impressive throw from jacky mao but an even better throw from empire
great game
It's what happens when the whole hero is razor focused on a single skill. If it's good enough to be worth running it'll always be run, if not, it'll never be run.
The definition of feast or famine design.
But Doom still has a terrible cast point. Scorched Earth is the FOTM now.It's what happens when the whole hero is razor focused on a single skill. If it's good enough to be worth running it'll always be run, if not, it'll never be run.
The definition of feast or famine design.
Is it still bad form to post something you wrote r/dota 2? I wanna put those hero rankings up there but after the Matt thing last year it I think it might be uncouth. If someone wants to post it on there and reap the karma (or loss thereof) be my guest.
he plays in very high skill? what?> AM on our team's dotabuff shows that he is playing in very high skill regularly
> manages to only farm a BF and manta in a 42 minute game as AM
that shit ain't new
HL3 is just a custom game
> AM on our team's dotabuff shows that he is playing in very high skill regularly
> manages to only farm a BF and manta in a 42 minute game as AM
then again
"string m_FriendlyName = "Pickup prevents respawning (HL3 only)""
hl3 is a coop game
interesting, we now have a barometer for showing us precisely how inflated euro mmr is; based on s4's recent performance, i can say with confidence that 8k euro mmr is about 2.8k na mmr
-Healing Salve and Clarity Potion now require a unit target rather than being an instant cast.
I liked this change, and was already getting used to it, oh well, guess the average player is incapable to adapt to even the smallest change.
it was bullshit for people with ALT item bindings
Re: Bindings
I used to ALT bind but I've since switched to Mouse4/Space/VZXC.
I encourage people to give it a few games, because it's a noticeable improvement in speed once you get used to it (which I still am not, entirely. I would like to rebind V to something further away from ZXC).
I'm also using quick cast now and haven't felt a need to rebind mid-game. Certain heroes would demand it no doubt, just not the ones I play.
(Mouse4, Space and V are also quick cast)
I use the number keys on my naga but it the alt change still hurt all the alt users out there