2 bad no dendi
not really
2 bad no dendi
Also, I get to see my golden baby rosh all the time now. I approve.
I think Crimson Guard is interesting because it's a physical equivalent to pipe. So whereas Vanguard just fell off completely and offered nothing beyond tower dives early game, now you can get some good team utility. It will still be a niche item for now probably, but mid game fighting lineups could make it a priority on 1 core.
The problem I see with Crimson Guard (really, the real issue is Vanguard) is that it shares the same cost-space as Blink Dagger and Mek.
The ideal Crimson Guard user is someone who:
1) Wants more HP
2) Doesn't really want Blink
3) Doesn't need to build a Mek because someone else is doing it
4) Doesn't really need stats/damage
5) Doesn't have a bigger and better item to build to
And the intersection of those desires is really really small.
Clock, Bristle, Timber, Phoenix, Viper (?), Weaver
That's about it. I would almost consider it on Pugna after Aghs but I'd just rather work towards Sheepstick.
The problem I see with Crimson Guard (really, the real issue is Vanguard) is that it shares the same cost-space as Blink Dagger and Mek.
And the intersection of those desires is really really small.
Clock, Bristle, Timber, Phoenix, Viper (?), Weaver
NaVi.US is playing with 2 standins so Im pretty sure ppd could just random every pick and win
Confirmed to work
Infinite HP
Also Slardar
So basically the only hero that would want to buy Crimson Guard is Bristle and maybe Axe/Clock.
diffusal on clinkz, yay or nay?
Oh, if we were considering picking up Crimson Guard instead of Blink I wouldn't do that at all. I was just considering the Vanguard > Blink > CG build.
Oh, if we were considering picking up Crimson Guard instead of Blink I wouldn't do that at all. I was just considering the Vanguard > Blink > CG build.i dunno axe wants that blink to
It has a much better build up though compared to blink, and 225 mana cost on mek is nothing to laugh at on a lot of strength heroes.
Blink on Slardar is many times stronger than just about any other early build path you could cook up for him.Also Slardar
Timber wants a blink, maybe Phoenix too
Blink on Slardar is many times stronger than just about any other early build path you could cook up for him.
Timber can get away with not building Blink, it's a matter of preference/situation for him. Don't really see any need for Blink on Phoenix.
Where is Merliniiii???
I need that patch analysis
Icefrog should make it like Divinity: Original Sin where having over some % resistance heals you instead of doing damage ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Icefrog should make it like Divinity: Original Sin where having over some % resistance heals you instead of doing damage ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
In Ability Draft you can recreate Death Ward perma Invis Riki
Two fierce battles so far.
bottle was like 600 since i started playing wc3 dota. Now its 700
end of an era
LC nerfed.
Fuck you IceFrog.
LC nerfed.
Fuck you IceFrog.
Eyes in the Forest is a lovely spell.
Make any area of the map into an enchanted forest with grass growing and a cool mystical glowy effect.
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