So I finally got bored as shit playing Battlfury PA, and I know you guys always say it's terrible, so what do I build? Give me the line of succession all the way to Divine.
phase > vanguard > vanguard > pipe > butterfly > butterfly
So I finally got bored as shit playing Battlfury PA, and I know you guys always say it's terrible, so what do I build? Give me the line of succession all the way to Divine.
phase > vanguard > vanguard > pipe > butterfly > butterfly
Thanks guys.
BKB before the basher/hotd would likely have helped you more this game, but it kinda looks like you guys got rolled anyway :/
Yeah I'm just kidding, it was a bullshit game. I'll move BKB up in the build order.
That is a funny way to pronounce Drow.The correct response is to stop playing shit heroes like PA.
The correct response is to stop playing shit heroes like PA.
I'm thinking closer to $39.99. The ward and courier are pretty detailed with particles and presumably the players want to make some money. Also I think they are going to be Genuine quality. $49.99 or even $59.99 might be possible if they want to go the premium route knowing people will instabuy for the Pudge and sell the Sven and Doom. I can also see that Dendi doll being made irl.Not a word. We'll find out the price when it goes live in the store.
I'm guessing closer to $30 considering what those item sets look like and what they'll rake in.
The Doom set owns.I'm thinking closer to $39.99. The ward and courier are pretty detailed with particles and presumably the players want to make some money. Also I think they are going to be Genuine quality. $49.99 or even $59.99 might be possible if they want to go the premium route knowing people will instabuy for the Pudge and sell the Sven and Doom. I can also see that Dendi doll being made irl.
I'm thinking closer to $39.99. The ward and courier are pretty detailed with particles and presumably the players want to make some money. Also I think they are going to be Genuine quality. $49.99 or even $59.99 might be possible if they want to go the premium route knowing people will instabuy for the Pudge and sell the Sven and Doom. I can also see that Dendi doll being made irl.
The Doom set owns.
$60 for 4 sets and a couple wards that aren't even arcanas? lol that would be a joke
Pricing it too expensive (i.e. $40+) would be a mistake IMO, I think something like $25 would sell like candy, whereas when you start to go above arcana territory, you're losing many potential sales. Think valve realized this (or the community forced them to as entire sets were reselling for $2-$3 on the market a couple weeks after their release) when their individual item sets started to get out of control and they just crunched them all down to somewhere between $4-$10. But who knows, I'm no marketing genius or financial expert.
Is this a link to a Reddit post that links to a LoL forum post that links to another LoL forum post?
Yeah but we need wards.>We Need Wards
When there have been at least 2 wards up literally since the start of the game and wards are on CD is kind of infuriating.
>We Need Wards
When there have been at least 2 wards up literally since the start of the game and wards are on CD is kind of infuriating.
>We Need Wards
When there have been at least 2 wards up literally since the start of the game and wards are on CD is kind of infuriating.
aight seriously demoli and g.zzz you wasted 30 minutes of our time with rage quits, not cool.
gettin a timeout from future inhouses if i'm hosting this shit shouldn't happen
When im playing support
- Wards 24/7
- Courier and Flying at 3 mins bought by me
- Dewarding as much as possible
- Buy smoke before Roshing so we dont get butt ravaged
- Carry dust when the enemy has an invis hero
When some other jackhole is playing support
- Courier? lol no gold buy later
- Wards? lol im not a support retard you buy it if you want
- Guys they warded Rosh, do go in there (die 10 seconds later to their team 5v2)
- Please upgrade the courier? kk - and then its still walking at 13 minutes
- Bounty/Riki is missing, pls care (they go in the enemy jungle alone and die instantly)
Almost 2k games and 3k hours of Dota played, and this happens every match. I guess you cant fix stupid
I'm thinking closer to $39.99. The ward and courier are pretty detailed with particles and presumably the players want to make some money. Also I think they are going to be Genuine quality. $49.99 or even $59.99 might be possible if they want to go the premium route knowing people will instabuy for the Pudge and sell the Sven and Doom. I can also see that Dendi doll being made irl.
aight seriously demoli and g.zzz you wasted 30 minutes of our time with rage quits, not cool.
gettin a timeout from future inhouses if i'm hosting this shit shouldn't happen
Not a reage quit, my houses fuses blew up and when i sorted it out it was 5:30 AM here. Whats the point of reage quitting an in house?
Be careful big bad Anbokr gonna come and get you. I'd ask asylum to Brasil if i were u.
>We Need Wards
When there have been at least 2 wards up literally since the start of the game and wards are on CD is kind of infuriating.
When some other jackhole is playing support
- Courier? lol no gold buy later
- Wards? lol im not a support retard you buy it if you want
- Guys they warded Rosh, do go in there (die 10 seconds later to their team 5v2)
- Please upgrade the courier? kk - and then its still walking at 13 minutes
- Bounty/Riki is missing, pls care (they go in the enemy jungle alone and die instantly)
Doom set is actually the best of the bunch.
Dendi pudge set im never gonna use since i hate that hero. Sven set looks like ass.
aight seriously demoli and g.zzz you wasted 30 minutes of our time with rage quits, not cool.
gettin a timeout from future inhouses if i'm hosting this shit shouldn't happen
The correct response is to stop playing shit heroes like PA.
23 out of 26 matches on PA you choose treads and you lose two thirds of the time. PA = shit hero guys.
all these shots being fired
o shiet r u mocking anbokrs authority i wouldnt do that if i were u
Not a reage quit, my houses fuses blew up and when i sorted it out it was 5:30 AM here. Whats the point of reage quitting an in house?
23 out of 26 matches on PA you choose treads and you lose two thirds of the time. PA = shit hero guys.
Yep, something as simple as the choice of boots caused me to lose those games. You heard it here first, choosing Treads over Phase = lose game guys.
At this point, I'd pull data about item builds from datdota to make my point but I see that PA has been picked a grand total of ONE time in the pro matches in 2014 so I really don't think there is much more that needs to be said about it.
Just curious, what's so bad about picking treads on PA? I know almost everyone picks phase, but treads is perfectly fine on pretty much any hero
It gives her some nice stats of her choice and 30 attack speed for a cheap price. if people prefer that over the increased movement speed (when you already have a way to close the gap with blink) and 24 damage, what's so wrong with that?
attack speed isn't a priority because she get's that from phantom strike already, but she needs the raw damage that phase boots give for fatter crits.
it's not like its game breakingly bad to get treads, just not optimal.
I wasn't saying that it was all on the boots but a lot can be surmised from a glance at your item builds. She gets a ton of attack speed from blink strike and wants the damage for crits more. Phase is 24 damage for a 900 gold upgrade from brown boots and gives you extra chase ability too. Why you went treads so much is beyond me. Then you have several battlefury games, at least one of which was against PL to be fair, but for the most part there are far better damage items you could be getting. And then there are the games you;re getting MKB against heroes that don't have and aren't building towards evasion. You going treads is more a symptom of not knowing what to build on her.
Pro games aren't the the be all and end all of deciding which heroes are good and you mentioning it just seems like an appeal to authority when you can't reason yourself. Some heroes are more easily countered in pro games or they just aren't part of the current meta. Meepo hardly ever gets picked in pro games but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of 5 Meepos storming out of the jungle to melt my team at the 20 minute mark when I'm against a good player. PA has a 450% crit, 40% evasion, is a melee carry with the built in ability to initiate and is fucking fun to rip players in half with. She's certainly not shit.
what's the best youtube guide for someone who hasn't played a moba before? trying to get a friend into dota