Dumb decisions make for entertaining Dota.
better than dumb boring chinese doto
Dumb decisions make for entertaining Dota.
Dumb decisions make for entertaining Dota.
Silly decisions make for entertaining Dota.
toby do you even breathe?
And Valve is still working on Labor Day folks.
Give me dumb doto that lasts an hour and has almost 100 kills over dumb doto that's over in 15 mins.
better than dumb boring chinese doto
Why doesn't Dendi use Refresher right after triggering Exorcism? Wouldn't it reduce the cooldown overall?
It's not like Razor, it doesn't stack.
Makes sense to me.Yeah, but you use Ult -> refresh and when it goes out use Ult again. You have now 45 seconds less cooldown on Refresher than if you use it AFTER ult is finished. right?
Yeah, but you use Ult -> refresh and when it goes out use Ult again. You have now 45 seconds less cooldown on Refresher than if you use it AFTER ult is finished. right?
Yeah, but you use Ult -> refresh and when it goes out use Ult again. You have now 45 seconds less cooldown on Refresher than if you use it AFTER ult is finished. right?
Sometimes you don't want to commit on that.
Save his double sheep.
I wonder if they're working to try and get this out tonight.
The issues in the Test Client aren't really blockers, most are just odd interactions between mines and stuff, no major crashes or anything that seems like it should prevent their release.
And Valve is still working on Labor Day folks.
I don't think they mandate work dates, rather you come in on your own schedule (work participation is determined by peer review). The only time I think Valve is ever closed all over is during their annual Hawaii vacation.
Is it me or does Mirana have a keemonomimi tail? Anuxi plz
Do they normally update the Private Beta continuously for the little test client fixes? With the amount of work they put in over the weekend I was allowing myself some hope that there was actually more to come.
This close to release, imagine they're eager to get it out.I don't think they mandate work dates, rather you come in on your own schedule (work participation is determined by peer review). The only time I think Valve is ever closed all over is during their annual Hawaii vacation.
I don't know
But there is one blocker, the sign Arcana ability triggers spell effects. I really think that sign ability thing needs to be re-evaluated, it doesn't sit well with me and it seems I'm not the only one.
According to reddit in the dev forums they have said that it is visible to enemies as well, only one sign and 120 secs. cooldown.If it's only visible to you and allies it doesn't matter.
According to reddit in the dev forums they have said that it is visible to enemies as well, only one sign and 120 secs. cooldown.
If it's only visible to you and allies it doesn't matter.
That to me, should quell any fears about this having any effect on the game. If you could have several of them and constantly play mind games, that would be much different.
That to me, should quell any fears about this having any effect on the game. If you could have several of them and constantly play mind games, that would be much different.
It's visible to everyone
Which is why I think they should pull it until they can consider it a little more. Once it's out there, they're not going to be able to easily change it.
I want a link to the forum post where a dev said this.
- you can charge sticks with placing of this sign
- Curse of the Silent and Last word have an interaction with "Minefield Sign"
- Enemy CAN see the sign
- Rubick CAN'T steal this ability
- you dont have a collision and can't have physical interaction with this sign
- sign dont block creeps, neutral camps or narrow ways(you dont have a collison)
- Earth Spirit CAN'T interact with a sign
- Sign will NOT give you any vision around
- Sign don't have any interaction with Nether Ward
A dev didn't say anything, this is from testing in the test client. If you don't believe testing, I don't know what to tell you.
guidos vs team trasher, match of the ages, should be up in a min or two because of delay
panel cast with me, procarbine, bzm, and gofu
That's pretty well done, its a shame she cheaped out on the stitching when she already went so far.
this has no chance of happeningSo I should buy the Arcana before Valve pulls an Alpine Techies?
Does she have a Blizzard tattoo under her arm? Incoming lawsuit if so...
in practice it seems like something that gives you a minor advantage only and that can lead to mistakes.
so where does the expression "I'm panicking" come from? From the voice I'd say dota cinema, but any video in particular?
edit: nvm found it