so is Tusk the super OP hero in this game?
so just lost a ranked game because our sf decided to destroy all his items in base after he died like an idiot, so good
solo queue?
wake up at 6 am cant go back to sleep. might as well watch the majors.
so just lost a ranked game because our sf decided to destroy all his items in base after he died like an idiot, so good
u really underestimate how big a difference 10 ms makes on a hero that has no natural movement abilities huh. Not only will it reduce his efficiency in terms of camp clearing, but also will make him very susceptible to ganks and weak in chasing down heroes to raze down.
Two days ago I had a Slardar on my team who went 0-10-0 with 441 hero damage in 45 minutes. He didn't even troll or anything - he actually looked like trying but he was easily the worst player I have ever seen. Blink stunning into two people would have literally yielded more hero damage than what he had at the end of the game. No idea what the fuck he was doing.
So yeah, beat that. In the same game, our Invoker also went 0-4 mid against Pudge rofl. Granted, Pudge was 4.4k (so probably my equivalent on the other team) or something and I'm not sure about the Invo but urgh..
yeah, except we were ahead or it was pretty close atleast
I prefer buffing other heroes over nerfing the existing ones. My perception might be selective, but most of the last patches have been more nerfs than buffs which I found very disappointing. I don't enjoy seeing stupid heroes get nerfed as much as I love seeing UP heroes I enjoy to play get buffed in some interesting way. That basically hasn't happened in something like a year I think.
ROTK fucked up that meatwagon
Been a while since we last talked about treads switching
Would dota be as good a game without treads switching ? At what MMR should you master treads switching ? 500+ ?
Don't think people below 4k tread switch. Perhaps on Anti Mage because it's common knowledge but other than that, I really doubt people are mechanically quick enough to make it worth it at lower levels.
I tread switch fairly consciously and effectively. My play style is all about efficiency though.
Don't think people below 4k tread switch. Perhaps on Anti Mage because it's common knowledge but other than that, I really doubt people are mechanically quick enough to make it worth it at lower levels.
I tread switch fairly consciously and effectively. My play style is all about efficiency though.
Is Windranger the best hero in a MOBA to date? I say yes.
like efficiently taking all of the farm on the map so that your stack friends don't have any
I imagine it's common shadow fiend too
You're only still friends due to your winrate? :c