It's the fail safe message if the item servers get overloaded. Likey the servers have a higher load due to the salts and tokens. I like it, before it would just look like no one got a drop and maybe something would just show up later.What is this "Due to high load..." they won't show items and stuff bullshit. That's fucking new.
look at that shit--tornado + ice wall + emp, just disgusting
i'd rather play against wtf mode 6.79 forge spirits every game
Meta just seems stale to me, excited for a patch
They added Ice3's invoker set to the drop system, which is weird because they haven't really added any other player items to the system
Just played Kunka for the first time...So many failboats.
They added Ice3's invoker set to the drop system, which is weird because they haven't really added any other player items to the system
I really wanna stop caring about my w/l ratio, but I can't help it. I count my daily games and think stuff like "oh I went 2-1 today, that's not so bad." But when I'm in a bad losing streak (6 so far over two days), it gets to me hard. Especially when there are games we could've won but other people threw (and there are games where I just shit the bed, too). I'm currently 2 wins ahead of losses, but I was about 9 nine ahead on like friday. I need to let this obsessions with my record go, but with all the stat-tracking in dota it's hard not to tie some self-esteem to it. I need a hugor a bunch of wins
I really wanna stop caring about my w/l ratio, but I can't help it. I count my daily games and think stuff like "oh I went 2-1 today, that's not so bad." But when I'm in a bad losing streak (6 so far over two days), it gets to me hard. Especially when there are games we could've won but other people threw (and there are games where I just shit the bed, too). I'm currently 2 wins ahead of losses, but I was about 9 nine ahead on like friday. I need to let this obsessions with my record go, but with all the stat-tracking in dota it's hard not to tie some self-esteem to it. I need a hugor a bunch of wins
I really wanna stop caring about my w/l ratio, but I can't help it. I count my daily games and think stuff like "oh I went 2-1 today, that's not so bad." But when I'm in a bad losing streak (6 so far over two days), it gets to me hard. Especially when there are games we could've won but other people threw (and there are games where I just shit the bed, too). I'm currently 2 wins ahead of losses, but I was about 9 nine ahead on like friday. I need to let this obsessions with my record go, but with all the stat-tracking in dota it's hard not to tie some self-esteem to it. I need a hugor a bunch of wins
People are complaining about Quas Wex Invoker? Is it really that annoying or powerful? It seems like a really hard build to pull off given the limited mana pool and low base damage. EMP delay is also still fairly long at 2.6 secs. I've seen some replays of people succeeding at it but Quas Exort still feels far more powerful to me despite the Forged Spirits nerf.
People are complaining about Quas Wex Invoker? Is it really that annoying or powerful? It seems like a really hard build to pull off given the limited mana pool and low base damage. EMP delay is also still fairly long at 2.6 secs. I've seen some replays of people succeeding at it but Quas Exort still feels far more powerful to me despite the Forged Spirits nerf.
I own bots with it must be brokenPeople are complaining about Quas Wex Invoker? Is it really that annoying or powerful? It seems like a really hard build to pull off given the limited mana pool and low base damage. EMP delay is also still fairly long at 2.6 secs. I've seen some replays of people succeeding at it but Quas Exort still feels far more powerful to me despite the Forged Spirits nerf.
I own bots with it must be broken
I own bots with it must be broken
Been a while since i played quas wex invoker last patch i think? But when i played it i always ganked with cold snap and tornado thats why its so annoying for other teams
If you can manage to hit with the EMP consistently then mana isn't an issue. Ice walls and cold snaps all but guarantee it if you get a 2 or 3 man tornado.
The problem is Invoker needs levels and if your gank isn't successful, you lose precious time and exp.
Getting Ice Wall requires a point in Exort which delays the upgrading of Wex/EMP even more. And Ice Wall isn't cheap to cast either.
Thats why you have to win mid with quad wex invoker even if a support cones to help, getting an early phase force staff almost always guarantee kills in pubs since most of the time people dont want to tp to help
Alright, need some OD tips. He seems really fun to play, but I can't figure him out, I also don't understand the threshold part of his ult. When should start fighting, how/when do i use my ult, what should I do when there's someone who makes me useless in the other team (ex: nyx).
Also, competitive viability of sladar? No mana cost for his first ability and blink dagger as well as his bash buff seems nice. Minus 20 armor is nothing to scoff at too.
I'm wondering, why do people build manta on Terrorblade? It's only 28% dmg on ranged illusions vs your two 60% already built-in illusions on ranged form. Seems to me you could build a better item. Without manta you have an extra 120% dmg from illusions, with manta it adds 56%. Compare 220% vs 276% doesn't seems worth the cost to me. Opinions?
The issue is that Quas Wex Invoker is inherently weak in mid due to low mana pool and poor last hitting so it's hard to win the lane.
There was a reddit thread about lane support Invoker shortly after 6.8 came out. I tried it in safe lane one game and it was surprisingly effective. Cold Snap and EMP absolutely wrecks when there is another hero who can help proc Cold Snap stuns. We owned our safe lane but lost the game because the offlane got wrecked even more. I may try it out again to see if it works.
The problem is Invoker needs levels and if your gank isn't successful, you lose precious time and exp.
Getting Ice Wall requires a point in Exort which delays the upgrading of Wex/EMP even more. And Ice Wall isn't cheap to cast either.
Invoker is good now?
Invoker is good now?
Hylian, I think I rather just do it manually. I doesn't take that long once you realize you don't have to push the OK button for each chest, just right click, Offer, Yes, repeat, only pushing the OK when you need to offer up the chests behind it. I offered up already 100 doing it, and likely will do it for a bunch more when I feel like moving the rest off a alt. How many chests did you offer up anyway that you wanted an Autohotkey script?
I was also going to say I don't think its safe, but then I remembered I could just set a Chest only Filter, which makes it pretty fool proof unless the thing makes some really odd mouse click.
Yeah, that's basically why I'm not posting it publicly. Anyway I had over 300 chests, and more before I decided "Fuck it I'm tired of going through all these one by one." and found making a script to be much easier.
If anything, if I were to tailor a script for anyone, I'd have them test it in test client (I think you can get chests there?) or something to make sure it's right for their resolution.
Anyway I had no idea you didn't have to click the OK button after, but regardless I included that in my script (had to put it on a delay to wait for that dialog box to appear). Any if anyone wants a script tailored for their setup, let me know, or just want the basic rundown of how I did it, that might work better.
You gots to post your prize
;Title: The Great New Bloom Chest Offering Script
;Author: HylianSeven
;***You must install AutoHotkey for this to work***
;*****I am not responsible for what results from use of this script. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!*****
;1. Open Dota 2, click on "Store" at the top, then click "Armory."
;2. Click one of your filters on the left, then "Edit Filters." Hit the "+" symbol on the left.
;3. Change "New Filter" to "Chests". Hit the "+" next to "Rules".
;4. The first drop down menu should be "Type", the second should be "is", the third should be "Treasure".
;5. Click "Save" and "Done Editing".
;6. Assuming you did the last five steps correctly, you should see all of your chests on one page now. Now take a screenshot of your game and open it in Photoshop, Paint, or whatever your image editing program of choice is.
;7. Mouse over the first chest in the upper left corner, you should look in one of the corners of the image editor's window and see two numbers, remember these numbers, as you will need them.
;8. Right click the upper left chest and take another screenshot. Do the same as in step 7, but this time you want the numbers you get when you mouse over the "Make Offering" button.
;9. Click "Make Offering", take another screenshot, do the same process for steps 7 and 8 but with the "Yes" button.
;10. You will have to manually offer one chest to get the relevant information. Complete the offering by hitting "Yes", and now take another screenshot, this time getting the numbers for the OK button.
;11. Look in the comments below for where these numbers go, they will replace the X's and Y's on all of the lines beginning with "MouseClick".
;12. Make sure the script is saved as (whatever you want to name it).ahk, with no parenthesis of course.
;13. Double click the script with Dota 2 open and in Borderless Windowed mode, enter the number of chests you wish to offer, and enjoy your offerings.
;You might want to test it on a small number of chests first just to make sure it works for you, then go through your entire stash of them. Enjoy!
str = "Open Dota 2, Click on Store at the top, then Armory, and click Keys and Treasures.`nGo to Filters, click on make sure the only thing there is ""Type is Treasure.""`nCalculate the number of chests you have, enter it below, and press OK. There are 60 chests per page.`nMake sure you have done all of the above before clicking OK, or it could end up with catastrophic results to your inventory.`nPress escape to stop the script.`nEnter the number of chests."
InputBox, x, How Many Chests?, %str%, , 350, 350
;Sets up input dialog for how many chests along with instructions.
if(ErrorLevel) ;If user hits cancel, cancels script.
MouseClick Right, X, Y, 1 ;This was for my setup and may not be necessary in yours, but I had two monitors both of 1440x900. After this it assumed that the other monitor was the one the game was on.
Loop, %x% { ;The offering process
MouseClick Right, X, Y, 1 ;Right click upper left chest - First set of numbers
MouseClick Left, X, Y, 1 ;Left Click Offering - Second set of numbers
MouseClick Left, X, Y, 1 ;Left Click Yes - Third set of numbers
MouseClick Left, X, Y, 1, 25 ;Left Click OK (on short delay for dialog to pop up) - Fourth set of numbers
;See detailed instructions at the top.
Exitapp ;Ends script when all chests are finished.
Esc::Exitapp ;You can press escape at any time to abort the script early.
I think he meant what you get from offering your 300 chests, hylian
Ahhh finally someone on reddit enabled hardcore mode
30% more of the screen opened up with a few f6 taps.
zzz replays only
Ahhh finally someone on reddit enabled hardcore mode
30% more of the screen opened up with a few f6 taps.
zzz replays only
Ahhh finally someone on reddit enabled hardcore mode
30% more of the screen opened up with a few f6 taps.
zzz replays only