I can't figure out if Nintendo has any worthwhile characters that aren't already in Smash

You're a Kid now, You're a Squid now.
I can't figure out if Nintendo has any worthwhile characters that aren't already in Smash
They have a large roster left that would make unique fighters. Like Issac from Golden Sun off the top of my head, I don't think there is anything wrong with taking characters from something as new as Shovel Knight, but its not like there is no more good Nintendo Characters left.
Personally, I'd love to see some of Konami's stuff. Something like Bomberman or one of the Whip Using Castlevania characters would be great additions.
Does anyone else have Monday off? For some reason my company gives us Columbus day off.
I think her having 2 rib cages is weirder.
will I be able to play without 70% packet loss today
Metatron should become a Dota 2 hero.
That Riki and NS dive was so embarrassing...Rofl riki rofl
Another Na'vi roster change incoming.
MAJOR ROSTER CHANGES they said after ti lolAnother Na'vi roster change incoming.
dendi shackling himself to xboct is the biggest tragedy in the game right now
he and sonneiko are the only decent players on the team right now
dendi shackling himself to xboct is the biggest tragedy in the game right now
Hardly. He consistently wins his lane. Something on the order of 7 times out of 10, even with mediocre hero assignments. Put a group of solid players around him and some of those lane performances would more smoothly transition into mid and late game wins. Dendi hasn't had good help since Puppey and kky left and that's a fact.Meh I don't find Dendi impressive at all. Easily one of the weaker mids among pro teams at the moment.
Hardly. He consistently wins his lane. Something on the order of 7 times out of 10, even with mediocre hero assignments.
Remeber when dendi pudge won games and rekt the ch teams
wat. How is this even remotely accurate? He draws even in like 5 out of 10 and loses the other 5 and then gets outfarmed in virtually every game and is left with off lane farm on a position 2. Literally every game. Eternal Envy said, he wouldn't pick Dendi up.
I mean let's be real and I can't emphasize it enough - he gets outfarmed by the enemy mid in almost every game. How he is supposed to be a good mid in 6.85 is beyond me.
He's not a farming mid which is fair enough because FATA und lately S4 (both of whom I consider space making mids) have had enough success. Dendi just ain't on their level. FATA in particular is clearly the best space making mid in the western scene. Dendi is nowhere close.
If Dendi ain't an average pro mid, who is? Every pro has some qualities else they wouldn't make a living off of it but let's be reasonable. Looking at the top 15-20 teams I'm not sure if I'd put Dendi ahead of any of their mid players.