Alliance looking completely indifferent about the win.
This is what makes them so scary. They might be underwhelming at points but fuck, there is ice in their veins.
Alliance looking completely indifferent about the win.
I'm sorry but you're not bulldog, and you're not surrounded by alliance. The midas, shadowblade, necro is standard because it works. The blink orchid stuff was working because they had a wisp mostly.
If you want to be more active in ganks you can do that solely through skills (you can teleport anywhere on the map!) it doesn't even matter what items you pick.
Absolutely experiment with item builds and try new stuff, but don't treat a one time pro build as a easy instant win in pubs and the future of the hero.
I'd love to be proven wrong though, he's one of my favorite heroes and shaking up what people build on stuff is always fun.
Yo Magnus is legitFuck, rolled Magnus for today, what did I do to deserve this?
Meanwhile, we are getting there.
Meanwhile, we are getting there.
I wanted to try this Bulldog build, and unfortunately, my Internet provider had DNS issues, I got a disconnection and an abandon. However, I was having a far better start than with the usual jungle Midas Furion: rather than having close to no impact, I was laning, and I could secure 5 kills by teleporting at the right time in any lane, with my treads (and Mjollnir just after). Rushing Midas impedes the early ganks with Furion. I would like to know the build order chosen by Bulldog, but if I reckon correctly, it was first Treads then Mjollnir.
OMG, I ran into a celebrity while playing Dota this afternoon. Such luck.
OMG, I ran into a celebrity while playing Dota this afternoon. Such luck.
I played vs a CK and had horrifying RNG experiences. 4 of my 3 deaths were to a 4s stun, the last one due to him dealing 950 damage in 1 second with a bolt + crit and then his illu critting. What the fuck man.Pretty sure you don't. It just replaces them.
He might actually be good if you did.
Yo Magnus is legit
In other news I watched Hearthstone over Dota am I becoming a casual
You lied to me! RP has garbage for range, empower might as well not be there and skewer is only slightly less finicky than pounce.
AKA I am bad with this hero and I knew I would be.
Magnus feels like one of the heroes's where I'll give him 5-6 shots and then stop inflicting my poor play on others. We'll see if I get used to him like I did with shadow fiend or if he ends up in the " tedious as fuck" pile along with doom.
edit: I know he's not a bad hero by any means, I love watching s4 play him, but he may very will be out of my skill level.
Magnus is a ton of fun to play. Once you have blink dagger you don't even need RP to get easy kills. Blinking behind someone and skewering them into a tower or into your entire team is amazing.You lied to me! RP has garbage for range, empower might as well not be there and skewer is only slightly less finicky than pounce.
AKA I am bad with this hero and I knew I would be.
Magnus feels like one of the heroes's where I'll give him 5-6 shots and then stop inflicting my poor play on others. We'll see if I get used to him like I did with shadow fiend or if he ends up in the " tedious as fuck" pile along with doom.
edit: I know he's not a bad hero by any means, I love watching s4 play him, but he may very will be out of my skill level.
Slark is really fun. Though I'm not really sure what he's supposed to be doing. Setting up ganks with pounce? What's the use of his ultimate exactly?
Invincibility to targeted abilities and right clicks, passive heal and increase movespeed.
What's not to like about that.
With slark you are supposed to be darting around all over being a total pain in the ass, getting solo kills if a support goes anywhere alone. In teamfights you dive in, go balls deep on squishies till you get low, pop ult, hit a few more times, then back off out of vision, heal, and come back for round two.
Oh I didn't mean "what's the use" as in "it sucks." I legitimately didn't know how it was supposed to be used. Probably would have helped if I realized you could attack during it.
As for his dark purge, if I use it preemptively will it purge silence? ie: start to use skill, get silenced, dark purge activates. Or does silence interrupt it?
And what's the best way to tell if a support goes off alone? My biggest problem with playing gankers is that I sometimes abandon lanes for too long while looking for targets, find none, and then get no farm and no xp.
edit: I know he's not a bad hero by any means, I love watching s4 play him, but he may very will be out of my skill level.
Slark is really fun. Though I'm not really sure what he's supposed to be doing. Setting up ganks with pounce? What's the use of his ultimate exactly?
Oh I didn't mean "what's the use" as in "it sucks." I legitimately didn't know how it was supposed to be used. Probably would have helped if I realized you could attack during it.
As for his dark purge, if I use it preemptively will it purge silence? ie: start to use skill, get silenced, dark purge activates. Or does silence interrupt it?
And what's the best way to tell if a support goes off alone? My biggest problem with playing gankers is that I sometimes abandon lanes for too long while looking for targets, find none, and then get no farm and no xp.
Good wards help a ton.
A lot of pub supports refuse to ward anything other than rune spots and roshan, which are useless for spotting support rotations(if the enemy supports are at all competent), so in pubs you might have to make some educated guesses based on what you can see on the minimap.
As a support, I so far have stuck to warding the runes and roshan (throughout early and mid game, later on I put down more aggressive/defensive wards). What are good spots to ward for spotting rotations? Somewhere in the enemy jungle? Maybe on top of their "super ward cliff"?
He's the last hero I have for my 10 hero challenge, and I'm terrified to play him. He's not a bad hero, but he's not a great hero these days either. I was never a great Magnus player as well so that might have something to do with it. I feel like there are just more impactful mid heroes to play, and better team fight heroes as well. Empower is nice in the late game for your carry, but Magnus should be a powerhouse in the mid-game and he just feels lacking these days.
Good wards help a ton.
A lot of pub supports refuse to ward anything other than rune spots and roshan, which are useless for spotting support rotations(if the enemy supports are at all competent), so in pubs you might have to make some educated guesses based on what you can see on the minimap.
The ward by the radiant ancients (high ground right on the corner near the river) is always awesome later in the game. Something I learned from Merlini is that you ward for your next objective. Want to push radiant bot tower? Ward in lane behind the tower or somewhere in their jungle. Want to push mid tier 2? Ward behind the tower between the tier 2 and tier 3. Warding the jungle at all points in the game is also always good, especially if you can block camps against an opposing jungler since no one in lower MMRs bring sentries to lane so you can almost always shut down 2 or more camps.
But honestly, look at what your team is about to do (not always possible in pubs) and ward in the place where the enemy would group up to initiate or the direction from which they would try to wrap around.
What exactly is support rotation? I'm guessing it means the support switching between their lane and mid lane? Or do they go all the way to the lane furthest from them and ward while traveling?
Gosh, playing as support in pubs sounds nightmarish. Teamwork happens by pure chance unless someone with a mic takes lead and everyone decides to listen. It would be nearly impossible to ward in advance.
OMG, I ran into a celebrity while playing Dota this afternoon. Such luck.
Gosh, playing as support in pubs sounds nightmarish. Teamwork happens by pure chance unless someone with a mic takes lead and everyone decides to listen. It would be nearly impossible to ward in advance.
It is unrewarding at first because people are too dumb to look at the minimap and make use of the wards, but you quickly realize how big of a difference a well placed ward makes. You are pushing mid as 5 and scared of the enemy void chrono-ing you? A nice lane ward somewhere else shows you that the void is split pushing without a TP and you can push the tower aggressively. People don't realize just how huge wards are but having vision makes most people play smarter and it wins you games.
its ok i slayed him 1v1
Is Ogre magi actually terrible?
Is Ogre magi actually terrible?
No, he's been continually buffed even after already being a decent hero. He's extremely situational in pros but really good in pubs. Also not that hard even if you're a newbee.
Is Ogre magi actually terrible?
You start with 7 armor, you tell people to get the fuck out of lane or get fucked son.
Mostly unnecessary in my experience, if you're running out maybe spam less Q on waves and get a wand, but I think you're fine. Some games call for an orchid, but that depends on the enemy heroes.Whelp.
Also Slark's only problem seems to be low mana pool. Am I supposed to buy items to alleviate this?
What do most heroes start with?
Also Slark's only problem seems to be low mana pool. Am I supposed to buy items to alleviate this?
Bottle. Wand. Careful mana management.
Orchid is one of my favorite items on him for this very reason, but it might not always give you the burst you need. If there's a Storm/Ember/Earth Spirit or squishy caster on their team though, Orchid all the way.