misses bull
You guys were right, undertale is pretty damn good
When can we become undertale OT2?
You guys were right, undertale is pretty damn good
JC Sera shilling was right, undertale is pretty damn good
you know navi is dogshit nowadays when xboct is their best fuckin player
Intentional feeding so he gets put in a worse bracket in which he can stomp everyone, happens pretty frequently.
Aghanims says hipuck is just garbage he does nothing past 25 minutes, and gets obliterated by bkb
Aghanims says hi
It's not something you can easily identify if you don't look at their dotabuff. Most of the time when you get stomped by a good player it's legitimate, but sometimes there's people like these that really don't belong in your tier.I just don't know if I've seen it in my special part of the trench before.
Aghanims says hi
dota needs more consumable items like moon shard
i want to eat everything
aghs should be consumable by everyone
would encourage getting it on all carries and some item dependent supports
I want a custom game mode where everything is the same except you can choose how many item slots everyone can have. It can range from 3-10. Could end up being fun.
8 minutes to blink dagger without runes and only jungling just doesn't cut in.
Fucking icefrog PLEASE BUFF LC.
being locked down to six slots is incredibly important to game balance, you can't just let everyone 'eat' their aghs
explain this 4 meme please
based xboct with the octarine
^ fair to everyone ? alch's aghs does nothing lmao
stupid reddit/twitch shit, don't bother
on the one hand, yeah.. but on the other hand, right now there's one hero who can not only eat aghs and get all the benefits, but can also feed it to his team mates.
by that logic, you are only leveling the play field and making it fair for everyone (and that's not entirely true since only alch can feed the aghs to other heroes)
no that's a reference to >check'em, also maybe a slight reference to xboct tooLol, I assumed it was a reference to this:![]()
no that's a reference to >check'em, also maybe a slight reference to xboct too