What is the suggested build for Abaddon? I'm thinking Phase Boot+MoM+Soul Ring as a core for melee build, but I'm not sure if its viable.
Yeap. They should be pretty safe now though.
DDoS prevention?
Play him as a support and get tranquils -> urn/mek -> force staff and whatever else your team needs like a Vlads if your cores are melee heroes.
I want to maximize his Curse of Avernus utility, but in the case of no dedicated healer like Dazzle or Omni I might switched to fulltime support. It just the idea of Curse of Avernus not being utilized for the carries bugs me.
Excalibur confirmed anime
What do I even put this Vici gaming gem into?
Wait, team gems? Do you get those for doing a team's worth of cards or something?
FS/NWhich anime?
Doing so-so like alwaysNot paid attention the the pro-sce since last year's International. Is Navi basically done?
I think its going to be one of the Chinese teams that will win TI4, though which one is hard to say. I think both East and West are pretty evenly matched in regards to each other, but that the East just seem so much more on the ball. I don't think a month of Boot Camping is going to be enough for a lot of these western teams.
Also, I don't think any of the teams fighting for the final spot have a chance to even make top 8.
Venge at least has great stat gain.Playing Jugg with Blink Dagger + Tranquils might be the worst idea I've seen since Xboct tried carry VS in the TI3 finals.
"He's trying to suck off Universe" - Godz
Venge at least has great stat gain.
Roaming level 1 boot jugg support vs Void is a bit more than bad.
What is the suggested build for Abaddon? I'm thinking Phase Boot+MoM+Soul Ring as a core for melee build, but I'm not sure if its viable.
What happened to Era? Visa issues?
Never go carry Aba, sucks balls. Tranquils-> urn -> mek -> Auras (I prefer vlads) or other items like blink, force, pipe or Aghs.
If you go aghs for god's sake remember to pop your ult manually when your carry/core players are in danger, dont sve it for yourself cause by then it'll be too late.
He's also a great gem carrier.
lol of course not. His stat growth is subpar, and his only scaling skill is CoA which isn't too great either for himself. It's been a long time since I played as Abaddon (actually Dota 2 in general, I believe it's almost one year since my last game lol) and seeing some Abaddon with full support (Mekans and Drum) don't sit with me very well (also the break effect of Tranquil Boots). But I'll try to get over that and played with the usual build before experimenting on my then.
Out of curiosity, if you agree he can't carry but don't like the idea of support items on him, what would you build?
Let's see:
Tranquil Boots
Sange&Yasha (or Halberd)
The priority should be Aghanim, since that's the only way to make him useful in bigfights. He needs a lot of mana to farm with Apotic shield, so it's either soul ring or perseverance to do job. Why I don't want to make him build full support with Mekansm or War is because he also need to take advatange of his passive with item that have procuring effect. Mekansm imo, should be for other support but in case the team really needs it, Abaddon can make it only after Aghanim.
Hmm. The urn, vlads, agh's all seem like you are building him support, but the S&Y is a carry/semi-carry item. It seems like kind of a confused build. I take it when you say items that take advantage of the passive you mean stuff that lets you apply it to all enemies via attack speed. But I don't think you need items for that. Also, saying aghs is the only contribution he can give in fights is not true. Debuffing the hero that gets initiated on can be huge, especially against arrows, lasso etc. Then you heal your carry throughout the fight.
I'm sure lots of other people do that as well. Anuxi probably has an entire inventory of Fnatic cards.Singsing has almost 3 pages of Puppey cards