Turn up! This guy's crazy as fuck he's gotta be on molly or something or some powder or something.
Stout shield is a poor man's poor man's shield HAHa xD
good news for anyone who misses being a terrible cunt as bountrash huntaids, the hero in dota imba is pretty much the same as his 6.84 incarnation![]()
dota imba
not dota
you mean
dota imba
not fake-ass shitty trash dota
Who cares about bounty hunter when you can be shooting mirana's arrow from your fountain.good news for anyone who misses being a terrible cunt as bountrash huntaids, the hero in dota imba is pretty much the same as his 6.84 incarnation![]()
Who cares about bounty hunter when you can be shooting mirana's arrow from your fountain.
Constant lag spikes....
Fuck Dota, playing Elite after this one is over.
god I miss artour's stream![]()
On ember it makes a lot of sense tbh, with fire remnant
On PL it's just a fucking meme, I don't see the point really, it's not like you can splitpush like crazy without items any way
You get the boots of travel early if you're snowballing early and those items aren't vital at the moment.Does it? You need like items Battle Fury, Drums, BKB, Crit, whatever, and dumping 2k into boots at the start is still good?
pls introduce some kind of penalty for abandoning custom games
even if it's just a queue penalty for that game mode![]()
No need to be mirana, imba random where you end up with rearm and arrow in your build.who cares about mirana, full stop
No need to be mirana, imba random where you end up with rearm and arrow in your build.
BoTs allow for you to have a shorter downtime on farming. For heroes like pl and ember who frequently use their entire mana pool farming being able to go back to base to regen more often is good. They also allow you to join fights or get pickoffs in the early game while also being able to farm the other side of the map. Think of it like spectre but not shit.What's with more heroes getting Boots of Travel first these days? I see Ember Spirits and Phantom Lancers do it almost every game I see them in. Why is this a trend how?
BoTs allow for you to have a shorter downtime on farming. For heroes like pl and ember who frequently use their entire mana pool farming being able to go back to base to regen more often is good. They also allow you to join fights or get pickoffs in the early game while also being able to farm the other side of the map. Think of it like spectre but not shit.
BoTs allow for you to have a shorter downtime on farming. For heroes like pl and ember who frequently use their entire mana pool farming being able to go back to base to regen more often is good. They also allow you to join fights or get pickoffs in the early game while also being able to farm the other side of the map. Think of it like spectre but not shit.
been forever since i playedbut it seems i still got it http://yasp.co/matches/1852536977![]()
my true waifu
been forever since i playedbut it seems i still got it http://yasp.co/matches/1852536977![]()
my true waifu
been forever since i playedbut it seems i still got it http://yasp.co/matches/1852536977![]()
my true waifu
Go 14-8 as solo support, highest hero damage in team, buy all sentries and wards, solar crest for rosh? 4K players can still make you lose!
Road to 4.5k Kreygasm
perphaps u deserver 2 b 4k![]()
I miss when I didn't have to mute it before he got that cringy text to speech crap.
Atos on CM? Interesting to say at least.
How often does it happen that a match just doesn't count for some reason? It wasn't ranked (still not allowed to play ranked even after 100h of playing the game) and it was not "safe to leave" either. I had that happen a few times to me now.
it gives a nice chunk of HP and 30 freakin int <3 the slow synergises with her ulti very well too
Smoke, blademail, run for the towers, get an attack in, get oneshotted by sniper, buyback, boots of travel, repeat.
For 20 mins.
hey don't forget the part where you eblade the necrophos so he gets four seconds of free death pulses, heartstopper, and an ult![]()