It's also unrealistic pictures since they assume like 30k gold lead with 10k total networth from losing teams. In real games is never as big:
VictimLevel = 20
VictimNW = 20 000
EnemyTeamNW = 70 000
AlliedTeamNW = 50 000
NWDifference = ( 70 000 - 50 000 )/ ( 70 000 + 50 000 ) (minimum 0)
NWFactor = 0.166666 * 20 000 = 3 333.33333
So depending how many heroes total are present around the dying antimage, this is how much gold the cm gets, no matter who kills him, this is just assist gold:
1 Hero: Gold = 40 + 7 * 20 + 3 333 * 0.5 = 1846 gold
2 Heroes: Gold = 30 + 6 * 20 + 3 333 * 0.35 = 1316 gold
3 Heroes: Gold = 20 + 5 * 20 + 3 333 * 0.25 = 953 gold
4 Heroes: Gold = 10 + 4 * 20 + 3 333 * 0.2 = 756 gold
5 Heroes: Gold = 10 + 4 * 20 + 3 333 * 0.15 = 590 gold
Also purification damage don't pierce bkb which make no sense since it's esplicitally explained that spell immunity DO NOT block the damage from the spell. Jesus.
So this:
Pierce spell immmunity: No
Damage Type : Pure
Deal no damage to bkb targets (purification), but this:
Pierce spell immunity: No
Damage type : Physical
Does damage (slardar crush)
This fucking make no sense. So unlike what they actually say on the blog, spell immunity actually block damage just by itself. The Magic/Pure damage part it's only involved against spell resists. But this make no sense AGAIN because BKB should give 100% spell resist but still DON'T block spell piercing magic damage spells. UNLESS it's implict that the bkb ability AND the spell resist count as a single ability so if u pierce one u pierce both, but that's confusing as shit.
I guess if there ever was an item that gave spell immunity but not 100% spell resist (new Huskar passive incoming) you could have things like Nukes dealing damage but not stunning (but only AoE ones since i guess u couldn't target spell immune targets anyway).
I'm too confused about this hlep plz.