How do you play a hero mid when you can't last hit? I'm genuinely asking. How doesn't he get outlaned by any hero? Also, his Q costs a lot of mana and is not spammable, not even with a bottle. I last hit with it occasionally but it's a fairly underwhelming wave clear.
Maybe I'm approaching things from a too competitive point of view, but I can't be bothered to play shit heroes unless I random them.
I'm no expert but I don't think Techies is a hero that goes mid as he needs to be leaving quite frequently to place down mines and traps.
Mana is definitely Techies' major problem. From what I've read on Reddit etc and what I've played on the test client, the main solution is to buy at least 3 clarities at the start of the game and aim to get a Soul Ring as soon as possible. Arcane boots are not as good as you would think and it's probably more efficient to get Tranquils on him (to restore health lost from Soul Ring, and because it's cheaper). Then aim to get 1 or more Void Stones (I usually go for two - one for Eul's, one for Sheep), and then Agh's ASAP.
The aim in the early game is to place traps in common walking routes (such as the side shop or jungle entrances from lane), and this is usually accomplished at the start of the game by getting to a lane ASAP to place down as many mines as possible before the enemy team arrive, by using a TP and clarities. In the laning phase, I'm not really sure of his role, but I think you're basically meant to be in and out of lane, planting mines when the opportunity presents itself. Early on is basically when Suicide Squad is most powerful, allowing you to easily take down weak enemies, but it quickly falls off.
In the mid game, he should be looking to push down towers and to set up traps all over the map, whilst farming gold and experience as much as possible to obtain both more mana regeneration and an Agh's. Suicide Squad can be used to deny yourself if you get caught out, but I don't really think it's worth getting many levels in it - focus on maximising land mines, remote mines and statis traps.
Later on, Techies is an amazing pushing hero, because of his mines and remote mines. The former can damage towers quite significantly and the latter can basically one shot creep waves when you have an Agh's and level 16. He can also put out a lot of damage in team fights thanks to his ultimate, whilst providing some less reliable crowd control with statis traps (which have a ridiculously long stun).