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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


so i was bored and decided to 1 vs 1 mid

randomly picked huskar and went mid and this dude who picked leshrac doesn't show up.. then it says your bottom tower is under attack

this guy skilled edict and found a spot and just spammed it until he killed the tower
he cries on chat about how he's supposed to kill huskar as leshrac

why the fuck can you win 1 vs 1 mid mode by destroying a tower in another lane? fucking stupid


the only high story i have from TI4 is smoking a j with steve and taking him to a mediterranean place where he proceeded to think it was a taco stand and he demanded tacos. there were fucking camels in the sign.


Start game, DK goes mid , dies twice in 1 min to puck, void tp mid and start suciding to tower each time he respawn, flame team.

At least timber left so i didn't have to lose more than 5 min on this. So many shitty players really. It's a cancer.

High skill doto.


Start game, DK goes mid , dies twice in 1 min to puck, void tp mid and start suciding to tower each time he respawn, flame team.

At least timber left so i didn't have to lose more than 5 min on this. So many shitty players really. It's a cancer.

High skill doto.

The promised land of 4k.


relies on auto-aim
there's literally people that don't know how to land chronos
See: The Void in my CK Void lane (I picked Support CK over Warlock because fuck Warlock I can just build Soul ring and he's got a 3s stun). I expected Venge to support but she got FB and a double kill so she just ended up going carry. I bought all the sentries, Vlads, two smokes that actually both got kills, gem. Centaur CK roaming combo OP.

Void had terrible decision making and never joined any fight ever and just kept farming despite Chrono being so fucking broken. I think he landed a two person chrono with a teammate one time and kept dying to Luna Eclipse and Jugg Ult because he was stupid and wouldn't initiate.

(I think Void went something like Bfury -> MoM -> Midas?)



Start game, DK goes mid , dies twice in 1 min to puck, void tp mid and start suciding to tower each time he respawn, flame team.

At least timber left so i didn't have to lose more than 5 min on this. So many shitty players really. It's a cancer.

High skill doto.

Next game i have the void again, he goes mid, gank top, fail and dc. Fastest -50 of my life.
Aui just stole Xcalibur's E-blade and Dagon

edit: and it won his team the game, epic.


relies on auto-aim
I refuse to believe this

BFury plus MoM apparently not farming fast enough
Checking Replay:
QB -> Ring of Regen -> Midas -> Bfury -> BROWN BOOTS (25 minutes) -> Treads -> MoM -> Daed
IIRC He had a ring of regen and something on cour so I thought it was that.

Void was 1-3-0 at 28 minutes in a 40 kill game at that point. All he did was afk farm and suck at Chronos.


oh great, just when the game's about to end the network crashes and nothing is recorded. how about get some of that money and investing on better serves huh valve?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
oh great, just when the game's about to end the network crashes and nothing is recorded. how about get some of that money and investing on better serves huh valve?
Were you winning? Probably someone exploiting crash bugs.


the only high story i have from TI4 is smoking a j with steve and taking him to a mediterranean place where he proceeded to think it was a taco stand and he demanded tacos. there were fucking camels in the sign.

ay that sounds like some good shit.
Holy shit what is it with all the leavers?
This has never been a problem for me and suddenly the past2 weeks there's one every 3-4 games if not more

give up first blood? leave
way ahead then have one bad teamfight? leave
someone says something they don't like? leave
someone picks a hero they don't like? ...

how are these shitters not permanently in low prio?


You know what's worse than leavers? People who stay in the game but don't do anything.

I solo queued for ranked all pick and at the at the last second the past person on our team to pick decided that a Anti-Mage was the best pick to supplement our team already consisting of four farm dependent heroes. He then started complaining that we all made "retard picks" (it was more or less fine before he picked AM, it wasn't going to be an impossible victory or anything) and immediately blinked into the trees lining the outer lane. For the duration of the match, he was just blinking back and forth to wherever the creep line was so he could gain experience to avoid getting an abandon. Once we lost he reiterated his stance that we made "retard picks" and wouldn't shut up.

With leavers or abandons at least you can quit and start a new match instead of waiting for it to end. :(


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I was waiting for this thread to become a MTG thread

Took too long to release the patch volvo, now we switchin
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TECHIES GIVEN ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ



Aui's vlog about TI4. There's some personal stuff at the beginning if you wanna skip, but the cool thing is he talks about the roshan and their reasoning for it. The way he describes what each team loses and gains in that situation really shows me how differently pros think about the way the game works, it's pretty awesome.


Unconfirmed Member
Just tried this game for the first time. Initial impression:



1 and 4 with AM. One game, last pick Naix and lanes with me. One game has Pudge and SB mid. Another has a last pick Mirana when we already have Ember, Axe, NP.



Unconfirmed Member
Feel free to ask whatever you like here, we always wanna help!

Also, more details pls, I love hearing impressions.
Hmm, okay, umm...

Well, for starters, PC gaming is very foreign to me. Here's a complete list of games I've played on PC: Fallout New Vegas, Cave Story, and Gone Home. And now DOTA 2! So even simple stuff like moving by clicking the right mouse button took some getting used to. And I'm still stumbling over simple stuff, like... I left click to talk to a store dude, but then right click to buy items? I don't get it. I'm used to just pushing the A button for everything, lol. I haven't felt this fundamentally inept at a game since playing my first dual analog FPS, haha.

As far as gameplay goes, it's really hard to say. I've only played three matches against bots, with a buddy on my side to help me out. I went with the Windranger first, then two more matches with the Juggernaut. I like the Juggernaut a lot. He has a simple, straight forward move set that has a noticeable impact on how encounters turn out. Very noob friendly, or so it seems to this noob here.

I like the rhythm of the game... Or I like it as far as I'm able to perceive it thus far, haha. I feel like I just left my first day of a new language class, and all I know are how to say hello, thank you, please, and maybe a few verbs. Basically, I'm a long ways from fluency.

I love the complexity and the diversity of heroes, and how the game forces you to respond to your opponents' choices while also keeping your own strengths and limitations in mind. I'm a huge fan of competitive games (Halo is my all-time favorite series) and I'm already getting really excited about how DOTA offers a similar sense of competition and teamwork while buying a tooooootally different game.

tl;dr -- I'm new to DOTA and PC gaming in general and I feel way in over my head, but so far it seems cool?


Hmm, okay, umm...

Well, for starters, PC gaming is very foreign to me. Here's a complete list of games I've played on PC: Fallout New Vegas, Cave Story, and Gone Home. And now DOTA 2! So even simple stuff like moving by clicking the right mouse button took some getting used to. And I'm still stumbling over simple stuff, like... I left click to talk to a store dude, but then right click to buy items? I don't get it. I'm used to just pushing the A button for everything, lol. I haven't felt this fundamentally inept at a game since playing my first dual analog FPS, haha.

As far as gameplay goes, it's really hard to say. I've only played three matches against bots, with a buddy on my side to help me out. I went with the Windranger first, then two more matches with the Juggernaut. I like the Juggernaut a lot. He has a simple, straight forward move set that has a noticeable impact on how encounters turn out. Very noob friendly, or so it seems to this noob here.

I like the rhythm of the game... Or I like it as far as I'm able to perceive it thus far, haha. I feel like I just left my first day of a new language class, and all I know are how to say hello, thank you, please, and maybe a few verbs. Basically, I'm a long ways from fluency.

I love the complexity and the diversity of heroes, and how the game forces you to respond to your opponents' choices while also keeping your own strengths and limitations in mind. I'm a huge fan of competitive games (Halo is my all-time favorite series) and I'm already getting really excited about how DOTA offers a similar sense of competition and teamwork while buying a tooooootally different game.

tl;dr -- I'm new to DOTA and PC gaming in general and I feel way in over my head, but so far it seems cool?

Good stuff. I was similar, though I had played Rome Total War at least so I had some experience with the control scheme, kinda sorta not really. And if you like competition, you are sure to get that in spades. Once you are a little more into it you can check out the pro scene, sounds right up your alley.


Kittens, nice write up. Also helps to have some friends playing along side you. Well, ones that don't make you feel like crap for making a mistake.


Hmm, okay, umm...

Well, for starters, PC gaming is very foreign to me. Here's a complete list of games I've played on PC: Fallout New Vegas, Cave Story, and Gone Home. And now DOTA 2! So even simple stuff like moving by clicking the right mouse button took some getting used to. And I'm still stumbling over simple stuff, like... I left click to talk to a store dude, but then right click to buy items? I don't get it. I'm used to just pushing the A button for everything, lol. I haven't felt this fundamentally inept at a game since playing my first dual analog FPS, haha.

As far as gameplay goes, it's really hard to say. I've only played three matches against bots, with a buddy on my side to help me out. I went with the Windranger first, then two more matches with the Juggernaut. I like the Juggernaut a lot. He has a simple, straight forward move set that has a noticeable impact on how encounters turn out. Very noob friendly, or so it seems to this noob here.

I like the rhythm of the game... Or I like it as far as I'm able to perceive it thus far, haha. I feel like I just left my first day of a new language class, and all I know are how to say hello, thank you, please, and maybe a few verbs. Basically, I'm a long ways from fluency.

I love the complexity and the diversity of heroes, and how the game forces you to respond to your opponents' choices while also keeping your own strengths and limitations in mind. I'm a huge fan of competitive games (Halo is my all-time favorite series) and I'm already getting really excited about how DOTA offers a similar sense of competition and teamwork while buying a tooooootally different game.

tl;dr -- I'm new to DOTA and PC gaming in general and I feel way in over my head, but so far it seems cool?

First off, yes, halo, good taste.

Coming from the same background I understand perfectly what you mean. You can learn keyboard shortcuts for interactions. F4 opens the store menu (you dont need to click on the shopkeeper), F3 makes the courier deliver your items to you for example.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the warm welcome, yall. Feel free to add me on Steam: kittens_dx.

F4 opens the store menu (you dont need to click on the shopkeeper), F3 makes the courier deliver your items to you for example.
Oh sweet, both of those sound really helpful.
Man, Valve really did a number on this game this week. No hero has lip syncing, music cuts out at random or doesn't even play. Certain sound effects don't play consistently.

Hopefully they sort this tonight, this is really bad.
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