lol people greatly exaggerate on PL. Hes tough yes, once hes farmed. However, one melee hard carry with a Battle Fury and bye bye illusions. One gank with smoke and bye bye PL.
You know, there is a reason why this meta is all about pushing. Thats why we dont see 90 minute pro games anymore. My strat every game, is to 5 man push as fast as possible. If theres a PL i find it even more fun to play against. Ever since PL got nerfed, hes pretty much not picked anymore.
that's only true until he gets a heart or if the melee carry is way ahead in farm
also, the same thing regarding smoke ganks can be said of most carries in the game, outside of am/lycan/naga/morph/some other hero i might be forgetting
i'm not going to argue about whether pl was or not imbalanced or if he is or was easy to counter, but the reason people complained about it so much is that it made the games drag. once the non pl team was even or a little behind vs the pl team, they probably had the feeling (rightfully or not) that the game was over, because the pl was just gonna farm and take it over eventually
compare it to, say, zeus or lich having a 55% winrate and it's completely different. those heroes have to end the game early, so the losing team doesn't feel like they're getting stomped for 20 minutes and there's nothing they can do. this is also why having heroes like riki and spirit breaker dominating can ruin the game for many people, since they can't leave the base. and this is also why people hate pudge so much -- whenever his team stomps, they just keep wasting time fountain hooking half the time. to sum it up, it's actually ok for some heroes to dominate matchmaking, as long as those heroes don't ruin the fun of the game for the losing team. not that losing is fun, but they just make the situation worse
and the other reason you can't have some of these heroes dominate is... the lack of concede. because if the losing team could concede instead of being forced to wait 20 minutes for the game to end, then they wouldn't be that mad about certain heroes. but they can't
this is where the "this only happens because you're bad" routine kicks in -- "if there's one rax down, just leave the base with smoke and the game will eventually end". Or, the losing team could've beaten the pl team because they did a bunch of mistakes, except the losing team is losing precisely because they're relatively even in skill with the pl team and also make mistakes / don't have the professional level coordination to fight back, so the game is unwinnable for them. in other words, the players should be allowed to decide when they no longer want to play without being in a 5stack or having their winning conditions being judged by players with a mmr 2-4k higher who think the game would've gone differently if they were the ones playing
i mean, if the heroes are really imbalanced, like pre-ti2 lycan or week-of-release centaur, then people are gonna complain, even if they end the game shortly. but heroes that make the game drag are much worse to play against, so
also friends, i'm not doing our usual internet fighting routine today, though i can't really stop anyone from replying to this. ty for your comprehension