What's wrong with it?
5 manning strats are boring
What's wrong with it?
5 manning strats are boring
turns out putting -dx11 into the launch settings reduces loading times to 2 seconds
undying is fun
Everyone should play Undertale. It's short, sweet, and pretty interesting.
really? but i thought that the 64bit dx11 client was the default now?
unless that's something else that valve claimed to have fixed but didn't.
Alt tab crash; I seem to remember that was fixed in a previous patch tooIf I alt + tab out of the client I cannot get back in. Great.
Earlier there was like a 20% chance my client would crash if I open my compendium.![]()
not sure, I couldnt shift tab to bring up the steam overlay ingame and people said adding -dx11 in the launch options fixes this and that also reduced my loading times
Alt tab crash; I seem to remember that was fixed in a previous patch too
But remember the client is in a good state right now and if you think it could be better you're an entitled crybaby
''Hi everyone, my name is Alexander Kokhanovskyy and I’m CEO of Na`Vi. I’m writing on behalf of Teams Union, which include Na`Vi, Team Liquid, CLG, Cloud9, VP, TSM, fnatic, NiP, Titan and EnVyUs. E-Sports has been developing rapidly for past few years and we want to establish more professional connection between top teams and big e-sports tournament & leagues organizers. All things listed in this e-mail applied from 1st of January 2016. This e-mail includes representatives of ESL, Dreamhack, Starladder, Faceit, PGL, MLG, CEVO, Joindota, Dotacinema, One Game Agency (DotaPit & CounterPit), ESEA, ESWC, Dreamz Media, BTS, Fragbite, Gfinity.
Participation policy 2016:
We will decline all Dota 2 and CS:GO pure online events (without LAN Finals) invitations. The one and only exception will be US teams in CS:GO due to lack of LAN events. But they will set a minimum amount of prize money around 30.000$ USD for 1-2 months League and 10.000$ for 3-4 days event.
What kind online events we are talking about:
- Showmatches (except of sponsors events, for example G2A showmatch NAVI vs. Cloud9)
- 1-2 day online tournaments with 4-8 teams playing - King of the Hill, Zotac, etc.
- 2-3 months online leagues - Dotapit, XMG Captains Draft, GOCL etc.
The minimum amount of prize money for CS:GO will be 75.000$ excluding travel support
The minimum amount of prize money for Dota2 will be 100.000$ including in-game tickets, but excluding travel support
Additional Dota2 / CS:GO players requirements: (please read that as recommendation for HoTS/HS)
- Prize money should be paid not later than 3 months after event ends.
- Transportation from hotel to venue and back (if venue is far)
- If 6 players are travelling we are expecting 3 rooms with 2 double-beds in each
- Dedicated bathroom for players with no access for fans/crowd
- Not more than 1x BO3 + 1x BO5 per day
- If possible, equal conditions to all teams participating (avoid match-ups too early if team left venue at 2:00 am, same warmup/rest time, etc.)
- Provide a good seats (comfortable chairs such as DXracer) and enough space for each player (tables at least 1.2m x 0.8m per player)
- Players lounge with no access for crowd, practice area and food is warmly welcome
Why? Seems reasonable.The double bed demand seems silly.
Why? Seems reasonable.
really? They want a doublebed, per person.
A doublebed is for 2 people.
If you give them something else to complain about it will take the heat off TI5 rewards and shitty Reborn clientSo this new compendium is come kind of god awful combo of shitty market restrictions and CSGO trade up contracts?
Whoever is in charge of this shit should be fired
They change how the items/chests work every 3 months and its terrible
No a double bed is like normal size for one personreally? They want a doublebed, per person.
A doublebed is for 2 people.
Sounds like you need to take a break from Dota.
Patch seems fine so far, fun heroes are back and nothing is really cancerous yet.
ya, it's amazing that people were whining about tusk/undying/PL/BH meta; those games were infinitely more fun to watch and play than boring right clickers
and yeah some boring right clickers are having their day in the sun currently but we're on the verge of having a cute weaver baby/veno/TB/encan'tress/ck party... all this whining will be laughable when 6.86 comes and we're back to watching fucking Razor and DK zzzz
also buff timber
no one is forcing you to dress up your dolls.
when is EG playing
I already am taking a break from Dota; can y'all stop making up ridiculous excuses for Volvo pls.Sounds like you need to take a break from Dota.
5 manning strats are boring
I've offered the anti-5 man solution plenty of times.Almost all matches last night resorted to this and of course my team followed. Just pushing other lanes should alleviate the 5 man pressure but it's hard to convince people of that. I guess you need the right lineup to defend shorthanded.
implying spectre is a counter to 5 man