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Dota 2 |OT12| A Safe Place For Your Sociopathic Behaviors.


I mean Ancient Apperition is right there.

aa isn't really that great against alchemist ur better off shutting him down early game/mid game with aggressive/stunning/ganking supports more than waiting for aa ults to mess with his ult. Most higher level alch players kind of have a sense when the aa ults are guna come in anyway and dodge it a fair bit too.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
i've been having luck with jugg against alch, if you can catch him alone and omnislash him

lifestealer too i guess? big hp pool.
aa isn't really that great against alchemist ur better off shutting him down early game/mid game with aggressive/stunning/ganking supports more than waiting for aa ults to mess with his ult. Most higher level alch players kind of have a sense when the aa ults are guna come in anyway and dodge it a fair bit too.

I have been first picking him and Wyvern as deterrence to Alch and Huskar pickets. Basically play ice heroes, get ez wins. 3k players are atrocious at adapting and reading game situations anyway, so you gotta do what you can.


preddy much

watching that liquid vs vega pre rune fight... Great fuckin hero. high skill. supremely balanced.

I have been first picking him and Wyvern as deterrence to Alch and Huskar pickets. Basically play ice heroes, get ez wins. 3k players are atrocious at adapting and reading game situations anyway, so you gotta do what you can.

Idk i find things like support sb/venge/lina harder to deal with as alch than aa, also slardar, ta combinations that let you burst the alch. slardar+ta+sb is pretty hard to deal with as alch unless your team really commits to babysitting you even with liek 2 or 3 heroes jungling with you, but that rarely happens it pubs mostly they just leave you to dry then flame you.


Yeah give full powers to whoever gets the most le upboats on reddit

Icefrog has already done that the last few patches. That's why we need new blood, preferably a female for equality reasons as all the past overlords of dota have been males, from Eul to Guinsoo to IceFrog.


what if icefrog is actually kelly milkies

then alliances playstyle wouldn't have been nerfed to the ground

I drew a juggernaut using my laptop last night and thought I could share it with you guys



remember when alliance had 7uckingmad ROFL

remember when sigma thought they were guna win TI cuz they could pick bane+mirana during 1 starladder run
aka biggest opportunist in the scene
"oh hey i'm a player"
"no wait I'm not a player anymore please invite me on a panel"
"fuck it I'm a player again rofl"


MyNuts was definitely one of alliances better players recently, him with s4. Teams been shit for awhile I'm sure it's mostly just LodA. He was their worst player when they won TI, and now hes barely serviceable as a tier2 carry.
Besides the fact that Nuts was playing really well, it's an asshole move to kick him 5 days before the roster lock. It hurts me to say this but Loda and Akke are the weak links, maybe it's because I'm biased but I think Bulldog is pretty consistent and S4 is obviously the most talented player on the team.


hahaha wtf vp winning with carry venge

carry venge is good

clairvoyance needs to stop giving item suggestions this is probably 90% of why he got kicked from Masons team. "Hey mason you should have bought radiance on your weaver this game followed by blink"
I think the game needs a ban phase (give each player a ban pick) for ranked all pick. Much like how a portion of the community will always toxic because of how the gain is inherently structured, there will never be a patch where every hero is perfectly balanced. There's always going to be a handful of heroes that are played way too much that the community will bitch about. Just give the players the ability to potentially ban them and you'll probably get more mileage out of each patch.


Besides the fact that Nuts was playing really well, it's an asshole move to kick him 5 days before the roster lock. It hurts me to say this but Loda and Akke are the weak links, maybe it's because I'm biased but I think Bulldog is pretty consistent and S4 is obviously the most talented player on the team.

Bulldog never convinced me. He seems to have a very small hero pool and is prone to do the most random game ruining shit. Nevertheless I have to respect his tenacity to play among the big boys since he could just relax and make a living off of streaming.

Agree in regards to Loda. He should have just quit a long time ago which would allow him to keep the illusion that he was ever great.

Can't agree with Akke.


I think the game needs a ban phase (give each player a ban pick) for ranked all pick. Much like how a portion of the community will always toxic because of how the gain is inherently structured, there will never be a patch where every hero is perfectly balanced. There's always going to be a handful of heroes that are played way too much that the community will bitch about. Just give the players the ability to potentially ban them and you'll probably get more mileage out of each patch.

You and every other RMM fiend, even the pros....

Agree in regards to Loda. He should have just quit a long time ago which would allow him to keep the illusion that he was ever great.

Loda at his best was good, but not great. Good enough to win a TI with a team split farming play style, but not good enough to do much else after that.


Bull on a Donut
Okay, so Ursa's good against him, but is the implication here that if you didn't pick one hero in the entire game, you lost? That's what it feels like playing against Alchemist. He picks last and you don't see it coming, and you didn't have Ursa? You lost. Your team already has 3 cores and you see an Alchemist on the other team, and you have to gamble between screwing your team comp to counter Alchemist, or just picking a support like you should.

I'm looking more for a strategy that can just beat him in general. Ursa is great against him, but that's just one hero and you might not be able to pick it for a number of possible reasons. Ganking him, while helpful, at the same time feels futile just because all it really does is put him like 1 minute behind. Now he has a 15 minute Radiance instead of a 12 minute Radiance. Yay.

Do you just ignore him and deal with everyone else, and push like crazy? Do you try to outfarm him?

In my experience Ursa, WR, AA, Huskar, Juggernaut, Clinkz, Troll, BH, Riki, and Nyx are all good against him. Basically you want heroes with high attack speed that just burst through his regen and poor armor or invis heroes that can just waltz in the jungle and kill him for free.

He's also been on the out in competitive because most team comps can deal with him by just killing him mid as you say you guys have done, BUT then the key is to leverage his poor midlane start into towers and map control, and take away his jungle. Then he's basically worthless. Also that radiance/octarine/manta split push build that is still very popular in pubs and leaves him vulnerable throughout the game, he'll be an annoying split pusher but he'll be slightly worse off from a raw carry perspective imo. That's why I prefer just straight up carry builds like the ones OG pulls sometimes, but that's just me.

Also lol @ alliance, it really says something when they are constantly kicking their best performing players. They've gone through what...mynuts, pajkatt, fckingmad, niqua, and EGM? Am I missing anyone else. Like a solid 4/5 of those guys were the best performing players on that team during their tenure, when are they going to get the memo. Or I guess they are just holding out hope that icefrog makes split push #1 again in 6.86.
Questions with Ember itemization- What's the thought process with buying a blink dagger for him? When should I get it before BF and when should I just bypass it completely?


Questions with Ember itemization- What's the thought process with buying a blink dagger for him? When should I get it before BF and when should I just bypass it completely?

survivability and long range initiations without having to waste a remnant, give yourself/positioning away, and escaping from things like instant silences


I think the game needs a ban phase (give each player a ban pick) for ranked all pick. Much like how a portion of the community will always toxic because of how the gain is inherently structured, there will never be a patch where every hero is perfectly balanced. There's always going to be a handful of heroes that are played way too much that the community will bitch about. Just give the players the ability to potentially ban them and you'll probably get more mileage out of each patch.

this has been discussed before and I think it is unwise to assume that if you remove 10 of the strongest heroes, that 10 different heroes won't immediately emerge as the NEW strongest heroes that everyone is sick of. Also will lead to more flaming. "YOU USED YOUR BAN ON [THIS HERO] and not [THIS HERO]?????? GG IDIOT."


clairvoyance said on the Starladder stream that the update will have another map change. Supposedly adding more neutral camps and giving dire offlane a pull camp.
this has been discussed before and I think it is unwise to assume that if you remove 10 of the strongest heroes, that 10 different heroes won't immediately emerge as the NEW strongest heroes that everyone is sick of. Also will lead to more flaming. "YOU USED YOUR BAN ON [THIS HERO] and not [THIS HERO]?????? GG IDIOT."

It's the internet...someone will find some way to bitch about something. But I do think that introducing bans will give more mileage to a given patch. I liked that team draft idea posted on reddit. Just give like 10 seconds before the start of every match to allow each player to ban a hero without seeing who the other players ban. That way duplicate bans can occur which creates a mindgame situation of "hey if my opponent is probably going to ban ____, I probably don't need to waste my ban on him. If you're wondering about stacks having an advantage in this situation...typically parties of 3 face up against 3 stacks etc...in mm right now..
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