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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


new VP so good

Yeah, they're pulling off some nice moves this game. That said, they just bollocked up that fight, but I'm more impressed with them than NaVi so far.


just run the spiderling through the mine and it blows up right

the real answer to techies is a hard support with sentry wards… lots of sentry wards. Do mines give gold when you kill them?

In addition to hero counters lets talk about the best place to put mines there for the best place to put sentries to spot mines.

side shop, seret shop, runes, pathways from safe lane to jungle. high ground/lowground transitions.

I think radiant ancient ward, the lane wards that overlook the river, and side shops are probably the best place to put sentries starting out. And then just avoid the pathways from jungle to safe lane until you can afford more sentries.

Also FYI mines are composite so magic immune heroes like life stealer and juggr will still take damage. Also probably huskers resistance wouldn't help too much. Mines do more damage the closer you are the center when they blow up… so if you're careful you can stand just on the outside radius and only take half damage.

Mines give no bounty. buying sentry only works if you know where the mines were placed in the first place. Best place I have noticed when playing in bot games with them is divided into 3 categories:

1) for the first mines which you want to stack I think the best spots are:

-rune spots
-near high grounds in the jungle to make invasion harder
-In jungle camps spawn (i just thought of this, they'll will be great vs junglers since they never despawn unless the limit has been reached, unless ranged jungler or walking over the camp to demine if melee which at least will hurt their early jungling alot).
-Early on in lanes to clear creep waves easily (not stacked tho, I feel like staggering them does a better job clearing waves).
-On enemy towers, seriously. These mines do so much damage to towers its not even funny. Lategame if you push you can use your ult to instagib creep waves and then use your first mine to then destroy the towers.
-In the paths near the t1 towers mid from which smoke ganks usually come from if you're confident it will happen and want an easy first blood/kill/double kill. The way I see it is you need to bait people into your mines alot and what better bait then a low hp int hero with horrible base damage and the worst movement speed in the game?
-in a combo with your ult mine if you have setup from eul and/or teammates with stuns (1350 dmg)

2) stasis traps:

-Near high grounds to cover a retreat
-Spam these behind your team while pushing, it prevents a wraparound and covers your teammates when running away [note: i dont think it possible to clear them without getting stunned so thats a plus]
-in the trees next to the t1 mid so you can juke a gank by running into the trees for an easy escape or a potential turn around kill
-In the paths next to the t1 towers to prevent smoke ganks (smokes still trigger mines)
-behind towers when sieged and you expect the tower to go down so if they dive you behind your soon to be or destroyed tower you can get an easy fight because of the 3/4/5/6 seconds stun and potentially a 6/8/10/12 seconds stun if you place another one timed well enough after the first one (stasis destroy other stasis traps when exploded, but not when you place one after the other I think, will need to test when I get back).
-As follow up after eul's or teammates stacking stuns (you need a 4 sec total time to stun).

3) Your ult, the remote detonated mines

-Near a tower you think the enemy team will push soon (stacking a bunch for an easy rampage if they have no detection)
-In spots you expect low hp enemies to run through after escaping a gank or running away after a bad teamfight (ex: place it in the path between their t1 and t2 lane early game to secure easy kills)
-Put one in each lane to clear a creepwave (lvl 16 +aghs clears a wave instantly, its great)
-As follow up after your team initiated (with aghs you can throw it from a safe range for an easy 750 magic burst) or after a euls mine + ult combo

Gem doesn't work on the bear.

Sorry about the confusion. When I say bear I usually refer to both lone druid and his bear.

shocking lol. I think this has to be one of the most expected announcement in dota history.


don't count on it, our admin only schedules one game a month
Well it's not like there's a 15 matchday round robin league to go through or anything.

At this rate Blackmoore can time the final to coincide with the International 5 qualifiers.


Man, I miss pre-nerf Treant. The hero is still really fun, if only because I can all chat "I am Groot", but living armor used to be so much more spammable.

Still pretty rewarding keeping up all the T1's through intense pushing. I feel like even if you can do nothing else as treant, spamming living armor can pull the team through.


Neo Member
Just started this game today and boy I don't know if I will be able to stick with it. I'm only doing the tutorial and it's giving me some trouble. I really like it and I can see myself really getting into but man. I can only imagine playing a real player. I would get slaughtered . I'm so slow!! And I die... A lot.


Just started this game today and boy I don't know if I will be able to stick with it. I'm only doing the tutorial and it's giving me some trouble. I really like it and I can see myself really getting into but man. I can only imagine playing a real player. I would get slaughtered . I'm so slow!! And I die... A lot.
It takes a lot of practice to become competent at the game. Even the best pros went through it in their starting days, but with no tutorial.
Just started this game today and boy I don't know if I will be able to stick with it. I'm only doing the tutorial and it's giving me some trouble. I really like it and I can see myself really getting into but man. I can only imagine playing a real player. I would get slaughtered . I'm so slow!! And I die... A lot.

After a month you'll still be terrible and die a lot.

But if you really like it already, I can tell you you'll only grow to love it more and more.

Keep with it.
Just started this game today and boy I don't know if I will be able to stick with it. I'm only doing the tutorial and it's giving me some trouble. I really like it and I can see myself really getting into but man. I can only imagine playing a real player. I would get slaughtered . I'm so slow!! And I die... A lot.

It's not that bad the game has matchmaking to match you up with players of similar skill, so it's not like you'll be playing against good players (maybe for your first couple of games because it doesn't know your skill yet)


Neo Member
I picked that I've played RTS games before. Does that really do any thing? Thats pretty cool it matches you up with similar skilled players. I'm gonna try to stick with it. Just gotta find the time. Job and twins on the way. I guess I could have picked up something with a less curve for learning. Always wanted to give it a go. It looked fun while watching brad from GB playing it.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Someone should make a list of not very apparent things that make the game more enjoyable for beginnings. Like A-clicking friendly creeps to drop tower aggro and tapping the hotkey for teleport scrolls twice to go back to fountain without having to click the minimap.
I picked that I've played RTS games before. Does that really do any thing? Thats pretty cool it matches you up with similar skilled players. I'm gonna try to stick with it. Just gotta find the time. Job and twins on the way. I guess I could have picked up something with a less curve for learning. Always wanted to give it a go. It looked fun while watching brad from GB playing it.

If you want, add me and the rest of scrubgaf and we can play some friendly matches together: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rayzertag
Just started this game today and boy I don't know if I will be able to stick with it. I'm only doing the tutorial and it's giving me some trouble. I really like it and I can see myself really getting into but man. I can only imagine playing a real player. I would get slaughtered . I'm so slow!! And I die... A lot.

If you're having fun, keep playing.

Then play enough to where it's not fun and you can't stop.

Lots of good resources out there for new players if you're interested. Purge, Merlini etc..


1,600 mana in an instant to effectively remove any hero from the game. Daym.

Yah, I think that game showcased how powerful aghs is for Sky. You absolutely need a mana pool big enough to support it, but if you do he's actually amazing late game (especially as bkbs will be running low)

Edit: I'd like to give props to Jotm though, he countered relocate excellently by dunking Dendi and Vanskor the second they arrived in a few fights. Couldn't do it every fight tho.


Vanskor seemed fine but I thought Fng played really well after he fed those two first deaths. He did end up like 1/15/19 but a lot of that was the swaps and its not like venge dying is a bad thing with the aura after she gets her spells off


Ffs. I just fell for that stupid phishing scam going around at the minute. I never fall for these damn things but I wasn't thinking.

Someone added me and said their friend wanted to trade and gave me their steamcommunity ID link.. not thinking anything of it I went to it and tried to log in. Since it's a fake site I assume it grabbed my password from the off. Then it said Steamguard needs to be verified with a new executable file. Again, somehow my usually cautious self thought nothing of it because it looked legit and I wasn't thinking. So now there's probably some stupid malware on my computer.

I want to change my password but the ONLY way to do it is through the Steam app on my PC which I suspect is compromised so there's no point changing it yet. I've locked my account so they can't trade anything if it has indeed been compromised. Ugh.

Anyone heard of/had this happen? I'm wondering if there's anything I can run to check and get rid of this or if I should just wipe the damn computer.


Ffs. I just fell for that stupid phishing scam going around at the minute. I never fall for these damn things but I wasn't thinking.

Someone added me and said their friend wanted to trade and gave me their steamcommunity ID link.. not thinking anything of it I went to it and tried to log in. Since it's a fake site I assume it grabbed my password from the off. Then it said Steamguard needs to be verified with a new executable file. Again, somehow my usually cautious self thought nothing of it because it looked legit and I wasn't thinking. So now there's probably some stupid malware on my computer.

I want to change my password but the ONLY way to do it is through the Steam app on my PC which I suspect is compromised so there's no point changing it yet. I've locked my account so they can't trade anything if it has indeed been compromised. Ugh.

Anyone heard of/had this happen? I'm wondering if there's anything I can run to check and get rid of this or if I should just wipe the damn computer.

Did you somehow execute the downloaded file?
If yes, I would bother making a fresh install after saving a few important files and checking them with an antivirus scanner.
If no, you could still be infected but it is less likely.


It wasn't available in DotaTV. You can check Joindota's twitch, but it will likely be muted zzz.

ugh that sucks. I hope joindota provides a youtube vod later.

No carry line ups work so rarely

Do you mean no hard carries? Because theres plenty of semy carry heroes that can be played both support and semi carry (earthshaker, windrnager, etc).

You just need an early lead which you can get pretty well if you are all supports and capitalize on your early game advantage or have supports with ults or abilities that goes through bkb like Warlock. MVP Phoenix had a game with a core safelane warlock against vp in the qualifiers and it worked pretty well imo with the quick aghs refresher.


Did you somehow execute the downloaded file?
If yes, I would bother making a fresh install after saving a few important files and checking them with an antivirus scanner.
If no, you could still be infected but it is less likely.

Yes because I'm a complete moron QQ

How on earth did I fall for this god damn thing.


One question? There are so many heros!!! Which one is more beginner friendly or are they the same pretty much?

when you get familiar with a good amount of the heroes from the picture wok posted a fun gamemode to try is single draft. It lets you pick from 3 heroes randomly picked for you so you can avoid heroes you are not confident with and try new ones.


One question? There are so many heros!!! Which one is more beginner friendly or are they the same pretty much?
I don't recommend the limited hero mode, but the heroes there are straightforward and to the point, without any spells that are incredibly complicated.

Generally avoid heroes like Meepo, Chen, Invoker, and Tinker of course, but also heroes like Anti-Mage, where you need a good concept of split pushing, farming, and checking enemy mana, Faceless Void, where a bad ultimate can screw your team.

One day I'm going to make a chart of all the heroes sorted by difficulty to beginners.
One question? There are so many heros!!! Which one is more beginner friendly or are they the same pretty much?

Here are some suggestions for easy-to-pick-up heroes in each role (you'll learn about roles eventually). Just look up heroes on the wiki and play a bot match with them if they seem fun.

Support: Lich(!), Lion, Jakiro
Carry: Wraith King(!), Drow Ranger, Juggernaut(?), Luna(?)
Mid: Viper, Sniper, Razor(?)
Offlane: Bristleback, Tidehunter(?)
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