My MMR got recently calibrated and its a "whooping" 1.2k, does that mean that I suck hardcore?
When you cast your ult, you will stay invis until shortly before the actual casting. If you decide to cancel the ult, you will break invisDoesn't the ult cast break your invis though?
Depends how new you are really. FWIW it's the lowest MMR I've ever heard of anyone havingMy MMR got recently calibrated and its a "whooping" 1.2k, does that mean that I suck hardcore?
wow 2 niceIt's a little on the low side but at least you have something you can aim at improving now.
Also it's sometimes easy to forget that there are actually a lot of players spread across the lower thousands where as the upper rankings have a much smaller percentile.
yep, this is ending in tears. Fucking trench.
My MMR got recently calibrated and its a "whooping" 1.2k, does that mean that I suck hardcore?
Wow, thanks everyone, I only have 81 matches playedDepends how new you are really. FWIW it's the lowest MMR I've ever heard of anyone having
Wins should boost you up pretty quickly I think, curious how much MMR you'd gain.
Learn mid and carry quick
This is only an anticipation of what will happen after 6.80 ES nerf. Thousands of tears will be spilled, many free wins for me.
Support is great for learning, but to get to a higher level it's faster to play high impact heroes. Up to you and how you want to play.Wow, thanks everyone, I only have 81 matches played
I usually play support, should I dedicate to other roles?
Wow, thanks everyone, I only have 81 matches played
I usually play support, should I dedicate to other roles?
Framerate is peachy, no lag whatsoever or disconnect, yes using keyboard, usually put the most important items to Z X C as they are easier to reach, I was using a G13 but found old regular keyboard more appealing should I go back to the G13?
Support is great for learning, but to get to a higher level it's faster to play high impact heroes. Up to you and how you want to play.
I mean there's probably some merit to a CM who goes ShadowBlade, Refresher, Vit Booster and your Invoker picking up a Mjollnir, Blademail, and no BKB. Somewhere...
Oh man these items choices are too fucking good. Sniper go home you're drunk. No BKBs vs OD refresher Aghs and Lina.
1238 when playing solo it says, what are the benefits of higher MMR and commends? every keeps asking for one at the end of a match.You have a 55% winrate. That is very impressive. Are you sure your MMR is 1200?
Commends I dunno. Flair only I think, but I do feel like I get considerably less bad apples than others and I got an okay amount of friendlies.1238 when playing solo it says, what are the benefits of higher MMR and commends? every keeps asking for one at the end of a match.
1238 when playing solo it says, what are the benefits of higher MMR and commends? every keeps asking for one at the end of a match.
Oh so commends are kinda useless seems kinda silly to beg for them then.
High MMR, puts you in sorts of better games with either
.against better opponents
.with better team mates
Commends are just numbers, your badge value or standing in the community.
It does serve a purpose; you can see if the community adores a player (who has high commendations), but the system breaks if people insist that others commend them after a match (repeatedly).
I give out commends as deserved, not when asked.
Oh I did, two 400% and two 80%, as soon as rewards were spaced between 5 levels I stopped buying, always felt giddy when opening one of those dota lunchboxes.Wasn't 150 games the estimate you'd need to get to level 13, which you need for playing ranked, or did I get that wrong. Maybe he bought BP boosters which in turn increased uncertainty?
Dendi is using the username "Anuxi" right now :lol
edit: beaten
Dendi, Notail and Hanni all in a game together...on the same team. The dream.
Dendi like never talks while streaming.
Dendi talks sometimes, but it's an actual decision with him. He'll say I'm gonna talk in this game and explain what I'm doing. That's for English anyway. He'll chat in Ukrainian as mentioned.
dear valve
are there so few people queueing for CM that matchmaking is forced to put me with people who are, seriously, 1200 mmr less than me in matchmaking. it's honestly not fun when i'm in 5300-average 2-stack and the pubs on my team are all reliably 4100~ish (mmr obtained by asking my captain / team what their mmr is without judgement). while i do not judge others by their mmr to the extreme of others, a gap of 1200 is pretty significant, and when i pub i'd like the pubs to be a little closer to my mmr.
don't worry the other team had the same average mmr as yours
How to tell someone is smurfing:
Theyre taking our T4s while SF is raxing top
We all die
SF TPs back to base
Casual Rampage
We win
who was he facing mid? there is basically no good match up against him on your team, so....expectedHow to tell someone is smurfing:
Theyre taking our T4s while SF is raxing top
We all die
SF TPs back to base
Casual Rampage
We win
How to tell someone is smurfing:
Theyre taking our T4s while SF is raxing top
We all die
SF TPs back to base
Casual Rampage
We win
Lol what did she do?
Being a capt. sucks I had a one guy asking me for Bristleback, gets banned proceeds to leave because of this, then nearly the whole team disconnects as well, 2 vs 5 ain't fun at all.So yeah, should I just play ranked in AP until I get to an mmr where people know how to draft? My current pc isn't fast enough to let me be captain most of the time (until I get the parts for my new one in the mail) and I don't enjoy the role either.
Lol what did she do?
Being a capt. sucks I had a one guy asking me for Bristleback, gets banned proceeds to leave because of this, then nearly the whole team disconnects as well, 2 vs 5 ain't fun at all.
I looked at her channel and it doesn't say its closed for me.
Yup, it was either a bug on my end or has just been resolved quickly.