Next time it happens I will. This time I guarantee there were additional, dumb as hell factors that contributed, like our Meepo player, who's a pretty good mid, getting bullied out by an Invoker leading to a dual lane mid and me uncomfortably laning top when I wanted to jungle
I think druid is much better in lane, in my experience. He's actually awesome in the offlane against anything other than strong killing trilanes. You can pull the wave whenever you need to get the creep equilibrium closer to the tower, and the bear is good for spotting the support movements if you don't have a ward. Jungle takes way too long and you can't offer anything for like 25 minutes.
Guys....guys...The patch probably isn't coming until tomorrow, that's just a teaser. I expect nothing tonight.
22 Sep
Dota 2
Auspicious Mega-Kills: GLaDOS
Listing Canceled
Are you sure you just haven't had it listed forever? I think Steam Auto Delists after around 6 months.
Yeah but all of that requires a level of coordination I just don't have, and the current "trial by fire" way I'm being forced to learn is trustrating as fuck
I don't actually get how multi unit control works in this game. I thought I tabbed to switch between controlling different units, but then one fight I hit tab to send the bear in and Druid followed and got himself killed
'Rekindling soul'
Hmmm... Were these baby roshans even used yet?
They were in the files back in March/April, maybe it has to do with them. Probably a SF remake and 6.82 for sure.
Edit: nvm they were part of a Perfect World thing.
played against my first techies so far since the update earlier today and the game was like 1 hour and 19 minutes long cause of all of that turtling stalemating. We eventually won but man it was a tough game
Great. I want to punch something. I just made a dumb mistake that cost us a 40 minute game. Fuck me.
I have no idea how to fucking get over a loss like that. The worst part is I know it was that one mistake that cost us the entire game.
I accidentally Dagoned a Blademail Clockwerk while trying to defend base.
sorry man. personally, I'd blame PA's farm.
sorry man. personally, I'd blame PA's farm.
Great. I want to punch something. I just made a dumb mistake that cost us a 40 minute game. Fuck me.
I have no idea how to fucking get over a loss like that. The worst part is I know it was that one mistake that cost us the entire game.
I accidentally Dagoned a Blademail Clockwerk while trying to defend base.
i will go on a limb here and say Oracle is a girl now :3
I don't think so, but we will see. I actually feel its playing into stereotypes to make Oracle a female, every fictional Oracle I can think of is female. I think the idea of a old dark clocked guy to be an Oracle to actually be a bit original.
Also, for an assignment I am doing, I put in multiple piece of error handling in the event over 100k records are added, despite the fact the format only has an ID space for 1000![]()
I hear you, but.Didn't matter, still could have won I think even though it wasn't super great. AM was hard to deal with, but when he had an Aegis we took both his lives like it was nothing (instant sheep as soon as he revived)
Yeah, that does make sense. I mentally questioned the Battle Fury purchase when it popped up. I think NP was riding on the high he had from the early game.I hear you, but.
I look at AM's farm vs PA's farm. She has 25-minute items in a 40-minute game and no BKB. Then i look at NP's pub-ass item build.
Your team was being kept afloat by you. If you don't ball out, the team loses by 25 minutes anyway. You served as a respirator to a braindead patient.
i will go on a limb here and say Oracle is a girl now :3
Not really screaming out girl to me.
Might not look anything like that anymore but I doubt they'd flip genders during development.
My GTX 980 arrived today. DSR works fine with Dota2, I could down sample from 3840x2160 to my native 1920x1080. 2 really annoying problems though:
1. Some text here and there is shrunk, making it hard to read. Especially frustrating is when you try to use the Steam overlay to chat with friends while in game. The chat windows become really small and text is extremely hard to read.
2. Mouse sensitivity is reduced. Have to move my mouse a lot more to get it to move the same amount.
Graphics-wise I have to say I can't really tell the difference. :/
Oh well.
no pity for tinker pickers
PL buff? Yesssss
he's the weakest of all the illusion carries right now. He really needs something.
Wraith King is my current fav hero too. So fun.I feel like I'm doing pretty good in the level I'm being put in when playing solo, but whenever I play at a higher level, I get absolutely battered
Wraith King destroys this level, fuck knows how I'd be doing if I knew how to play him properly
I have to be close to the fight, or the bear can't attack. 900 range isn't that much, fucking Shadow Fiends and Liches and Templar Assasins all jumping on me
I'll tell you what I'm doing wrong: I'm awful at micro, especially when I have to pay attention to one unit to attack with it but the other unit is the one I have to keep alive.
'why would i waste 4000 gold on an item for one hero' - Ursa commenting on his item choice of not building an MKB against a PA with Butterfly
How deep is the trench again
Wraith King is my current fav hero too. So fun.
Last game was pretty funny, Drow was handing my arse to me (without killing me) with the slowing arrows, but there came a distinct point where I had the strength to just turn the tables, so she had to find someone else to harass. Once you get on top of a low-HP ranged hero with him, it's game over unless they have an instant escape ability![]()
>What do acolytes believe about MMR grinding?
Such behavior is a trap of wordly desires. It is nothing more than empty hedonism and subservience to the rigid shackles of the meta. MMR Addicts get a cheap high the first few times, but quickly develop a tolerance to it, and require higher and higher doses of MMR and MMR Shitposting to get the same "high"
Last game was pretty funny, Drow was handing my arse to me (without killing me) with the slowing arrows, but there came a distinct point where I had the strength to just turn the tables, so she had to find someone else to harass. Once you get on top of a low-HP ranged hero with him, it's game over unless they have an instant escape ability![]()
this literally made me laugh out loud.
Why would I buy an item that counters the enemy hero?
On a side note, I played my first brew master game. He's a pretty fun hero, and his ulti micro is not as hard as it looks. I didn't get aghs in that match though, but I'm trying it in bot games and even that is not too bad. Blink, clap, ulti, clap #2 does a lot of damage... maybe it's just me, it feels like it doesn't always start on the earth panda... maybe I'm just panic tabbing without noticing.
I want legion waifu, tb and erf spirit on cm!