The Verge: We played Valve’s secret new shooter: Deadlock


I actually thought it looked pretty fun. Overwatch has shown us that no one has any interest in pursuing the objective, they just want to kill people. Well... This game has a concrete benefit to actually doing that. It causes push. This is just Dota 2 and TF2's baby. I'm here for it.

Edit: If I had one complaint, the heroes looked pretty spongy. Or at least, the character in the video was especially low DPS perhaps. Seemed to struggle really bad to make any kills. But even then, it's not worth getting huffy about HP/Damage values at this point in development because everything is in such aggressive flux.
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I actually thought it looked pretty fun. Overwatch has shown us that no one has any interest in pursuing the objective, they just want to kill people. Well... This game has a concrete benefit to actually doing that. It causes push. This is just Dota 2 and TF2's baby. I'm here for it.

Edit: If I had one complaint, the heroes looked pretty spongy. Or at least, the character in the video was especially low DPS perhaps. Seemed to struggle really bad to make any kills. But even then, it's not worth getting huffy about HP/Damage values at this point in development because everything is in such aggressive flux.

I played alot of league and dota. 2 there are alot of people out there who only care about them making kills. And those people are the worst to flame their team if they lose.


That's probably all were going to get from Valve. The game has to be something that pushes a new piece of tech like a headset: Half Life Alyx
Or a game that they think will last for years and make money in micro transactions.
There is no way for Valve to justify a single player experience you pay for once and that's it, I suppose. They make 30 percent on other developers and publishers doing that work for them and putting their games on Steam. We will never see Half Life 3.
I bet any suggestion at Valve from someone to develop a single player game is shot down immediately. Any game developed has to be evergreen in concept or push expensive hardware required to play it.
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Gold Member
Disgusted Judge Judy GIF


I played alot of league and dota. 2 there are alot of people out there who only care about them making kills. And those people are the worst to flame their team if they lose.
I don't disagree. I would be completely content with a solo mode in these sort of games tbh. Fill the rest of the slots with bots for all I care. Other players are the worst aspect of multiplayer games.
Why even bother with this, why not giving fans what they want. I just don’t get it.
Personally, I don't want studios to make games for the fans. I want them to make the games they want to make, and if the fans like it, that's icing on the cake.

Most studios obviously can't afford to do that, but Valve can, and that's a good thing.
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This game is getting a lot of shit online. I'm not into many online MP games anymore, but observing this from the outside this looks no more appealing than Overwatch 2 or Concord. This is from the develop of Half Life, Portal, L4D, Counter Strike and TF2, and judging from those standards from the outside, and without playing it, the game looks bland.
This isn't a Hero Shooter. This is a MOBA. So it's closest competition would be SMITE 2 (on console) and SMITE 2, Leage, Dota, and Heroes of the Storm on PC.
i wonder what Men_in_Boxes Men_in_Boxes opinion on this is
- I'd personally rather play this than any MOBA or Hero Shooter on the market (console).
- MOBA's are objectively better than Hero Shooters.
- NeoGAFs takes on this are extremely predictable.
- Hi-Rez (Smite 2) Studios should be worried. This looks waaaaay better in my opinion.
- Railway system is an interesting admittance to the 3rd person MOBA problem of map traversal.
- This is still an "old style multiplayer" game. I'm much more interested in the open world, small team size games (Arc Raiders, Marathon).
- This will certainly be a success. The saturated market people will cry.


Jesus christ could come down to earth and make a hero shooter himself and I still wouldn't play it.

Sorry Gabe.
I think I would play a game made by Jesus. The guy could walk on water and turn water into wine after all. Surely his games would be the most innovative of all. I bet Jesus could make a pc/console that did not even require any electricity or any form of power to run. That would be neat.
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I played it and I think the game is mostly fine, but I fucking suck at it. Probably not something I would play too much in my free time unless I had friends.


Personally, I don't want studios to make games for the fans. I want them to make the games they want to make, and if the fans like it, that's icing on the cake.

Most studios obviously can't afford to do that, but Valve can, and that's a good thing.
That's the catch 22. It's good that Valve has the freedom to do what they want, and they are not bound by shareholders. I might not like the game the make, but I don't have to play it either. But I would rather choose to skip a game then the company forced to make crap because they have to please shareholders. Valve can easily survive a bad game made internally and that's what counts. And in the end, they have no one to blame but themselves and one would hope, self-reflect on what went wrong. They had that card game that failed miserably from what I recall. This might be failure number 2 I suppose.
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I used to Love Overwatch before they ruined it.. and honestly I really enjoyed Paladins... but this looks like garbage.


Awesome, another hero shooter with awfully long TTK's and uninspired visuals. This does not look like a Valve production at all.


- I'd personally rather play this than any MOBA or Hero Shooter on the market (console).
- MOBA's are objectively better than Hero Shooters.
- NeoGAFs takes on this are extremely predictable.
- Hi-Rez (Smite 2) Studios should be worried. This looks waaaaay better in my opinion.
- Railway system is an interesting admittance to the 3rd person MOBA problem of map traversal.
- This is still an "old style multiplayer" game. I'm much more interested in the open world, small team size games (Arc Raiders, Marathon).
- This will certainly be a success. The saturated market people will cry.
I 100% think this can be a hit and still think the GAAS market is saturated tho.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Based on the player data that Valve has and their experience with DOTA, TF2, CS2, etc. I would be willing to bet Valve knows they have a hit on their hands.

While I don't know anyone who plays DOTA or CS anymore the player numbers are huge for those games now.
Valve knows the players they need to target and I think they will nail this.

I won't play it...but I am old and WAY out of their target audience range.


Well duh. All evidence that goes against the theory must be thrown out. I would expect nothing less, lol.
No? We just don't live in a world of absolutes.

And honestly, this game is a lightining in a bottle in the sense its a known untapped market, being made by a large company with expertize in the necessary areas for this to work as well as an established public and platform, doing an overall pragmatic and careful approach to make and release the game.

Look at it this way, the fact that something this - that has almost everything going in its favor - can still fail for the simplests of missteps, is proof enough of how volatile the GAAS market is atm.
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Metroidvanias are cool. Hero shooters are not.

What’s there to no understand?
It's also irrelevant when you're coming at it like ____ game shouldn't exist because there are others while selectively picking genres based on your own personal tastes.
ok, unpopular opinion, i think this will do better than people think.

I thought it was going to be some overwatch clone but seeing gameplay they're clearly leaning more into MOBAs and adding some Team Fortress into the mix. There is definitely an untapped public for this.

I think there are some hardcore Concord defenders (either outright or on the DL) ITT trying to downplay and attack the game, which is clearly still in early-mid development and hasn't been polished up yet, out of some sense of retribution.

Truth is Valve's games have never been graphical powerhouses; they've usually excelled in innovative gameplay within well-trodden genre tropes. The sky rail gliding features in this game already look like they could offer a good amount of fun and play variety. Character movement isn't molasses, the color palette may be a bit drab but seems intentionally so and it isn't garish with a bunch of muted earthly tones or too many cool vague-primaries like a certain other game coming out in a little bit.

And while I haven't seen all of the Deadlock character models, I'd think they don't have a fat dude with a sphere for a body thinking he can rock an androgynous haircut. So that has to be at least some kind of a plus in this game's favor.
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