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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana

Carry Abaddon is really underwhelming, you're better off using a lot of other heroes over him if you want to carry. Support Abaddon is great and also tons of fun, even if you somehow get a farming role you can get Mek, Vlads, Urn, Scepter and turn fights around for your team. He's not a right clicker though without a ton of items.


Carry Abaddon is really underwhelming, you're better off using a lot of other heroes over him if you want to carry. Support Abaddon is great and also tons of fun, even if you somehow get a farming role you can get Mek, Vlads, Urn, Scepter and turn fights around for your team. He's not a right clicker though without a ton of items.

Burn the non-believer




Seems pretty fake but I still dont get what this great CIS team shuffle is meant to accomplish, none of the teams in this or that 4chan post would be any good
Okay so I should have posted this ten days ago when everyone else was posting their TI4 impressions but I never got around to it. So here it is.

I loved The International this year. I got to see a bit of it last year in person and it was very different. I think that's okay. The changes with size and scale allowed many more people to go and so obviously concessions had to be made (it's going to be much less initmate with casters and players and the fans obviously, for example last year I wanted bruno to sign my hat, so I literally walked up to him and asked while he was sitting at the caster desk and he just invited me up. This year that would have been impossible unless I wanted to climb a fence. I would have had to just be lucky bumping into him at some point.) but I think it was for the greater good as more people got to experience the fun and the atmosphere was more intense (as a stadium usually will be over a concert hall).

One of the criticisms I will level though, is the increased value that Valve is putting on the players. They are very much trying to make them celebrities. One of the first interviews of the whole event talked about how the players were this kid's *insert random star here i dont remember what he listed* and that kind of disturbed me but I shrugged it off. I don't know if it was intentional in that fashion or not but the separating to the MVP level of the players sort of elevated them as well. Instead of just rubbing elbows and getting nods and "heys!" they were now getting mobbed by people wanting to get autographs and silly player cards and on the whole I thought it was genuinely disturbing. I find normal celebrity hounding disgusting but when it's relatively normal kids who are averaging around 20, I don't think that's a healthy environment. They were unable to have peace anywhere they went in the whole city for a whole five days. Now I did talk to others about it and we generally agreed that whatever, it's one weekend these kids get to feel good about their life choices and boost their ego for a bit, but something still rubs me the wrong way about it. I absolutely believe that encouraging this as a whole is a conscious choice from Valve after remembering this video from a few months back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td_PGkfIdIQ&feature=youtu.be&t=40m23s . I don't know where I stand on it as of now.

Yeah the finals sucked but whatever, there were plenty of really good matches and some of the eg games alone were worth the entire trip. The USA chants were amazinggggg. Also a lot of people's complaints were aimed at the secret shop, but luckily I just got to hand off my order list to Arab (thanks again!) and he just dealt with that so I never had to experience 3 hours of fucking standing (also Haz bought me a shirt so thanks to you too!).

The adventures though, they were the fun parts. Just getting drunk and hanging with people on gaf or at my hostel was a blast (also other things too like special rice krispy treats). Arab and Chizzanger (arab's lurker friend) and I just bar hopped the first day and had tons of fun. The shitty bar that played russian movies on hulu as we tried to call around for weed, I finally saw the bubble gum alley, I bought new flip flops! Arab also apparently only likes PBR, keep that in mind and judge him. We also saw MSS at a bar with some of his friends and embarrassed him, but we got a picture. Then the next few days we met up with tons of gaffers. DrKirby, Ketch, Hazaro, Roy G Biv (and his +1), rhfb, and a few lurkers who will not be named. All super nice people and it was great meeting you all! We hung out at a beer garden getting drunk with a guy from shacknews! We played pinball (and I whooped Haz's ass at the Xmen machine). I talked to random hostel mates (one was a brazilian architect, another was an MIT engineer, most of the rest were just boring nerds). I'm pretty sure I got two of my roommates laid by introducing them to these two Danish gals who I was talking Eurovision with, they weren't in their beds the next morning and pretty sure they were copping feels while I was serenading the bar with my beautiful rendition of The Outfield's Your Love on karaoke (Arab can attest to my singing... PROJECT). I was literally inches away hooking up with a very attractive woman across the hallway in my second hostel, but because I couldn't keep my big mouth shut when she talked about burying healing crystals in her front yard to help her all organic tomato plants grow, it didn't really go anywhere. Later that last night I would get too drunk to find my way back and would wander around the city for an hour before offering two homeless men 50 cents to tell me where my hostel was and my feet really hurt. I used calculus to divide up a pizza bill (it didnt go great). I got to talk to a contributor (the aussie dude, don't think I ever caught his name) for a good hour about his relationship with Valve and LODs and colors and canada. I got to have really good Vietnamese food out of a tent, right after having a literal brick of french fries that was bigger than my head (no joke). Also I met a lot of Mumblegaf and they're nice too, but I only met them for like the last day and Tswift had already left what a jerk.

So basically I'm saying my International trip was amazing fun because of the adventures I had on it (how many times have you been to a mexican restaurant named camels that served gyros?) and the people I had them with. The dota was great no doubt, the trip was so much better. 5/5 would go again, and do hope to come back next year to see it. If you have any interest at all, I would recommend it.

And without further ado, the Bandits photo:

From left to right: Arab, SteveWinwood, rhfb, DrKirby, (RoyGBiv's +1), Hazaro, RoyGBiv, Chizzanger

(We're doing our best arms crossed dota team poses)

And while this was going on Ketch was getting drinks so here's a picture of him and this rando we met up with who took the first picture:

Ketch is on the right.

Yeah I don't know who puts their fingers in front of camera lenses anymore either.
Okay please tell me Eurovision isn't literally the only thing you know about Europe.

Aside from that, great read. Barring a disaster, I will be going to TI5.

Now we start begging for the Karaoke videos.

Arab giff karaoke videos


Corporate Apologist
Why didn't you tell me I looked so smug before taking the photo

Edit: Wait wait, you told us to pose like that, thats right.
Any tips for Troll Warlord? I got him in all random today and realized I've never played him before. I did okay and dominated my lane in the early game because of his slow and the ability to switch stances and do a lot of burst, but once the game got going I didn't really understand what to build and the damage from my 2 W spells didn't seem to scale well. My support sand king lane partner left after 4 kills and afk jungle farmed for 20 minutes (even after he got blink) which basically lost us the game, but I felt really lost regardless.

Should I try to be more active early on, or just try to farm up to be a right click carry? The guide I used was built around rushing the rosh pit but we were losing mid pretty badly so I didn't want to risk it.

Chris R

5x stack for tinker, so what does he do? marches once, rearms tps back to base and WALKS back to the ancients



Corporate Apologist
It seems Nexon is giving out 100 of that new LC sets for some promotion. Not sure what future avalibilty will be like, but the broken English of google translation in calling them "Unreleased" makes me think you just get a genuine version early.

Also, it looks like the Demihero at TI4 had between a 1 in 4 and a 1 in 5 chance of being golden. For example, I have tracked 538 Genuine Severing Crests, and 180 Golden Severing Crests.

Why are you drinking pbr out of a can in a bar? Jesus.

Arab for some reason really likes the stuff, ordered it every chance he had.


It seems Nexon is giving out 100 of that new LC sets for some promotion. Not sure what future avalibilty will be like, but the broken English of google translation in calling them "Unreleased" makes me think you just get a genuine version early.

Also, it looks like the Demihero at TI4 had between a 1 in 4 and a 1 in 5 chance of being golden. For example, I have tracked 538 Genuine Severing Crests, and 180 Golden Severing Crests.

Arab for some reason really likes the stuff, ordered it every chance he had.
A staff member at the SS (so I'm assuming a Valve dev) told me its a 10% chance of getting one.
I'm guessing the high number of severing crests is just a random result of drop rates of different golden items.
I got 2 goldens out of the 8 Demis I bought, one was Undying, one was Razor


Corporate Apologist
A staff member at the SS (so I'm assuming a Valve dev) told me its a 10% chance of getting one.
I'm guessing the high number of severing crests is just a random result of drop rates of different golden items.
I got 2 goldens out of the 8 Demis I bought, one was Undying, one was Razor
very well could be, I think its also that my system is biased towards high valve profiles, who are more likely to have the gold items while the genuine ones are more likely to be owned by normal people, who don't get checked that often.

Also, with 150k+ of the cask items, valve pulled in over $600k of a single chest with 6 cosmetics items in it.


So basically, you know how many people are currently working on Dota at the moment?

Not to mention that while in short term it would be GREAT to take all the manpower you can you forgot to realise that

a) you need people who can work with your pipeline, and management style
b) hoarding in manpower means that you have to ensure that it's at least cost-effective for the company.

There's so many things you need to consider when you're making a recruitment drive and let's be honest here; it's not easy.

Hell let's also talk about programming. We know the problem with Techies is how buggy he is at the moment and work is being done to fix as much of his bugs as possible. QA for this game must be hell with having to check if any changes having possibly wreck or bug any part of the game.
Your argument is about new hire, getting more people on the project than it ever got.
His ( and mine too ) isn't about making dota 2 dev team bigger, but to have it go back at the size it was before ( even if I also don't agree with your argument, feel almost like what some people say about minecraft dev team size, and how the game would loose it's soul if it got bigger ). At a time where their work pipeline, management style, QA ( lol ), allowed them to release more than two times the hero they did last year, and not have a 6 consecutive month/half a year without one.


I care more about balance changes than about new heroes. In fact, I have barely played Ember Spirit, Earth Spirit, Terrorblade and Phoenix. It is a shame for Earth Spirit and Phoenix, because they have the funniest spells and gameplay.


I fucking hate this game sometimes. Right now is one of them.

Our Abadon DC's in the middle of a huge fight, we lose. He doesn't come back.

10 mins later of holding them off and a teamfight won, tell sniper to buy BoTs and tp mid to win game. He buys a Butterfly. Get the Ancient down to 200hp and we all died.

I fucking hate this game sometimes. Right now is one of them.

Our Abadon DC's in the middle of a huge fight, we lose. He doesn't come back.

10 mins later of holding them off and a teamfight won, tell sniper to buy BoTs and tp mid to win game. He buys a Butterfly. Get the Ancient down to 200hp and we all died.


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