I was literally compiling a list earlier this morning.Kreygasm
EDIT: One thing I wanted to mention, I love how every team seems to have that one hero that no one else uses. Empire Troll Warlord, Alliance Sven, etc. It's great.
EDIT: One thing I wanted to mention, I love how every team seems to have that one hero that no one else uses. Empire Troll Warlord, Alliance Sven, etc. It's great.
doesn't Mouz use troll more than empire
doesn't Mouz use troll more than empire
wtf is lumi wearing?
ksan must be bootcamping extra hard this year
Ban wisp.How do you deal with that anyways? Doom the Sven? Does that even turn off God's Strength and Cleave? Hookshot and forcestaff out? Chrono?
How do you deal with that anyways? Doom the Sven? Does that even turn off God's Strength and Cleave? Hookshot and forcestaff out? Chrono?
How do you deal with that anyways? Doom the Sven? Does that even turn off God's Strength and Cleave? Hookshot and forcestaff out? Chrono?
How do you deal with that anyways? Doom the Sven? Does that even turn off God's Strength and Cleave? Hookshot and forcestaff out? Chrono?
Ban wisp.
Alliance ran the exact same 5 heroes earlier in the tournament:
Wisp - Making heroes viable since 6.68
The alliance lineup is the same lineup that won them the finals, minus ck for sven.
He's easily the most replaceable player in Alliance. He played standard Manly Sven, there was little finesse to it whatsoever. It worked because S4, EGM and Bulldog were working their fucking butts off to give him the space to right click.loda's a pretty good player i think
It's not you, its your team.Why isn't my Sven that good. BibleThump
CM instead of Tree too. It's definitely the same style line-up. S4 and Bulldog on their best heroes is bound to get disastrous.
He's easily the most replaceable player in Alliance. He played standard Manly Sven, there was little finesse to it whatsoever. It worked because S4, EGM and Bulldog were working their fucking butts off to give him the space to right click.
You could've put anbokr into Loda's shoes and he would've done just as well. Being able to ride on the Akke/EGM/S4 palanquin must be a fucking dream.
It's not you, its your team.