did you let TA and LC get 20k damage in teamfights![]()
Pop that song![]()
If I install HOTS will you let me unlock ChoGall off of you Milk?
Yes i will be buying him on Tuesday
shackle needs something, besides that i don't think she needs changing
fuck who's gonna be my chogall buddy
Did you find a LotV co-op partner?
At my scrub levels no on can play ES. I for one welcome our new always banned overlord.
I was gonna play with milk but it ended up not working out. Ended up playing some with my brother. It's not bad!
No, they can't. There's a reason ES is so much more successful at a high skill level and it's not all because of his teammates.everyone can land stuns and save teammates (with the right binding for hotkeys).
I was gonna play with milk but it ended up not working out. Ended up playing some with my brother. It's not bad!
Do you want to play with me?
Yes i will be buying him on Tuesday
The hero only shines when your teammates know how to play properly.
Wow Auteezy you going to cuckold me like that? I saw him first!
got asked in all chat to report someone for being antigamer
that's new I guess
thesis statement: remain in light is the best album of all time
Sure, if you ignore all those other albums
thesis statement: remain in light is the best album of all time
die in a bin fire
What's the best /mu/core album?