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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana



Another patch up. For 'murica.

Another chest, matt's gonna b busy

Feeder Eater

I don't see the new chest on the store :/
sigh..so we only get the normal qualities..and people that attended the show gets Genuine ?! ;_; volvo pls....we funded that damn 10mil :(

but fine by me :(


So those TI4 items, can you only buy them in person?

EDIT: The new Primeval Prophet looks amazing! When is the Enigma Eidolon due?


Any ideas why the market isnt flooded as fuck with the new sets? Most only have 30 units for sale. Pls item whores buy many chests so i can get the sets cheap :(



(from left to right)

Jacky "EternalEnvy" Mao - carry: Luna, Wraith King, Drow Ranger
Johan "PieLieDie" Åström - support: Io, Crystal Maiden, Shadow Demon
Weh "SingSing" Sing Yuen - carry: Mirana, Ember Spirit, Kunkka, Alchemist
Kurtis "Aui_2000" Ling - support: Visage, Chen, Jakiro, Enigma
Pittner "Bone7" Armand - carry: Puck, Nyx Assassin, Clockwerk, Batrider

Accomplishments: 1st MLG, 2nd Dreamleague, 5-6th at D2L, 5-8th at ESL One.

Cloud9 are one of the most inconsistent teams in Dota. One day they are unbeatable, the next day they lose terribly. Formed as Kaipi late last year, they went through the name Speed Gaming winning MLG Columbus with Arteezy standing in for Bone7. Since then, they have been picked up by C9, a major e-sports club, and placing in most major LAN tournaments. Lately, they have been looking out of their depth against EG, Alliance, and most of China. They will go into TI4 with potential to cause some upsets, but they aren’t one of the favorites by any means.

Cloud9 tend to draft lineups that synergise together well, often theorycrafting to the point they are often called out for relying on cheesy strats to win games. Envy and Aui are both known for being obsessive over small mechanical details. In Aui’s case, this makes him an excellent jungling support, as he has excellent efficiency and micro skills. In Envy’s case, he stretches the potential of his hero in any situation to its limits. This leads to many situations where he does something that amazes in its audacity, but just as often if not moreso, leads him to feed kills. For this reason he has become synonymous with C9’s inconsistencies. PieLieDie has been struggling for form recently, often giving away first blood and not having the impact he should be in games. He will need to improve to his MLG level if C9 are to go far. SingSing is sometimes at fault for being too quiet, not making enough mid game plays, for someone in the mid role. But Sing can occasionally takeover games by himself. He also tends to end up just as farmed as Envy. Bone7, lastly, has been in top form as of late. The control of the mid game often falls on his shoulders, and as his best heroes are initiators, this should be no surprise. Whenever watching C9, keep your eye on Bone7, as he will be the one making amazing plays.

What to say when C9 are winning: SINGUUUU!!!, No mercy from EE-sama, BONE7 KREYGASM, how the fuck is Aui so farmed???, EE getting carried again lol.
What to say when C9 are losing: Mercy given by EE, lol envy, PieLieCry, Clown9, Sing is just not that good, kick EE win TI5.
- Razzer


(from left to right)

Chong Xin "Ohaiyo" Khoo - carry: Nature's Prophet, Batrider, Elder Titan
Ng "YamateH" Wei Poong - carry: Queen of Pain, Leshrac, Storm Spirit
Wai Pern "Net" Lim - support: Sand King, Lion, Rubick
Joel "XtiNcT" Chan Zhan Leong - support: Enchantress, Chen, Visage, Leshrac
Kang Yang "ky.xy" Lee - carry: Invoker, Magnus, Mirana, Naga Siren

Accomplishments: 1st GEST SEA, 1st MSI Beat It Cup, 1st joinDota League Season 1 Asia

Titan is the sole team from the SEA region to earn a direct invite this year and are 4/5 players of last year's 3rd place team - Orange. The missing player, however, is Mushi, probablyTI3's MVP and one of the best mid players in the world. Titan initially struggled with his departure, struggling to find a fitting teammate. In the end Yamateh joined them, a legend in his own right. He was the one of the first non-Chinese players that was respected (and feared) by the Chinese teams and fans, and earned the nickname Y-God.

Titan's strengths are the high individual skill of their players, which often enables them to win their lanes and snowball into an early victory. On the flip side, their late game decision making is often very shaky, the team has a history of losing games in the late game against Chinese teams. Ky.xy is also known for cracking under pressure.

What to say when Titan are winning: Y-GOD, Stay in the trees!
What to say when Titan are losing: kyxY can only deny things, Don't stay in the trees!
- close to the edge


1 = main meepo
2 = all other meepos
3 = 2&3 meepo
4 = 4&5 meepo

I haven't quite gotten the hang of making the most of my first extra meepo (like keeping one in lane and jungling with one to max out exp/farm) but once you start to get 3-5 it's pretty easy to keep them split up farming separate jungle camps while one is in lane or roaming around with the team to start fights.

I've been meaning to try quick cast with Meepo, but I've gotten pretty good at tabbing thru them all and tab-W-click'ing with them all pretty quick.

I don't have any profound tips for fighting with him other than practice tab-netting spaced out enough so that they don't overlap too much and poof spamming. I'm still practicing with blink poofing which is selecting all other meepos, poofing them to the main meepo, then switching to the main meepo and blinking onto an unaware target right as they all go off. I've been mostly relying on blinking into range, netting a dude, then just walking over to him with the initial meepo while the others poof onto him.

People I group with say I shouldn't get the Mek and that I should let supports handle that, but I find it WAY too useful for farming and I like being the one that can control when I use it in a fight if I need to desperately save one of my meeps from certain doom. It's probably a crutch tho and I probably won't need it if/when I ever get actually good on the hero.

Still, nothing is more fun than surrounding and overwhelming someone with a BKB on with geostrikes. There aren't many heroes that will walk away from a 1v1 engagement with Meepo. He's a really fun hero.

Mek sucks on Meepo, I always go treads/aghs and then make vlads from my basilius. Then either blink/heart depending on if I'm winning or losing. I made a skadi last night instead of that, was fun too.

I'm usually pretty cynical about "gamer swag" or whatever, and find them pretty cringe-worthy, but the secret shop stuff genuinely looks good. Visually interesting even if you don't know anything about the game and doesn't try too hard for inside jokes.


I know Hylian is #1 when it comes to defending Pudge as a hero buy holy shit people who pick him are 99% sure to be legally retarded and unable to understand basic concepts about the game

Pudge crys for mid, goes up vs Slark and feeds the 1st 2 kills. Says its lag when clearly its was him being shit. Comes to offlane and steals my farm so i go mid. Im lvl 4 and Slark is now 7 with a 6 min midas. He snowballs out of control. Pudge - gg team noob ff

This is the worst video game i have ever played and i should probably uninstall it


I know Hylian is #1 when it comes to defending Pudge as a hero buy holy shit people who pick him are 99% sure to be legally retarded and unable to understand basic concepts about the game

Pudge crys for mid, goes up vs Slark and feeds the 1st 2 kills. Says its lag when clearly its was him being shit. Comes to offlane and steals my farm so i go mid. Im lvl 4 and Slark is now 7 with a 6 min midas. He snowballs out of control. Pudge - gg team noob ff

This is the worst video game i have ever played and i should probably uninstall it

Honestly you could probably make that blanket statement replacing Pudge with Invoker, or a bunch of other popular pub mid heroes.

It ain't the hero that's the problem.

Edit: Also Hood is old hat on Pudge, since the advent of Blink and new Tranqs, nobody really buys it anymore on him. Casual cloak at the most, but you shouldn't need a full on hood.

I had yet another crazy Tinker game of carrying our carry to make the game last long enough. Meepo was constantly getting picked off by Lich (dying a total of 16 times). STILL won.



Also Silencer, CM, and PA were drunk/trolling/both. I mean double BF PA, LOL. Silencer beat me mid (which was about what I expected to happen, so I had to catch up elsewhere, and I did). And then their three stack claimed I was a shit player the whole game, even when PA jumped in my face when I had Hex and she had no BKB claiming "I shoudl have gotten more crits" after I killed her.
Is there anyway I can filter recent competitive matches by hero use, so I can rewatch matches were pros play a hero I want to learn?

I want to know more on how/where/when to use venomancer's plague wards, and I'd like to see high-level gameplay of him.


I know Hylian is #1 when it comes to defending Pudge as a hero buy holy shit people who pick him are 99% sure to be legally retarded and unable to understand basic concepts about the game

Pudge crys for mid, goes up vs Slark and feeds the 1st 2 kills. Says its lag when clearly its was him being shit. Comes to offlane and steals my farm so i go mid. Im lvl 4 and Slark is now 7 with a 6 min midas. He snowballs out of control. Pudge - gg team noob ff

This is the worst video game i have ever played and i should probably uninstall it

You an pretty much guarantee that anyone who calls for mid is going to be trash.


I want so many of the items that are gonna be sold at TI4. Everything is gonna be so freaking expensive on the community market. That completely blows. I really want snaggletooth :(


I'm pretty the guy I was 1 vs 1 against was trying to win by boring me to death

guy just stands near his towers 90% of the game and tries to hit me with arrows


Thinking of giving this game a serious go tonight. Should I expect to be called noob a lot?

You'll run into assholes eventually, just mute them if they stress you out.
And remember that if matchmaking is putting them in the same match as you, they probably aren't really any better.


Got a question for those that are going to TI4.

I'm in the process of getting some tickets but they are Will Call only. The seller said they tried to contact Ticketmaster regarding switching the names on the tickets (they bought 4 total in an order), but Ticketmaster says they won't do it.

If I go to Key Arena with the seller which is what appears to be the plan will we be able to change the badge names there? Or how will it ever get tied to my Steam account?
Yeah but dont play with people for a little bit. It might be hard to resist but go through the tutorial. Also make sure you can take out the bots

You'll run into assholes eventually, just mute them if they stress you out.
And remember that if matchmaking is putting them in the same match as you, they probably aren't really any better.

Cheers. I'll give the tutorial a go again tonight
Thinking of giving this game a serious go tonight. Should I expect to be called noob a lot?

I'm only 40 games in, happy to partner up if you want. Maybe start with a couple of games vs bots :)

Steam name's the same as my username here

Anyone else find that often when you type something into the in-game chat and press enter, it doesn't send it and just deletes the message you typed?
Mek sucks on Meepo, I always go treads/aghs and then make vlads from my basilius. Then either blink/heart depending on if I'm winning or losing. I made a skadi last night instead of that, was fun too.

I start with tango, ring of protection, and a quelling blade (or stout shield) depending on lane. I get ring of basilius, treads, and go straight into Vlads. By going Vlads before sceptor I'm able to farm fast and usually have treads, Vlads, and sceptor by 18 minutes. I've found that when I'm going sceptor first I still get it around 18 minutes, but then I have to finish the Vlads.


I got scared as hell when I saw the sets that can be bought at the secret shop.
I want my Father of Dragons set

Guys, what Semi-Carry build do you use for Omni? I have been thrown in the offlane lately, and manage to secure kills AND farm AND levels. I feel going Arcane Boots and Mekanism in those cases might not be the best build. I thought about S&Y, Armlet, Vlad's and then an Aghs.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
Oh boy, Alliance are going to have a rough start looking at the teams they will have to face first.

Their match ups for the first day:
Alliance - IG
Alliance - Titan
Alliance - NewBee
Alliance - Arrow
Alliance - DK

Granted, they're BO1s. If they get a good start they might just steamroll the rest.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
How would I be able to tell if they're warding my jungle? What would I be farming in the jungle, as opposed to lane creeps? (They are all I know).

E: I see above.

Frankly, is it worth the effort if I'm that far behind and the rest of my team is worse? I'm not saying I wouldn't try to fight back, maybe picking shots off from as far away as possible, but at point it's pretty much guaranteed to be a loss, at least from my (admittedly little) experience.
It depends on your team's lineup, but never underestimate the difficulty of pushing uphill into the tower. The one advantage you have when they have you pushed in like that is that you know where they have to be eventually. They're going to need to push into your base, which allows your team to set up for a defensive fight

I've won plenty of games by playing defensively from the base until one fight that kills the entire enemy team and lets us rush out and take their rax
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