Probably my hardest and most satisfying PA game ever. I had to drag Lycan's incompetent ass kicking and screaming to the win here. Me and my buddy on Lion killed Necro 3 times in lane (why they had solo off Necro I dunno). So I had the good start I needed and was powerful throughout. Thing was, they then grouped as 5 with Necrobooks and we couldn't halt the push, we had crap heroes for it. Pretty soon all of our outer towers were gone without us taking a single T1. We play defensive, getting pickoffs when we can, farming as quickly as possible and keeping lanes pushed out.
Eventually, I get my BKB (I went for the basher then helm first, which I regret). Now we can take fights, and I start cleaning house. But because of NP we can never get a push together to capitalize on it. Then Lycan starts getting picked off solo, farming the jungle with no tp, etc. After one fight where we kill three of them, me and Lycan push mid as the rest go for NP who is threatening rax. We get the T2, I immediately back, saying to do so in chat. Lycan stays, gets attacked, and lion plus Ogre die trying to save him. So with only me and Sniper up they take our rax. Lion respawns, and we have to go as they are going for the T4s. We fight, we die, then I buyback and kill everyone but OD and CM, who have to back cus they are on like 10% hp each. At this point our ancient is on less than half health.
Rosh respawns. Both teams hang around the pit, on opposite sides of the river. CM gets a haste rune, and gets cocky, thinking she can bait us. I blink on her as she runs at us, get a first hit bash, and they all rush in to save her. We teamwipe them, take rosh quickly, then barrel down mid. We throne them. Everyone in the game on each team played well except Lycan, but we got it. I feel so mentally drained right now haha.