BTW, the latest top plays is really good. People should give it a watch if they haven't.
For a courier that isn't unusual 8 bucks might as well be a million. I got one of those legendary frogs to drop for me the other day (probably the best item I'll ever get without shelling out cash money) and it's worth like 2 dollars.Just had Baby Roshan drop for me. Thought it was worth a lot. 8 bucks
For a courier that isn't unusual 8 bucks might as well be a million. I got one of those legendary frogs to drop for me the other day (probably the best item I'll ever get without shelling out cash money) and it's worth like 2 dollars.
edit: semi related, they need to fix the post-game loot drop notification system cause if you get a recipe or a chest or whatever during a match it won't show your actual drop until you go to your armory.
ih cancelled due to milkman being a nerd and sucking cock
Why do my team mates hate me for pointing out their silly draft in random draft?
I picked first and grabbed raptor, other guy got bristle so we are off to a semi decent start.
Enigma/Enchantress/SpaceCow is not how I'd round that draft out :/
Lucky for us the other team was shit.
Enigma mid, Raptor Spacecow bot, Bristle Offlane Enchantress Jungle? Or I guess swap enchantress and enigma?
Kill Assists gem is broken. Volvo pls.Just had Baby Roshan drop for me. Thought it was worth a lot. 8 bucks
Also I have a Scree'auks talon with a Kill Assists Gem in it that I bought off the marketplace but it doesnt seem to be tracking my assists. Have I been duped?
Have pros started streaming much more often now that ranked MM is out, or did I just never notice them streaming before?
I've almost gotten my friend into Dota. Issue is, the only hero he likes so far is Sniper. Thinking of ending our friendship.
Solo Rosh as Ursa in a pub game. Legion decides to leave lane and knick the aegis right as he dies.
Then goes into bottom lane and feeds two deaths.
Wouldn't it be three counting the Aegis death?
Do they have sentries? Usually you will be able to ult if you have sb,How do you use SF's ult in teamfights? I tried to shadow blade in and initiate with it a few times, but I just stunned and blown up before it went off most of the time.
Do they have sentries? Usually you will be able to ult if you have sb,
How do you use SF's ult in teamfights? I tried to shadow blade in and initiate with it a few times, but I just stunned and blown up before it went off most of the time.
Doesn't the ult cast break your invis though?
Not sure what you mean by three.
She was the only one that went bottom, died, then died after aegis rez.
So recently I decided I wanted to fully embrace playing offlane, and really get to know it well. Can anyone point to advanced offlaning guides. Preferably that give advice in general and on specific heroes that are common offlaners. At the moment I feel confident with BH, Timber, Clock, Slark, WR and some others, so who else would people recommend learning that is fun? I thought about NP but if I pick him people will think I am jungling and pick another offlaner when I want solo. And I tried Lone Druid once and can't handle the bear as I suck big time at any kind of Micro. What say you GAF?
So recently I decided I wanted to fully embrace playing offlane, and really get to know it well. Can anyone point to advanced offlaning guides. Preferably that give advice in general and on specific heroes that are common offlaners. At the moment I feel confident with BH, Timber, Clock, Slark, WR and some others, so who else would people recommend learning that is fun? I thought about NP but if I pick him people will think I am jungling and pick another offlaner when I want solo. And I tried Lone Druid once and can't handle the bear as I suck big time at any kind of Micro. What say you GAF?
So recently I decided I wanted to fully embrace playing offlane, and really get to know it well. Can anyone point to advanced offlaning guides. Preferably that give advice in general and on specific heroes that are common offlaners. At the moment I feel confident with BH, Timber, Clock, Slark, WR and some others, so who else would people recommend learning that is fun? I thought about NP but if I pick him people will think I am jungling and pick another offlaner when I want solo. And I tried Lone Druid once and can't handle the bear as I suck big time at any kind of Micro. What say you GAF?
dear valve
are there so few people queueing for CM that matchmaking is forced to put me with people who are, seriously, 1200 mmr less than me in matchmaking. it's honestly not fun when i'm in 5300-average 2-stack and the pubs on my team are all reliably 4100~ish (mmr obtained by asking my captain / team what their mmr is without judgement). while i do not judge others by their mmr to the extreme of others, a gap of 1200 is pretty significant, and when i pub i'd like the pubs to be a little closer to my mmr.
dear valve
are there so few people queueing for CM that matchmaking is forced to put me with people who are, seriously, 1200 mmr less than me in matchmaking. it's honestly not fun when i'm in 5300-average 2-stack and the pubs on my team are all reliably 4100~ish (mmr obtained by asking my captain / team what their mmr is without judgement). while i do not judge others by their mmr to the extreme of others, a gap of 1200 is pretty significant, and when i pub i'd like the pubs to be a little closer to my mmr.
Venomancer is extremely good as an offlane. Also check out oldschool Dark Seer, Lifestealer, and Doombringer.
Saw you and KvH talking about this when you were streaming; I like KvH's suggestion of having MMR public.
dear valve
are there so few people queueing for CM that matchmaking is forced to put me with people who are, seriously, 1200 mmr less than me in matchmaking. it's honestly not fun when i'm in 5300-average 2-stack and the pubs on my team are all reliably 4100~ish (mmr obtained by asking my captain / team what their mmr is without judgement). while i do not judge others by their mmr to the extreme of others, a gap of 1200 is pretty significant, and when i pub i'd like the pubs to be a little closer to my mmr.
How do you usually run Slark in the offlane, especially a gold-starved one?
How do you usually run Slark in the offlane, especially a gold-starved one?
Never mind, thought you meant two deaths as in counted deaths, assuming she died, Aegis'd, then TP'd back and died again.
Just don't panic and you'll be OK.
It's a little on the low side but at least you have something you can aim at improving now.My MMR got recently calibrated and its a "whooping" 1.2k, does that mean that I suck hardcore?