What set are the ones included in game from the Spring 2014 collection?
You mean which sets are included in the game now?
I don't think they've released any of the Spring event sets/items yet.
A page ago there was a discussion going about when people thought they would start the event. My money is on 30/31st of January (so next thursday/friday)
For the upcoming event.
I thought you guys are quoting the sets that are confirmed to be available in game when the patch hits.
Wow racist.
And that lycan wolf..oh man
Haha, racist? How is it racist that I don't like the aesthetic? If it were Japanese new year and a bunch of anime themed sets came out I wouldn't care for those either.
you don't know when to stop do youHaha, racist? How is it racist that I don't like the aesthetic? If it were Japanese new year and a bunch of anime themed sets came out I wouldn't care for those either.
I want American flag overalls for Pudge for the July 4 patch.
Haha, racist? How is it racist that I don't like the aesthetic? If it were Japanese new year and a bunch of anime themed sets came out I wouldn't care for those either.
Pretty sure nobody thinks anybody is racist and it was a joke
Maybe try and instalock mid heroes. Strong mids can really win games.
I just had a shitty game where I was Jakiro with a mid Silencer who lost super hard and a Clinkz Lifestealer and OD, basically a 4 carry team. We just had no teamfight whatsoever and they just ran over us. By the time our clinkz and lifestealer could fight we had one rax. It's really frustrating, but at least if you can win mid you can limit a key hero's progression on the other side and help out your side lanes.
Mini rant from a mediocre player incoming:
Dk chinese dragon form looks awesome. Also, anyone believe the spider mask for juggernaut has any chances of being accepted? Its been in the workshop since 2012, not sure why it hasn't been accepted (its not like this is alpine Ursa type of item).
I'm also having trouble finding items in the Dota 2 store, some items that I can easily find through wiki links can't be found by searching by heroes through sets/equipment. Anyone having similar issues and/or fixes?
I've been having fun playing juggernaut lately (I really like heroes that don't have to build bkb) and I've been looking at builds lately, got a few questions:
-Is stats at lvl 2 a good idea? Should you also get stats at 4 (and why) or is only one early point in stats sufficient?
-Is Battlefury a good first item (after boots)? What are good items on him?
-Is Agh super core, as in you should build it in 99% of games?
-Is jugg a situational pick or is it ok to pick him in most games
-What are good lane partners apart from cm (love that root and bonus mana regen) and venomancer (awesome gale first blood)?
-Is there any way to have the healing ward auto select you (follow you) as soon as you make it appear? (I've had a game where it would have this behavior every time it spawned, but it didn't do that yesterday and I've tried to double tapping and casting with the reticule on myself).
-Whats good vs jugg? I'm guessing omni's ult is a pain in team fights, any invisible heroes since it'll stop his ult unless wards or sladar/bh ult has been cast. Also guessing any right-clickers like Ursa, Pl (diffusal will probably wreck your small mana pool), Abaddon because of his ult, Anything with chase potential that can keep up until blade fury ends and have lockdown, TA since i assume refraction will block part of his ult.
-How effective as a carry is he? How well does he scale late game compared to other carries? (is he more of a 2 instead of 1)
-Is he more of a farming hero or do you start roaming post 6, 11?
-Should you max ward first if against a harass heavy lane or is 2 points sufficient?
-Does bade fury disable roots (not stuns)? I know it disables abilities like kunkka's "X" (Had a game yesterday where he used it and I used blade fury so the recall didn't work)
-What is he good against?
Taking a one month break from alcohol after this trip.
BS global passive + Invoker Sunstrike combo is the best thing ever.
If you don't learn stats, you may not have enough mana for a ult + bladefury combo at level 6.
Drums are good, desolator is good, even basher is good. If you want to farm more, go battlefury, if you want to fight ASAP, go deso (or yasha + deso).
Agh isn't a core, I'm skipping it most of the time.
I pick him whenever I want to win some easy mmr.
Lich works well too and pretty much anything with a good slow.
You can choose auto select summon units somewhere in the options, however I prefer to create a control group (I guess tab should work too) and M > click my hero as soon as possible, this way it stays behind me all the time.
Buy dust for invis heroes. Ursa will probably die when you ult. Illusion heroes, summons and ghost scepter are your worst enemies. Bladefury TA before ulting.
He scales well, maybe not like void or anti-mage, but like Luna.
Bladefury is magic immunity so it will disable everything that BKB does too. However, unlike BKB, bladefury will end as soon as you are doomed.
Mini rant from a mediocre player incoming:
So, I'm in this bad place where when I just search for regular games, I end up always playing supports (which isn't a bad thing) because the 4 other people on the team insta-pick carries. I lose because of that. A lot. I try to be part of every fight and try to help couch and teach as best as I can, but again, I'm not super great or anything. As a hard support spending all my money on wards and not getting last hits, I can't really totally change the tides of fights, especially when all the carries are dying 10+ times a game and tend to have less kills than I do (no, I'm not stealing kills, I promise).
So my friend tells me to play ranked mm. The first few games were great, a breath of fresh air, but now the last 5+ games have been pathetic. Same exact thing happens, I get pigeon holed into playing hard support because everyone else is picking hard carries and are just plain awful. Last night for instance I had a PA who rushed tranquil boots, followed by shadow blade, followed by power treads............The game before that I had a CK and SK that were a combined like 10-30, games before that I had voids that were under my level and was like 3-16. I could go on with the horror stories but I don't want to make you guys throw up. It sucks and I don't know what to do
TLR; I'm not good enough to carry my entire team (of carries) but I'm too good for my current mm, so, I hate dota and it's dumb.
I've legit been in a lot of games where if I don't pick support, there will be no (reliable) stuns, so picking mid would probably just mean i have to 1 man team it, which I'm not quite good enough to pull off. My awareness is certainly there, but the big plays aren't seasoned into me yet.
AA ult is also pretty cool with BS passive.
you dont need bootswhat are some good ideas behind "gittingud" at omniknight? I usually rush soul ring ->arcane ->mek (game is usually over somewhere after this and I never finish scepter cause gold for wards/etc)
you dont need boots
1. I'm already getting stats at lvl 2, is it sufficient or is lvl 4 required?
2. I though it was really good due to the extra 3 jumps which gives you an extra 525-750 dmg on your ult (from 1575-2250 to 2100-3000). reducing your cooldown by 40 seconds (36% cd reduction) is also pretty good (from 130-120-110 to 70) so you can use it more often. The bonus stats are also good and help circumvent his relative low hp and mana while still gaining some pretty good dmg.
3. My auto select is always turned off, was wondering because I had one game where every time I spawned it auto-selected me and followed me for some reason. Do control group stay after the units disappear? I wasn't using them since I assumed temporary units when resummoned wouldn't be considered the same unit and you'd have to redo a new group (most of the RTS I played had it this way).
4. Tbh I don't buy dust much unless the other team has more than 3 invis heroes or a mirana, brood, clinkz, rikki. What prevents TA from just using meld when you ult? Using a preemptive dust would be a good idea against her too right?
5. What do you mean will end as soon as you are doomed? You can be doomed while in bladefury? I'm not sure I understand what you are saying here
Who the fuck knows anymore. It's fucking Neogaf.
1. I'm not really sure because I usually have 3 branchs too, so I usually have only one point in stats.
2. Deso will reduce 7 armor, adding 20%-30% dmg + 60 for the extra hits (you attack during the slashes based on your atk spd) and works when you aren't ulting too. Late game those extra 3 slashes aren't worth the slot. Anyway, try it and see if you like it better. I used to rush Aghanim's right after boots and it worked too.
3. They do (not sure about dominated creeps though, but this isn't the case with Juggernaut).
4. I prefer to spend 90g and get a kill (200+ gold plus XP). You can dust while ulting.
5. Yes, doom can doom you while you spin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtRfHx_922c
1. I'm not really sure because I usually have 3 branchs too, so I usually have only one point in stats.
2. Deso will reduce 7 armor, adding 20%-30% dmg + 60 for the extra hits (you attack during the slashes based on your atk spd) and works when you aren't ulting too. Late game those extra 3 slashes aren't worth the slot. Anyway, try it and see if you like it better. I used to rush Aghanim's right after boots and it worked too.
Aghs give you also:
- more stats, especially point booster is an amazing standolane item (while mithril hammer sucks), that will give you a lot more survavibility earlier during the buildup
- the reduced cd help a lot allowing you to ulti without remorse every team fight you partecipate in
- the 3 extra slashes are about 1 more second of invulnerability and extra attacks during it
3. They do (not sure about dominated creeps though, but this isn't the case with Juggernaut).
5. Yes, doom can doom you while you spin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtRfHx_922c
Mini rant from a mediocre player incoming:
BS global passive + Invoker Sunstrike combo is the best thing ever.
If you get doomed while armlet is toggled on, does it mean that there is no way to stop the armlet life drain until doom wears off?