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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana



"BibleThump", "B L O G B O Y S", they got everything covered

Ein, give us the inside scoop

Chris R

That's cool. Play competitive dota for 6 months, travel the world and end up with a ton of cash? Sign me up.

As for RTZ's performance, one bummer was the schedule. They played the fifteen phase two games and then nothing until the main event. After losing to Newbee they didn't play again for two full days.

Not saying his performance was great all the time, because it wasn't. He is yung though so the future is bright.
I saw Bulba hang out in the EG suite on Monday. Start the rumors, boys!

He was probably just watching the finals with his friends.


Enigma is/was pretty common all throughout TI.

He was banned pretty much every time except in the the grand finals where he got though all 4 games.

Vici & Newbee first two banned Lycan, Razor, Enchantress & Death Prophet
in all 4 grand final games.

Very showing of the power of the heroes in the right hands. Remember when some bonkers Pro were shitting on Death Prophet.

What awful misleading propaganda. DP is a top tier hero but totally balanced. 4k Here I come.


Hey guys, I have a conceptual question about Phantom Assassin.

Short story: I don't play much PA at all. Maybe a dozen matches since she came out. I decided to play her last night because...hell, I dunno why. I just felt like it. Naturally, as punishment for my random decisions, I end up safe lane with Mirana vs a tri-lane of Sven + ES + Disruptor.


So as expected, I have about 10cs @ 10 minutes, mostly off the back of Q spam. I was fortunate enough to have a CM on the team who put a point in the passive which helped, but shit was hard. Offlane Brood and mid Viper were able to take their towers and get a couple of kills which helped the gold income and with 1 or 2 kills, I had a BFury up at around 17 minutes. With the cleave and mana regen, I was able to perma-spam PA's W steroid and clear the entire jungle repeatedly in under a minute, then rotate to the empty lane and do the same. 4 minutes later, BKB was up. 4 or 5 minutes after that, AC was up. Results from the game itself can be seen here:


So my question is...what makes Battlefury a dismissive purchase on PA? I feel like the cleave and mana regen in conjunction with PA's passive and steroid greatly accelerate her jungle clear times and consequently, her ability to get items in her inventory. I know Drums --> BKB is usually more popular, but neither really pumps up her farming speeds. I also realize that the later build can be obtained faster and allows her to team fight a little more in the 10-20 minute range of game time.

Is it just a matter of the style of midgame you want to play, or is the item a blanket "do not buy"? Or is it a fine purchase?
About PA battlefury, it's legit. But you have to ask yourself "can we actually take a fight?". If you cant, drum bkb wont help much. If you cant fight, farm your way up and try to outcarry by buying bf.
Suggesting that Fear's injury is something that will not go away. Mason isn't better than Fear, but Fear's injury will flair up again and they'll have to find someone else to replace him.

Well certainly they'll have a contingency plan again if he has issues in the future. I'm sure his doctors will advise him on how to best take care of himself and how he should think about limiting his practice/pub hours to maximize his longevity.
Lets just go with Fear being dead, who is the best North American carry player? I really can't think of many that could replace Mason. Slim pickings.

Maybe import from EU, Excalibur for EG!

Yea I don't know. I kinda talked about that in my long post about post-TI team moves, but I think if Fear isn't the option, they should pursue someone like Black^. I can't imagine him not jumping at the opportunity to play on a Western squad, and EG is certainly one of the most reputable organizations in gaming.

How has TC been playing? I'd think they could probably poach someone like that if need be.


Well certainly they'll have a contingency plan again if he has issues in the future. I'm sure his doctors will advise him on how to best take care of himself and how he should think about limiting his practice/pub hours to maximize his longevity.

It's not an if, it's a when. They need to dump him and get someone in there who will stick with them through the year. This is nothing against Fear as a player, but joint pain will not go away until he has major surgery. It's the nature of the beast. If he has surgery, he'll be out for months. They're just delaying their success.

Universe is getting old. Obviously he can still play, but the window is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know, I know Fear gets massive respect, but the organization just needs to cut the cord and look to the future. And this doesn't have to be Mason. Anyone younger and with a similar play style.
Yea I don't know. I kinda talked about that in my long post about post-TI team moves, but I think if Fear isn't the option, they should pursue someone like Black^. I can't imagine him not jumping at the opportunity to play on a Western squad, and EG is certainly one of the most reputable organizations in gaming.

How has TC been playing? I'd think they could probably poach someone like that if need be.

I can't remember a game in which TC wasn't a complete non-factor. After his awful play at qualifiers they gave Qojqva more influential heroes while giving TC heroes he couldn't possibly screw them over with like Viper and Razor, while also giving Qojqva farm priority 9/10 matches.
edit: ^ oh okay. I barely watch Liquid.

I don't think EG would have come in 3rd with Fear instead of mason

It's a good question.


I'd really have to watch the matches again, but I think Fear puts up better numbers than this and offers a wider hero pool. BUT...he doesn't play Weaver nearly as good as Mason. I'd still lean towards Fear overall. More flexible player with a broader pool of heroes from what I've seen.


mason is smart for getting out now since he doesn't have a future in dota

as for Excalibur replacing him, I don't think that's a great idea, Excalibur is massively overrated. Pajkatt would take them to TI5 finals.


Well certainly they'll have a contingency plan again if he has issues in the future. I'm sure his doctors will advise him on how to best take care of himself and how he should think about limiting his practice/pub hours to maximize his longevity.
Alternatively, a TI season with a realistic shot at better-than-third is potentially worth aggravating the injury such that he can't play again. He's been skirting so close to retirement to begin with, figure it has to be on his mind.
He's not overrated, he has great potential. eSports hates potential.

I agree with that. Isn't he #1 in MMR on the Euro ladder? That does mean something. He may be a bit rough around the edges, but his skill is clearly there and I can't imagine many identifiable players having a higher upside than he may be capable of. Some struggle was to be expected eventually, as playing organized, competitive Doto is different than pubs...but again, I think it's fair to say we haven't seen what he's fully capable of.
He's not overrated, he has great potential. eSports hates potential.

The thing is to get picked up by a top team he has to show he can pretty much reach it within a year. Honestly I think he'll be picked up by a smaller team and depending on how he does maybe get picked up by a tier 1 before TI5. Guy has massive potential though

What's zephyr doing nowadays

Probably waiting for the Korean Dota 2 League Season 3 to start, although I'm not sure what their plans are considering they were nearly relegated last season


edit: ^ oh okay. I barely watch Liquid.

It's a good question.


I'd really have to watch the matches again, but I think Fear puts up better numbers than this and offers a wider hero pool. BUT...he doesn't play Weaver nearly as good as Mason. I'd still lean towards Fear overall. More flexible player with a broader pool of heroes from what I've seen.

Fear is most definitely better than Mason, he has a bigger hero pool and he's a great leader
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