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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


Corporate Apologist
Why is that so common? I don't understand how someone can look at a lineup of 4 heroes and go, "you know what this lineup needs.... MORE BLOODSEEKER!" There are very few situations where that hero is the answer to a teams potential problems. I see more out of place last pick Bloodseekers than any other hero in the game.

I somewhat get he was going for "Bloodseeker = Weaver Counter", but it was so not helpful.


Corporate Apologist
Wouldn't picking someone like bounty hunter or slardar be better for that? Or even better yet just pick someone with a disable and buy dust?


Also, reading the LoL wiki trying to figure out which Champ I want to try and port with the mod tools next, I find the fact that this if the first line a bit funny.
Aatrox, the Darkin Blade is a champion in League of Legends [1].

↑ Aatrox's profile page at Leagueoflegends.com

I mean, I guess you shouldn't assume, but I find it amusing they have to state which game she belongs to, and they reference it (Only reference on the page to boot)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The League wiki is horrible. They should take a page out of the DOTA 2 wiki and clean up all the useless fluff, while compiling a list of balance changes so people can see how a given Champ has changed over time.


Corporate Apologist
The League wiki is horrible. They should take a page out of the DOTA 2 wiki and clean up all the useless fluff, while compiling a list of balance changes so people can see how a given Champ has changed over time.

Fun Fact: The summery of Balance Changes as their own section on each page was my initiative. I did all the Strength Heroes in April 2012 (Was called "Ability Change Log" initially), and other people finished it for me before I got around for writing it up for Agility/Int heroes. Some people put stuff that goes way far back though, where I was stopping at like 6.70 since that was the version Dota was at when the Dota 2 project started.

Also, the League wiki does do that I think, they just put it in a really dumb spot, the Background Page:


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Why is that so common? I don't understand how someone can look at a lineup of 4 heroes and go, "you know what this lineup needs.... MORE BLOODSEEKER!" There are very few situations where that hero is the answer to a teams potential problems. I see more out of place last pick Bloodseekers than any other hero in the game.

One of the guys I stack with only plays like half a dozen heroes. The most non-effort, single-hotkey, retard-proof heroes in the game, like BlyatCyka, Bristle, PA, Viper, WK, etc. He gives literally no fucks what the composition of his team is, he's picking one of those heroes and doesn't give a damn if we lose because of it.


How to kill a Sven who blink initiates with bkb and crit kills everyone in two hits? :(

We tried to smoke gank like a million times but stupid Lion or Razor or Jugg would be out of position and blow our cover before we could get to him :(

For the curious: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/847323256

Kind of a noob level game as the DP and Zeus are like brand new to the game.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I wish just once instead of getting a midas, Draskyl would get fighting items and go ham early in a game instead of ricing for a half hour while his team feeds.
How to kill a Sven who blink initiates with bkb and crit kills everyone in two hits? :(

Wouldn't having Omni on your team shut him down? Even if you don't get perfect ult timings you can bully the hell out of him in lane.

Sven's actually very hard to get started on, especially compared to carries more prominent in the meta like PA or Void. He absolutely needs a BKB or else he gets kited or disabled, and he needs damage items to do the necessary amount of damage, and he needs blink to be able to initiate. PA gets damage and initiation for free and void gets disable and initiation for free. Plus he only gets one stun during the laning phase before he's tapped for mana.


Wouldn't having Omni on your team shut him down? Even if you don't get perfect ult timings you can bully the hell out of him in lane.

Omni ult helped a couple times, definitely. It's not like we couldn't kill him we were just getting out-initiated a lot of the time with his aoe stun. I was against him mid as Drow, and he was stunning a lot early game when I was at full health so I took him for a new player because I know as well as you do that once he uses it once or twice he's out of mana, but he was managing his bottle charges well. I let my guard down against him and started ganking lanes early. We were getting kills but he got ahead in levels, got blink early, and started going to town on us. Sven got the first Rosh and then after that it seemed like every time we would get lanes pushed out Rosh wouldn't be respawned, they'd push lanes back and then he'd be up and Sven would get him. Sven got like 3 or 4 aegis' so it was doubly hard to try and keep him down.


Bull on a Donut
Omni ult helped a couple times, definitely. It's not like we couldn't kill him we were just getting out-initiated a lot of the time with his aoe stun. I was against him mid as Drow, and he was stunning a lot early game when I was at full health so I took him for a new player because I know as well as you do that once he uses it once or twice he's out of mana, but he was managing his bottle charges well. I let my guard down against him and started ganking lanes early. We were getting kills but he got ahead in levels, got blink early, and started going to town on us. Sven got the first Rosh and then after that it seemed like every time we would get lanes pushed out Rosh wouldn't be respawned, they'd push lanes back and then he'd be up and Sven would get him. Sven got like 3 or 4 aegis' so it was doubly hard to try and keep him down.

-Don't clump so he can't AoE stun/cleave
-Force staffs and ghost scepters make his life hell
-Omni ult can nullify all of Sven's damage, not to mention repel will block his stun
-If Zeus ultis before Sven can bkb, it will put his blink on CD and you guys can get some favorable initiation, though admittedly, this is harder to pull off and relies on you guys having good ward vision and knowing when you want to jump in and pick fights.


relies on auto-aim
How do you lose with Aghs Refresher Omni and Tide?

Omni stays WAY THE FUCK AWAY. Fuck it even in fucking base if he is getting caught. Sniper perma bashing with rapier crits can lock tide or omni down or they can die to Eth Blade Aghs Lion if no BKB.

I'd have to watch the teamfights and it's late so I'm not going to. Don't know if you bought gem late to make sure you never fight under their vision.

Skadi on DP if she had GPM or Drow to slow Sven through BKB. Then disables to followup and control their disables.


-Don't clump so he can't AoE stun/cleave
-Force staffs and ghost scepters make his life hell
-Omni ult can nullify all of Sven's damage, not to mention repel will block his stun
-If Zeus ultis before Sven can bkb, it will put his blink on CD and you guys can get some favorable initiation, though admittedly, this is harder to pull off and relies on you guys having good ward vision and knowing when you want to jump in and pick fights.

Thanks for the tips. Force staff definitely crossed my mind a few times during the game, and ghost scepter was about the farthest thing from my mind since I was a right-click hero but yeah, that would have helped a ton.

Didn't even consider using Zeus ult to put his blink on c/d, that's a hot tip.


Shaper Divine
I wanna get my party MMR up, but I know no-one to party ranked with me (probbaly cause I'll drag them into the abyss)

Soloqueue in Au is like playing russian roulette with a 5 bullet barrel :<
How to kill a Sven who blink initiates with bkb and crit kills everyone in two hits? :(.

The trick to countering Sven is not to let him get going. He requires a lot to be effective, basically a BKB, MoM, and Daedalus or at least a Crystalys. That's 8000 Gold worth of items. He also really needs a Blink to be effective so we're looking at 10000+ Gold, plus Treads which amounts to ~12000 Gold to really come online. Now, he works decently well for ganks once he has just a Blink because his stun is nice and so is Battle Shout or Warcry or whatever it's called.

Basically, stop him from being effective early on. To have a well timed Blink + Treads + MoM he needs ~400-500 GPM, so pick heroes that are very good at harassing him. If he doesn't have his necessary items by about 15 minutes odds are you've got him beat. You want good disables and good initiation. Punish him for getting out of position and keep him away from creep waves. Heroes that are good against even a fed Sven would probably be PA, Void, Omni, Slark, Bane, Enigma--really anything that can mitigate his damage and/or disable through BKB. Void is probably the best Carry Counter in the game considering as long as you get them in a Chrono and have at least decent farm any hero is dead.

Whenever a hero is punishing you via initiation odds are your ward vision is crap. No other way to put it. Unless they are smoke ganking every time, if you are getting roflstomped and a Blink Sven is catching your entire team out of position, you have bad vision.

TLDR: Punish him in lane and hinder his farm, he needs too many items too early to be really effective, and ward better to prevent unfavourable initiation.


Armories can now go over 40 pages?

This is news to me - I just tried an expander assuming it wouldn't work. Was this documented? Based Valve.

edit: I'm dumb I guess - I swore it was capped, apparently you can use 90 something expanders.



When did Riot start making couriers for Dota?


Is it even physically possible for Balanar to jungle?

He can farm ok once it is night, especially if you abuse some trees to fight only a creep at a time . Luckily we managed to kill their offlane twice in those 4 minutes of daytime (but I still went to jungle level 3 only). Not that I recommend this, but pudge was already like "gg, we lost, son mancos yo no sé porque jugo con este tipo de gente" or something like that.


razor is a free win right now everybody. Just a PSA before 6.82.

Also had a team last night that was GGing all the time while we had an AM with good farm. After every lost team fight, which they overextended into the enemy's jungle for, they said "AM WHY NOT AT TEAM FIGHTS????" I was like, game isn't over, we have an AM, they have a viper and a nightstalker, he is farming, please stop quitting just because you are terrible. We won, hopefully those turds learned something.


Anyone else still of the opinion that Ember is broken as hell?

Despite the nerf he got to his chains he still feels ridiculously powerful. His skillset is absurd. I honestly think they need to change how sleight of fist is effected by unique attack modifiers, because the amount of damage he does in an aoe on a 6(?) second cooldown is absolutely absurd. Even Tidebringer doesn't do that much damage and it requires you to cleave off of something AND you aren't invincible for the duration of it.

If I was going to change something it would be that he can no longer chains while using sleight of fist. The range is too big on it and it's where he gets most of his kills. This would force you to make a decision between using your ultimate offensively or defensively, since you wouldn't be able to freely lock down targets from a mile away and just stride up to them.

Hero needs another nerf in some way, he's still dumb as fuck.

Yes I just lost to an Ember and yes I'm madandbad...but the point still stands


Anyone else still of the opinion that Ember is broken as hell?

Despite the nerf he got to his chains he still feels ridiculously powerful. His skillset is absurd. I honestly think they need to change how sleight of fist is effected by unique attack modifiers, because the amount of damage he does in an aoe on a 6(?) second cooldown is absolutely absurd. Even Tidebringer doesn't do that much damage and it requires you to cleave off of something AND you aren't invincible for the duration of it.

If I was going to change something it would be that he can no longer chains while using sleight of fist. The range is too big on it and it's where he gets most of his kills. This would force you to make a decision between using your ultimate offensively or defensively, since you wouldn't be able to freely lock down targets from a mile away and just stride up to them.

Hero needs another nerf in some way, he's still dumb as fuck.

Yes I just lost to an Ember and yes I'm madandbad...but the point still stands

I'm hesitant to agree because like most carries he can be shut down. If you gank him pre level 6 hes kinda fucked. And if it does go late an orchid fucks him up, he doesn't want to buy bkb. If you don't have the kind of thing to deal with him it's more down to them just having the better draft that game. He is very strong tho.
Anyone else still of the opinion that Ember is broken as hell?

Despite the nerf he got to his chains he still feels ridiculously powerful. His skillset is absurd. I honestly think they need to change how sleight of fist is effected by unique attack modifiers, because the amount of damage he does in an aoe on a 6(?) second cooldown is absolutely absurd. Even Tidebringer doesn't do that much damage and it requires you to cleave off of something AND you aren't invincible for the duration of it.

If I was going to change something it would be that he can no longer chains while using sleight of fist. The range is too big on it and it's where he gets most of his kills. This would force you to make a decision between using your ultimate offensively or defensively, since you wouldn't be able to freely lock down targets from a mile away and just stride up to them.

Hero needs another nerf in some way, he's still dumb as fuck.

Yes I just lost to an Ember and yes I'm madandbad...but the point still stands

Idk orchid or any other silence just megashits on him, and since he can't dominate early game anymore like before it's a lot harder to snowball or get an early battlefury up.

+ while he's sleight of fist ing a creepwave he leaves this convenient little remnant behind that says 'murder here' which makes him quite susceptible to a blink stun or blink silence.

He doesn't build agi items like many other carries so he has little armor and is quite squishy when you cc him in any way, nor does he build into any meaningful amount of hp.
He doesn't build attack speed either so his right clicks while he is silenced aren't half as scary as most other carries.

Also remember that any time he remnants in he is pretty much fully committed (like a qwop who just blinked in)
If he gets to build a battlefury and daealus and another big item , well at that point most other carries would be terrifying too (and probably have a bkb)
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