Participation policy 2016:
We will decline all Dota 2 and CS:GO pure online events (without LAN Finals) invitations. The one and only exception will be US teams in CS:GO due to lack of LAN events. But they will set a minimum amount of prize money around 30.000$ USD for 1-2 months League and 10.000$ for 3-4 days event.
What kind online events we are talking about:
- Showmatches (except of sponsors events, for example G2A showmatch NAVI vs. Cloud9)
- 1-2 day online tournaments with 4-8 teams playing - King of the Hill, Zotac, etc.
- 2-3 months online leagues - Dotapit, XMG Captains Draft, GOCL etc.
The minimum amount of prize money for CS:GO will be 75.000$ excluding travel support
The minimum amount of prize money for Dota2 will be 100.000$ including in-game tickets, but excluding travel support: