If you're potato tier like me then your team mates will gg and go afk when you don't join the 15 minute mid standoff as anti-magedota talk tho antimage owns
i will experiment in ranked and post my results and findings
dota talk tho antimage owns
i will experiment in ranked and post my results and findings
AM SUCKS YOUR TEAM FEEDS even when you have 12min bfury and you just lose. All heroes suck because your team always feeds. Dota is a shit game.
All heroes suck because your team always feeds.
AM SUCKS YOUR TEAM FEEDS even when you have 12min bfury and you just lose. All heroes suck because your team always feeds. Dota is a shit game.
brought an account from 800 mmr to 1500. my musings as a low 3k player
- pudge, pa, alch and huskar are in the majority of matches I've played. the pudges are always awful. always.
- game starts to normalize around 1200. no more skullbasher/battlefury medusa or wex/exort invokers
- people are very greedy with their starting items. tangoes are 50/50 and salves are rarely bought. lots of bottle rushes on the mid
- i bought courier majority of the time regardlesss of position and usually upgraded it. otherwise a 15 minute walking courier was a reality
- everyone loads into the game slow as fuck and most players are mechanically imprecise. I'm assuming some players are playing off a trackpad on lowest settings.
- agh rush on any hero who has it. almost always
- wards are nonexistent. if they're ever bought they're almost always at the cliffs or river runes. regardless of the stage of the game
- people are locked into their skill/item builds. even if storm spirit has died 5 times in lane he will still buy a bloodstone. at 30 minutes if need be.
- americanos tend to be the most toxic and emotionally immature.
- a huge wall holding people back is their attitude. they can't handle constructive criticism, they latch onto irrelevant reasons as to why they lost lane/game. they lack efficiency, practice and general desire for more knowledge. they believe they'll improve just off spamming games with a good intent. they don't understand at all how to build a skillset.
- mids are expected to gank as soon as a lane starts to go sour. i saw a zeus at level 5 (one wave away from 6) without boots walk down to bottom lane, blow his mana, get nothing out of it and walk back.
- bloodseekers are super suicidal for some reason. no other hero tends to throw themselves into unfavorable situations as much as bloodseeker pickers.
- teams will occasionally standoff mid for several minutes throwing random spells at each other. this could happen anytime the t1's are up.
- players have no gameplans or timing for their items. stuff happens and they react until one team is strong enough to take towers. players throw spells at whoever. blademail carriers always get attacked and bkbs are usually sought as a 5th or 6th item, if at all.
- players like to fight more than they do anything else except for a small percentage of players that will run away from anything claiming they are being "smart and safe."
- most impactful heroes tend to be mid or strong early game heroes (nightstalker, tusk, spirit breaker, etc.). playing a carry could be a good idea but now you have to last hit vs the other carry in your game as well as the other two. supports will fume if their carry starts to miss last hits and start to take them instead.
- players are generally super selfish and most of the 10 heroes are trying to carry 1v9. lots of rage over stolen courier, level 1 bounty runes, etc.
so how is everyone
I've had one of the shittiest days of my life yesterday
involved essentially being dumped and also being hospitalized
but I'm at home now
so how is everyone
I've had one of the shittiest days of my life yesterday
involved essentially being dumped and also being hospitalized
but I'm at home now
rippersso how is everyone
I've had one of the shittiest days of my life yesterday
involved essentially being dumped and also being hospitalized
but I'm at home now
quesa willingly plays with br's like this guy Lohengr I seen it.
I've seen 4 undertale LP's, I think I'm finally done though.rippers
I finished another undertale LP and gonna watch some more of another one
Work went well today, I wasn't called in last weekend, and the looming death project seems like it's going okay forward?
Well that's not weird at all
Yeah I think this is like #4 and probably last.I've seen 4 undertale LP's, I think I'm finally done though.
no tAcoS
goodByE LEgS
brought an account from 800 mmr to 1500. my musings as a low 3k player
- americanos tend to be the most toxic and emotionally immature.
nothing gets past me.
Also I want to congratulate 1.09 on the new GF, hope you two have lots of fun together and we will miss you now that you are too busy to play dota =P
brought an account from 800 mmr to 1500. my musings as a low 3k player
- pudge, pa, alch and huskar are in the majority of matches I've played. the pudges are always awful. always.
- game starts to normalize around 1200. no more skullbasher/battlefury medusa or wex/exort invokers
- people are very greedy with their starting items. tangoes are 50/50 and salves are rarely bought. lots of bottle rushes on the mid
- i bought courier majority of the time regardlesss of position and usually upgraded it. otherwise a 15 minute walking courier was a reality
- everyone loads into the game slow as fuck and most players are mechanically imprecise. I'm assuming some players are playing off a trackpad on lowest settings.
- agh rush on any hero who has it. almost always
- wards are nonexistent. if they're ever bought they're almost always at the cliffs or river runes. regardless of the stage of the game
- people are locked into their skill/item builds. even if storm spirit has died 5 times in lane he will still buy a bloodstone. at 30 minutes if need be.
- americanos tend to be the most toxic and emotionally immature.
- a huge wall holding people back is their attitude. they can't handle constructive criticism, they latch onto irrelevant reasons as to why they lost lane/game. they lack efficiency, practice and general desire for more knowledge. they believe they'll improve just off spamming games with a good intent. they don't understand at all how to build a skillset.
- mids are expected to gank as soon as a lane starts to go sour. i saw a zeus at level 5 (one wave away from 6) without boots walk down to bottom lane, blow his mana, get nothing out of it and walk back.
- bloodseekers are super suicidal for some reason. no other hero tends to throw themselves into unfavorable situations as much as bloodseeker pickers.
- teams will occasionally standoff mid for several minutes throwing random spells at each other. this could happen anytime the t1's are up.
- players have no gameplans or timing for their items. stuff happens and they react until one team is strong enough to take towers. players throw spells at whoever. blademail carriers always get attacked and bkbs are usually sought as a 5th or 6th item, if at all.
- players like to fight more than they do anything else except for a small percentage of players that will run away from anything claiming they are being "smart and safe."
- most impactful heroes tend to be mid or strong early game heroes (nightstalker, tusk, spirit breaker, etc.). playing a carry could be a good idea but now you have to last hit vs the other carry in your game as well as the other two. supports will fume if their carry starts to miss last hits and start to take them instead.
- players are generally super selfish and most of the 10 heroes are trying to carry 1v9. lots of rage over stolen courier, level 1 bounty runes, etc.
wexort 2ez4auteezy
can someone explain to me how OG won frankfurt? I was too busy writhing in pain from a lower back injury
can someone explain to me how OG won frankfurt? I was too busy writhing in pain from a lower back injury
Moon brought the trench to EGcan someone explain to me how OG won frankfurt? I was too busy writhing in pain from a lower back injury
Protip: Don't try to use actual chocolate to make a chocolate milkshake
just dont
btw I found this great gif thinglawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym?
It is definitely underratedalacrity is op
I did melt it first
You have to melt it first. Else you just get shitty chunks
Also i need a patch now please
Every game is falling into the same pattern of hero picks
Alch/WW/NS/Tusk etc etc
Pretty boring
You goddamn memer !They beat EG with Pub mechanics, they beat secret by pure outplays and banking on EE ability to baffle scientists.
quesa willingly plays with br's like this guy Lohengr I seen it.
Well that's not weird at all
Imagine if his orb will do aoe damage or split damage.His ultimate is absolute garbage the way it scales. If anything he should be the one with silencer's int steal on kill/assist
His orb is extra strong yeah but he does absolute jack against magic immunity, which is an issue for a core